Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2641: Will of the Saint of Light

Chapter 2641 The Will of the Saint of Light

Chapter 2639 the will of the saint of light

"Okay, Master of Black Moon Palace!"

After Ding Hao defeated the ultimate will of the Dark Saint, he naturally became the master of the Black Moon Palace.

Although Ding Hao still allows the ultimate will of the Dark Saint to manage the Black Moon Palace, the entire Black Moon Palace owner has now converted to Ding Hao!

"Find this person for me!" Ding Hao's heart moved, and a woman in a white shirt suddenly appeared in front of him.

This was the last Leng Xiaoyu he saw!

"Find it now!"

After the ultimate will was ordered, he immediately began to search the entire Black Moon Palace, and within a short while, he got the answer.

"This woman is here!"

Suddenly, in the void in front of him, there was another map with a huge area. It was the map of the entire Black Moon Palace, and a light spot appeared on the map. When Ding Hao's gaze was on this light spot, he could immediately see one. The figure of a woman in white!

"Little fish!"

Ding Hao's gaze moved, and his face flashed with surprise. This white-clothed woman was his wife, Leng Xiaoyu, whom he had been looking for for a long time!

"Ultimate Will, I will send it over!"

As the owner of the Black Moon Palace, Ding Hao can reach any position in the Black Moon Palace at any time, but with a flash of light and shadow, Ding Hao came to Leng Xiaoyu.

"Little fish!"

After Ding Hao appeared, he immediately called.

But now Leng Xiaoyu doesn't seem to know Ding Hao at all. Just like last time, after seeing Ding Hao, he immediately pulled out his weapon and launched an attack!

"You want to kill me, you can't do it at all!" Ding Hao's current strength is so good, just with a wave of his hand, two powerful sacred powers surge away, confining Leng Xiaoyu's body to a small space Among them!

"Boom boom!"

Leng Xiaoyu struggled vigorously in this space without speaking, just struggling and hitting wildly, as if to escape.

"What's the situation?" Ding Hao's expression turned gloomy, he grabbed it with a big hand, and the space in front of him narrowed.

The space shrank Leng Xiaoyu into a palm, and fell into Ding Hao's hands.

As soon as Ding Hao's figure flashed, he had already walked out of the Black Moon Palace. After he walked out, the powerful gods of the dark and light elements were all waiting for him.

Ding Hao stood in the air with an angry face, his eyes swept over the people below, and suddenly saw a powerful saint in the Saintess Palace.

"You come out for me!" As he said, Ding Hao raised his hand to release the space that trapped Leng Xiaoyu, and shouted sharply, "What the **** did your Saintess Palace do to her? Why did she become like this?"

The strong saint of the Saintess Palace came out to watch and said, "This has nothing to do with us, she is not a saint!"

Ding Hao said angrily, "Nonsense! She obviously uses the purest light technique, and wears the same clothes as you, so why isn't she a saint?"

The strong old woman of the Saintess Palace said, "Our Saintess of the Saintess Palace has records, and she is not in the records of the Saintess Palace at all!"

At this moment, an ancient **** king of the Light Element came out and watched, "Isn't this related to that old guy?"

"Which old guy?" Ding Hao looked suspicious.

Suddenly, the expressions of the gods present changed and they kept silent.

"What are you selling? Tell me clearly!"

Seeing Ding Hao's anger, the ancient emperor walked out and said, "Lord God, in a very distant age! There is a light type god, she is the first person to practice the light type exercises! She should be the same as the dark saint Grade!"

Speaking of this, the Primordial God King of the Light Element came out and nodded and said, "At the beginning, the sacred world split into light and darkness, precisely because of the break between the light saint and the dark saint! Your wife Leng Xiaoyu, The current situation is somewhat similar to the Saint of Light!"

"Sage of Light?" Ding Hao heard this name for the first time, and he immediately asked in a deep voice, "Sage of Light is at the same level as Saint of Darkness, so there is nothing to fear! Where is she, I am going to find her!"

Taikoo God King smiled bitterly, "Lord God, you still have not figured out the meaning. The Holy Woman of Light is not a person! It is a group. The Palace of the Holy Woman is the believer of the Holy Woman of Light! The world randomly selects strong women with excellent qualifications!"

If Ding Hao suddenly understood, "In other words, Leng Xiaoyu, by chance, was chosen by the holy world to become the Saint of Light?"

Hearing this, all the saints of the Saintess Palace present all knelt in front of Leng Xiaoyu, calling out loudly, "Meet the saint of light, master of this generation, you have finally appeared!"

"Fuck me!" Ding Hao furiously waved his sleeves and threw all these saints a hundred and eight thousand miles away.

Then Ding Hao asked, "But even if she becomes the Saint of Light, it won't be like this, don't you know anyone?"

The Primordial God King said, "No, she actually knows you! It's just that after she became the Saint of Light, the will of the Saints of Light restrained her thoughts! The will of the Saints of Light wanted to kill you before they could Let her guard the light with peace of mind! You see that she is not so violent towards others!"

"It's definitely not possible!" Ding Hao's expression was furious, "Abominable sacred world, who is not good to choose, I must choose my wife! I also have to give her the will of the saint of light in all ages, damn, I must restore her !"

The ancient **** king and the ancient **** king present all shook their heads secretly, "Choosing the saint of light is the will of the sacred world. No one in history can resist!"

Ding Hao thought about it, "No! What I want to do now is not to prevent her from becoming a Saint of Light, but to completely eliminate the will of the Saint of Light in her body! Let her own mind control Own body! Then, she will know me, then there is no problem!"

Taikoo God King said, "If you say that, external forces will not help at all! You can only use your thoughts to fight against your thoughts, you can use your soul to fight against the will of the saints of light in her body! Eliminate those wills!"

"I am against!" Gu Huang walked out, "Although the main **** is powerful, it is very dangerous to use the soul to fight alone! Any main god, soul and will are the most vulnerable. I don't agree with such an adventure plan!"

At this time, more people came out and persuaded, "Lord God, you are now the strongest in the entire holy world, and the key to lead us to the ancient Hong world! You must not have anything wrong! If you go to fight , That’s fine; but now you have to fight with your soul, which is too dangerous! You must know that the will of the saints of light is very firm, and the will is closely related to the time of life. In this respect, you No advantage at all!"

Ding Hao looked solemn, looked at Leng Xiaoyu, and said firmly, "I have to try!"

(End of this chapter)

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