Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2636: Lord God descends

Chapter 2636 The Lord God Comes

Chapter 2634 the main **** descends

From this incident, Ding Hao clearly saw that in the eyes of Teacher Lie, the closeness is definitely different.

Like Lie, the three seniors in the front have the blood of Gu Hong, but Ding Hao has a different blood, so Lie has a different attitude towards them!

"It seems that this ancient Hong Pagoda is not a long-term residence!"

Ding Hao has this idea in his mind, but currently, he doesn't have much plans!

"At present, my strength and my Protoss can only live here temporarily! Only when the affairs of the sacred world are completely settled, can we solve the Guhong world side!"

At the moment, he led the ancient emperor and others to return again, leading to the altar of the sacred world!

"Open the altar!"

When the altar was opened this time, the situation was much more solemn. Ding Hao personally appeared. All the **** kings present had been practicing in the ancient Hong world for a long time. They were stronger than the **** king in the holy world, many times!

"After opening the altar this time, it will not only usher in a new batch of cultivating gods, but also enter the sacred world and change heaven and earth!"


In the sacred world, the concentric circles formed by countless runes in the midair are spinning.


With a crisp sound, the altar opened for it!

In the huge white light, Ding Hao returned to this world with the ancient gods and kings!

"I have seen the Lord God!" There were as many as thousands of followers of Ding Hao, all of them knelt down on the spot and bowed to Ding Hao.

After Ding Hao descended on the sacred world, he said, "In the sacred world, light and darkness have been broken for a long time. The two powers that should have been alternated, but they were all isolated on one day! They were originally the same race of the gods and became enemies. Continue to evolve! I am now, as the main **** of the two lines of exercises, with the power and ability to restore the sacred world to the ancient system!"

After Ding Hao finished speaking, he sat cross-legged on the spot, first of all, he conveyed his will to the entire sacred world through his hundreds of millions of gods scattered throughout the world!

"Holy world, all my believers, I will soon use my power to restore the ancient system, allowing night and day to alternate; darkness and light are controlled by reincarnation! The two systems of exercises can be practiced. Those who practice Enemy..."

When Ding Hao’s hundreds of millions of idols scattered throughout the world all manifested, they all made the same voice, and the entire sacred world formed a sound resonance. Ding Hao’s words not only shook the Black Moon Holy Land and the Bright Holy Mountain, but also the most remote in this world. Hear all the corners!

At this moment, with the massive spread of the two-line practice, not only the Dark World has a large number of Ding Hao followers, but the Bright World also has an astonishing number of Ding Hao followers. Even on the sacred mountain, there are too many people who secretly believe in Ding Hao!

However, there are some people on the sacred mountain who are particularly stubborn and resolutely reject them.

In the Palace of the Saintess, some Saints cried loudly, heartbreaking, and determined to be the enemy of darkness!

In the crowd of these saints, A Heng, a young girl with long gray hair, looked up to the sky, Chang Feng swayed her long hair, and thought in her heart, is it possible that a catastrophe is coming? Ding Hao, a former good friend and his own teacher, is about to become his enemy, right?

However, at this moment, thunder was rolling in the sky.

Suddenly from the holy mountain, an astonishing amount of sacred power formed countless huge beams of light, reaching the sky!

At the same time, from the dark holy place, there are countless huge black beams of light, like black fountains, rushing into the sky!

The power of darkness and light, under Ding Hao's control, was all in the sky, shaking violently!

This shock is very intense, the sky seems to be torn apart, two different forces collide violently!

At this moment, almost all the people in the entire sacred world walked out of their residences and looked up at the sky in horror.

"How is it possible?" A group of powerful ancient **** kings raised their heads and looked at the sky, and could cause such violent fluctuations in the sky, even if they got together, they couldn't do it at all!

"This is Ding Hao's strength, right?" Ren Ancestor also walked out of his own practice place at this moment, looking up at Tianyu.

Ding Hao, who used to be his disciple, is now so powerful that no one in the entire sacred world is his opponent, and even this sacred world must be changed in his hands!

"This power is too terrifying!" Ding Hao's former friends looked up at the distant sky.

To them, the dusk of the gods is already a doomsday, and the great changes in the world caused by Ding Hao are even more amazing than the dusk of the gods!

Boom boom boom!

The fierce confrontation in the sky began to ease, and the power was no longer violent.

Light and darkness begin to communicate and control the world; the speed of alternation changes from fast to slow.

Night, day, night, day...

Constantly changing, from once in a few seconds, slowly to once in a few minutes, to once in a few hours...

When the sky became quiet, the night became quiet, and the day became noisy, Ding Hao's figure suddenly became extremely large. He floated in the sky and said, "The worlds I have passed through change every 12 hours. The same is true in the sacred world. 12 hours are the cycle of one day, night and day, alternately control, darkness and light, and take turns to dominate! Now, the Lord God of darkness and light invites you to come out and see me!"

Suddenly, two beams of light appeared, and the main **** who controlled the darkness and the main **** who controlled the light all flew to the sky and bowed before Ding Hao.

They have completely surrendered, Ding Hao's power can even change the sacred world, let alone them? Those old and stubborn who refuse to accept change, at this moment, under such power, dare not speak loudly!

Ding Hao went on to say, "Gods of the Holy World, I have officially opened up the passage to the ancient Hong world! Cultivators from this world can enter the ancient Hong world to practice in the future! Whether it is the light or dark elements, or you The two gods who practice the most, everyone is eligible to enter the ancient Hong world to practice! When you enter this higher level world, you will find the so-called difference between light and darkness, which is nothing at all!"

Hearing what Ding Hao said, on the entire sacred mountain of the Light Element, an astonishing number of cultivating gods all knelt down.

In the past 1,000 years, they have long heard that the cultivators of the dark system have entered the ancient Hong world in large numbers!

Why don't they want to enter the ancient Hong world to practice?

It’s just that there has been no chance, and now, Ding Hao puts the opportunity in front of them, how could they not be stupid?

Even the most stubborn saints of the saint palace are starting to think, should they also enter the ancient Hong world to practice?

Just in their doubts, a bright white light fell from the sky!

Many of the Gods of the Light Element were extremely excited and shouted loudly, "Welcome the two main gods, the deity descends on the Holy Mountain of Light!"

(End of this chapter)

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