Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2637: Rebuilding the Sacred Mountain

Chapter 2637 Rebuilding the Holy Mountain

Chapter 2635 rebuilding the holy mountain

"Welcome the two main gods, the deity descends on the sacred mountain of light!"

"Ding Hao, the two-line master god, has come to the holy mountain!"

"The two main gods, Ding Hao is here!"

Suddenly, the entire holy mountain was completely boiling over!

Originally, many strong cultivators on the holy mountain, even the **** king and the ancient **** king, were quietly practicing the two-faculty exercises; these people were very secretive before, and they were afraid of being discovered.

But today is different. Today Ding Hao has walked out of darkness and came into the light, and officially announced that he would change the world!

Under such circumstances, practicing Ding Hao's two-line exercise is not only a shameful shame, but a good thing with foresight!

These people all walked out of the holy mountain and knelt down in front of Ding Hao. They believed in Ding Hao very much, and very much believed in the two-faculty exercises!

Ding Hao stood on the top of the sacred mountain, the highest point of the 300th floor, looking down at the damaged sacred mountain, which has not been repaired yet.

"In the twilight of the gods, the holy mountain was smashed, the powerful gods of the light system were hunted and killed, and the temple of light was destroyed! I once saw a cultivating beast in the endless sea, and promised him, if I Ding Hao When you have the strength, the sacred mountain will be restored and the sacred temple will be rebuilt!"

Ding Hao said that he was about to proceed to the next step.

But from the Palace of the Saints, a group of saints in white walked out, an elderly saint in the lead, and shouted angrily, "Ding Hao, where is my Guangming god, I am sorry, why are you betraying our Guangming? You? Betrayal is betrayal. Why do you want to return to the holy mountain and completely subvert our Light Element? What is your reason?"

Ding Hao turned his head and snorted coldly, "Bright and dark are originally from the same source, the sacred world. It’s good for everyone to practice the sacred law! You short-sighted people can't see the outside world at all! I tell you that the sacred world is far from many foreigners. Life, the gap is already very big! It is lucky that our sacred world has not been invaded by foreigners for so many years...Otherwise, as long as a powerful foreign life comes, the sacred world will perish!"

"Don't be alarmist!" Another saint in white came out and shouted angrily, "You are deliberately using the outside world to scare us, who knows what the outside world is like? You think it's based on some lies. Do you want to rule the entire sacred world?"


Ding Hao smiled faintly, waved his big sleeves, and suddenly dropped a golden ancient Hong stele on the highest peak of the 300th floor of the Holy Mountain!

"This stone tablet is a heritage of the ancient Hong world, and it records a practice! It doesn't matter if you people are short-sighted, but you take a good look at this practice, and wait for you to learn this practice. You are qualified to speak in front of my Ding Hao!"

"What kind of exercise is this?"

"This is a technique from the world of Gu Hong!"

Many sacred mountain cultivating gods' eyes were attracted, and even the white-clothed saints couldn't help but take a look, but they couldn't leave their eyes immediately after seeing it!

Ding Hao took out this exercise from Gu Hong's world, which is very suitable for them to practice. After the first sentence is understood, their vision and strength can be greatly improved!

All the powerhouses present, including the saints in white, are all very visionary. With just a glance, you can understand that this ancient Hong world technique is not nonsense by Ding Hao, but it is indeed powerful!

"Huh! After we learn it, we will become strong, and then come to you for theory!" These saints in white who opposed Ding Hao temporarily settled down and began to practice this ancient exercise.

Ding Hao didn't care about them, and walked directly down the air, step by step, into the rift of the holy mountain.

Back then, Shen Ma once gave him a secret road map in the holy mountain.

Ding Hao had also thought about going to the secret path of the holy mountain to search for treasures, but later as Ding Hao became stronger, the help of these treasures to him was very small, and he did not explore and find them.

Soon after, Ding Hao has come to the most important part of the secret road, where there is a stone chamber, which contains the most basic power of the sacred mountain of light.

"If you want to see the Holy Mountain of Light again and repair the Temple of Light, you must borrow the power here!"

Ding Hao came to this stone room, closed his eyes, and opened the door of the stone room!

Suddenly a huge white light enveloped Ding Hao's body; at the same time, it was called a crazy power, venting outward!

"The sacred mountain of light, one of the two poles of the sacred world, contains the strongest power of the light system of the sacred world here!"

Standing in the white light, Ding Hao said word by word, "Now, with the help of the sacred power here, Ding Hao, the master of my two schools, will restore the sacred mountain to its original state and build a new one; let the sacred temple regain its light. !"

While Ding Hao was talking, the whole ground rolled!

All the cultivating gods who were cultivating Ding Hao's ancient Hong Kong exercises were also alarmed, standing in the temple of the holy mountain, looking out!

I saw that amidst the ups and downs, an astonishing number of golden runes were tumbling like sea water!

"My goodness, this is endless backflow!"

Everyone was stunned. In the dusk of the gods, the holy mountain was broken, and the ancient books hidden in the holy mountain were all turned into golden runes, flowed out, and finally became an endless ocean, besieging an inner world!

For hundreds of millions of years, no one can handle all this.

But after Ding Hao borrowed the power of light, the endless sea turned back, all the runes were once again turned into classics, and the collapsed sacred mountain was re-established, and the cracks that were damaged before are now restored!

Soon, the shaking on the ground stopped, and the complete holy mountain appeared in front of everyone again!

This time, even those saints who opposed Ding Hao all knelt on the ground devoutly, kowtow to restore the complete holy mountain!

For so many years, the things that so many powerful gods of the Light Element have not done have been done by Ding Hao alone. Under such circumstances, will anyone accuse Ding Hao of betrayal? Which traitor will come back to rebuild the holy mountain?

When the construction of the holy mountain is completed, all the beasts that shed in the endless sea will all return to the holy mountain.

Shen Ma was also among them. He understood what was happening before him. He knelt down with excitement and kowtow with tears. "Lord Ding Hao, I didn't expect you to do it. I didn't expect that there will be a day. I didn't expect the Holy Mountain to recover. As it is!"

Ding Hao smiled and said, "Not only will the holy mountain be restored, but even the holy hall will be rebuilt. All the gods of the light type can live in the holy hall in the future! And you town hall beasts, you can also re-employ and sit in the hall. Among them!"

"It's great, it's really great!" Renzu looked at the scene in front of him, walked up excitedly, and said to Ding Hao, "Those people said you were betrayal, but in fact they are stupid! What you are doing now, It really is the beginning of an era, the opening of a new era for the entire sacred world! People in the world of the world, who want to enter the sacred world, have become much easier now. I want to help those people, thank you!"

(End of this chapter)

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