Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2640: Defeated the Dark Saint

Chapter 2640 Defeated the Dark Saint

Chapter 2638 defeating the Dark Saint

"Is this the world of Guhong?" The first generation of dark saints looked at the world in front of them, and was also very curious. "At the beginning, I also studied at the Guhong site for many years, but I didn't open the world of Guhong. It was done by you!"

Ding Hao said, "Senior Dark Saint, if your deity can receive your message, you can notify her and return to the sacred world! Here, there are already a large number of cultivating gods regularly entering the ancient Hong world, if she enters the ancient Hong world , The future is boundless!"

"Well, you are right!"

The first generation of Dark Saint nodded, her face straightened, and she said, "Now don't talk about other things. If you can defeat me, you will be able to completely control the Black Moon Palace! I will not be merciful to you!"

Ding Hao looked calm and said calmly, "Senior, please!"

In the next second, on the body of the Dark Saint, a raging fighting spirit suddenly rose; at the same time, Ding Hao, standing in front of her, was invisible and slowly growing!

"Ding Hao, come to fight!"

The Dark Saint suddenly yelled, took a step forward, and pressed her hands suddenly, a monstrous force madly attacked Ding Hao from all directions!

"Sure enough!"

Ding Hao stood in the strong wind, his black long clothes swaying with the wind.

Although a powerful attack had come to him, he didn't even move. He neither released his armor nor his weapon. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and some smiles appeared, "Dark Saint Girl, you can do it with all your strength, let me see how powerful your power reaches its limit and how powerful it can be!"

"What? Are you so big?" The dark saint's face was shocked and angry. The next second, the attack power became even more crazy, "Ding Hao, you will pay for your underestimation!"

"Eternal darkness!"

With the violent shout of the Dark Saint, the whole world was completely shrouded in darkness!


"Very strong, you are indeed very strong!" Ding Hao couldn't help but nodded at this moment, and said, "If I saw your move before going to the world of Guhong, it might still be quite shocking; When Hong Shijie comes back, his vision has already improved. Your strength is not as good as the three seniors in my ancient Hongta! Take it, take it at will, use all your power to attack me!"

After Ding Hao finished speaking, he slightly scratched his fingers in front of him, and then pushed his palm forward.

"The ultimate will of the Dark Saint, you and me are too far apart, I only need a rune to defeat you!"

"Crazy!" The Dark Saint is completely crazy at this moment. She has done too many earth-shattering things in her life, too many people admire her, and more people fear her, no one dares to be arrogant in front of her.

However, Ding Hao is too arrogant today, as long as one rune can defeat her!

"You will pay for your arrogance and ignorance!" The Dark Saint launched a more violent attack.

The sword, the light and the sword, appear very bright and powerful in this dark world!

An attack like a violent storm, tightly wrapping Ding Hao within this narrow range!

If someone else came on the battlefield at this moment, he would definitely be exclaimed at the power of the dark saint's attack, Ding Hao's figure was completely invisible, and the violent wind and waves formed by the sword and the sword had completely submerged him!


The Dark Saint spit out a word, her eyes became very crazy, at this moment, her attack had reached the peak!

However, at the same time, from the crazy group of swords and swords, there was a calm and calm voice.

"It's useless, there is a big gap between you and me. I stand here and let you attack for 200 years, and you can't hurt my hair!"

Ding Hao's words completely attacked the Dark Saint. She was completely mad, all kinds of crazy attacks, the heavens and the earth changed, and all things died!

"I know your strength, there is no need to fight anymore!"

With Ding Hao's voice, he saw his figure, his black clothes fluttering, and he took a step forward!

When Ding Hao took this step, the situation in front of him changed suddenly, and the overwhelming attack was instantly resolved!

"What!" The dark saint stayed there for an instant, and the attack that she exhausted all her efforts and strength launched, Ding Hao only took a step to completely resolve it!

"Why are you so strong?" The Dark Saint was dumbfounded. After Ding Hao started fighting, he did not issue any attacks.

But using this silent way of moisturizing things has already been invincible!

"You can't beat me, you don't need to fight anymore! Give up!"

Ding Hao stood with his hands behind him, standing in the void, his black long gown swayed with the wind, aura, and the darkness in front of him couldn't bring him any pressure at all!

"No!" The dark saint screamed, bombarding in all directions with countless blades in the wind.

There were explosions everywhere, and the Dark Saint sternly said, "Ding Hao, even if I can't defeat you! But you can't defeat me! Your strength is nothing more than this, I haven't failed! I don't admit failure!"

"Really? Don't you admit defeat? I thought you knew it!"

Standing in the violent wind, Ding Hao's long hair was flying, and he sighed and said, "Since you want me to take action, then I will convince you to lose!"

After Ding Hao finished saying these words, he stretched out his right hand and pushed forward the rune he had written before!

At the same time, there was a cold light flashing in Ding Hao's eyes, and he uttered a word, "Broken!"

Just in the middle of his voice, the rune he launched was the center, and the surrounding space began to collapse, in all directions, where the space collapsed, everything fell into silence, and even the background space behind him disappeared!

"What level of attack is this?" The Dark Saint suddenly paled. She said that the created space and the power released, followed the space to completely collapse and disappear!

When this collapse came to her body...

Her body was completely unable to resist. Pieces of collapse and damage, in the end, completely decomposed and shattered!

"No!" At that moment, her face was filled with despair.

Despair does not lie in her own failure, but lies in her seeing a more powerful and terrifying force, which she can't resist at all!

The once powerful dark saint, no one can defeat, but under a rune of Ding Hao, she was completely defeated, without a trace of suspense!


When the scene in this palace returned to normal, the tall dark saint statue lowered her head and said willingly, "You are indeed very strong, so strong that I can't help it. I am convinced of losing! This is from With regard to the power of Guhong’s world, I have to admit that you have won, and everything in the Black Moon Palace is under your control!"

Ding Hao nodded and said, "Actually, I will not live in Black Moon Palace for a long time. I will continue to entrust you to manage it here. Now you can help me find someone in Black Moon Palace!"

(End of this chapter)

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