Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2632: Ding Hao's perception

Chapter 2632 Ding Hao's perception

Chapter 2630 Ding Hao's perception

The so-called map stele turned out to be a map of the world of Guhong!

"Good thing, this is a real good thing!"

In the world of Gu Hong for so many years, Gu Hong once produced a huge map, but with the passage of time, this map was lost.

And there is a huge map, which is carved on many ancient Hong stone steles. If all the ancient Hong stone steles can be found, then the map of the entire ancient Hong world will be collected. This will be useful for Ding Hao to explore the entire ancient Hong world in the future. Great help! It is also essential for finding the plane of the earth!

"Good thing!" On this map, there are not only various buildings from the ancient Hong world, but also altars leading to different life worlds!

"With this map, I will explore the ruins and different worlds left by Gu Hong in the future, which will have a huge effect!"

However, it is a pity that the map that Ding Hao has now is only a piece of the map stele. It will take a lot of trouble to get it completely.

Fortunately, when he got this map stele, cultivators of other life races came up and asked, "My friend, I also have a map stele here. You might as well print the map above each other!"

Ding Hao nodded immediately, "Yes!"

People with different map steles can rub each other and copy each other's map.

In this way, as long as you find people with different steles and help each other, this map will become bigger and bigger!

After getting this map stele, Ding Hao has already taken back three steles, and he has not lost anymore!

"Go on, what else can you get?!"

On the top of this mountain, what appeared in front of me was a huge forest of steles. As soon as I looked over, there was golden light in the forest of steles, all of which were ancient Hong steles!

"These are the ancient Hong stone steles taken out by the palace owner!"

The cultivators who came from the mountain saw a stone tablet in front of them, and their eyes shot greed!

However, the stone stele here cannot be obtained by robbery, but requires learning and understanding! All stone monuments have a protective barrier outside, and only the content in them can be taken away!

"I am very good at cultivation, and it seems that I can take away many ancient Hong stone steles here!"

Ding Hao walked over with confidence, but when he passed, he realized that it was not easy.

"There are so many cultivators here that they cannot stay at all. They pass in front of each stone tablet for a short time! It is impossible to stay in front of a stone tablet for a long time, so it is necessary to take the Gu Hong in front of him within a short time Feelings of the stele!"

If you feel in front of the ancient Hong stone stele for a long time, then most of the strong here can take away the ancient Hong stone stele here; but because there are too many people to stop, it needs to be able to feel it in a very short time. The content!

But even under such harsh conditions, among the cultivators, there are still hidden dragons and crouching tigers.

On both sides of the passage, there were continuous stone steles that suddenly shot out golden light. The practitioner who perceives the stele waved his hand and took the stele into his bag!

"Guhong World, there are really too many strong people! I originally thought that my sentiment ability was very strong, but the strong are like clouds, and there are many life races that are born with superb sentiment ability!"

Ding Hao glanced over, and the contents of the ancient Hong stone steles were very complicated.

However, Ding Hao had a new idea in his heart at this moment.

"Although these ancient Hong stone steles are precious, they can be used as the currency of the ancient Hong world; but what I value more is the content on these stone steles! Some of these content methods are the origin and development of the ancient Hong world, and some are powerful methods and inheritance. !"

"If I can learn the contents of all these stone tablets, even if I can't get this stone tablet, it will be of great benefit to me!"

Thinking of this, Ding Hao made a completely different decision from the others.

That is, when other people are wholeheartedly comprehending the stele, Ding Hao spends his own efforts to keep all the contents of every ancient Hong stele in his heart!

He is not in a hurry to comprehend the content, but to memorize it piece by piece, not seeking understanding, only memory!

Under such circumstances, when he walked through this area, in his mind, the content of the ancient Hong stone stele memorized was like a cow!

Although he does not own these ancient Hong stone steles, the techniques and inheritance on these steles have all been engraved in his mind!

After walking through this area, there is a more cruel competition area in front of it. There is a vast and vast sea. The ancient Hong stone stele appears randomly on the sea. The cultivators fight to fight for a stone stele. The battle is very fierce!

Ding Hao walked to the side alone and released his flying palace.

He did not participate in the killing and competition, but sitting in his flying palace, and began to feel and learn the content of the stone tablet he had recorded before!

Day by day, cruel battles are going on outside.

And in Ding Hao's mind, he felt his skills in his heart. He knew all kinds of fighting skills. In the front area, all the stone tablets he saw were all felt by him!

And outside his flying palace, those fierce battles.

As long as he raised his eyes and looked outside, he would be able to know the principles of the exercises used by these cultivators and their combat skills; he would be able to know more clearly what weaknesses in the exercises these people practiced? What is the next set of combat skills used by these people?

After Ding Hao realized and learned an astonishing number of inheritance techniques, his strength and vision have been amazingly improved!

"That's it! It turns out that learning a large number of Guhong Stone Tablets still has such an effect. The Guhong Stone Tablets really are the root of making us cultivators powerful!"

In the next treasure hunt, Ding Hao still adopted the principle of learning.

When encountering the Gu Hong stele, what he wanted was not fighting and snatching, first of all, the content above; even, he exchanged the Gu Hong stele with others and learned more about the stele content!

Before he knew it, his strength grew stronger, and his figure slowly expanded.

When he came to the last area of ​​Treasure Quest, he had a deeper view of the world of Gu Hong!

"Protoss Ding Hao, I saw you again. How many stone tablets did you get?" Ding Hao saw his friend again. His friend was very excited and said, "I got a total of nineteen ancient Hong stone tablets. Three yuan, I have a net profit of sixteen yuan! A small amount!"

Ding Hao smiled bitterly, "I got a total of 5 stone tablets, except for the three that I paid at the door, I earned two."

The friend laughed, "Then you can't, you are far worse than me!"

At this moment, a huge bald figure appeared in the sky, "Now I declare, the strong man who has obtained and felt the stele!"

(End of this chapter)

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