Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2643: Weird Lie

Chapter 2643 Weird Lie

Chapter 2641-Strange Lie

Amidst the earth-shattering roar, the huge sword light formed by Ding Hao's soul and the vast sword shadow formed by the first generation of saints of light collided!

Ding Hao has tried his best for this kind of battle!

Although he successfully used words to divide all the saints of light, his soul alone still carries a huge risk against the first-generation saints of light!

But at this moment, he can no longer take these risks into consideration!

"Little fish! You are my wife, I must do my best for you, even if I die! This is my responsibility, and I want to do it for you!"


A loud noise exploded violently in Ding Hao's mind!

This kind of explosion is on a spiritual level, and the **** kings and ancient **** kings who are protecting the law outside cannot feel it at all!

What they could see was that Ding Hao, who was sitting cross-legged at this moment, suddenly turned over and crashed to the ground!

"Lord God!"

"Oh, how about you, Lord God?"

The powerful ancient gods and kings who were guarding the law all rushed forward, surrounded Ding Hao in the center, and carefully checked!

I don't know when Ding Hao has become the spiritual leader in everyone's hearts, and the most respected person in the entire sacred world! Everyone is waiting for Ding Hao to lead them to the world of Guhong and make the Protoss become stronger and stronger!

Behind the anxious and powerful **** kings, the woman in white slumped to the ground finally slowly opened her eyes!

"Ding Hao, Ding Hao!" Leng Xiaoyu woke up, the first thing was to call Ding Hao's name!

When she was selected by the will of the saint of light in the past, her own will has been suppressed and she could not control this body; however, her will clearly watched everything happen and fully knew that Ding Hao did it for her. What happened?

At this moment, the will of the saints of light in the past was defeated by Ding Hao, and Leng Xiaoyu returned to normal.

She immediately got up and rushed to Ding Hao. Those **** kings and ancient **** kings were all pushed away by her and rushed into the crowd. She hugged Ding Hao who was lying on the ground tightly and shouted with tears, "Ding Hao! You must wake up, this time we will be together forever and never separate!"

Ding Hao didn't move at all, as if he was dead.

"What to do?" The **** kings and ancient **** kings present were all pale, not knowing Ding Hao's situation.

Someone said, "Ding Hao's main **** is still there, as long as his **** doesn't fall, he will still be alive!"

"No, no, no!" Someone shook his head and said, "If the gods do not fall, it can only mean that he is still alive! But his soul and will have been greatly injured, and he may never be able to wake up and remain in this coma!"

"I can never wake up, isn't it the living dead?"

Just when everyone was talking about it, suddenly an extremely tall figure walked out of the opened ancient Hong site. When this figure came to the sacred world, the whole world changed. The strength of this person was too strong. The space is constantly collapsing!

"Master Guhongta, Lie!"

The ancient emperor and the others knew those who came, all knelt on the ground, not daring to make a sound.

Lie walked into this world, came in front of Ding Hao, bowed his head and said, "Ding Hao, my disciple, your soul and will have been hit by a huge shock at that moment! Thanks to your ancient blood heritage, you can Immortal! But on your own, you can never recover. I will save your life today! Help you gather your soul!"

The figure was almost indomitable, and with a wave of his big hand, Ding Hao's body separated from Leng Xiaoyu's hand and floated into the sky.

In the midair, spinning rapidly, the souls converged toward the center.

Not long after, Ding Hao finally opened his eyes. He stood in front of Lie respectfully and saluted, "Thank you, teacher, for your life-saving grace!"

Lie nodded, and then said, "You were dissatisfied with me when I saved your two senior brothers, but today I saved your life again, so it's offset!"

Ding Hao's face was embarrassed. When Lie was just two seniors, Ding Hao felt that you were a little dissatisfied.

Lie continued, "But to be honest, your blood is different from ours! I feel that the way you walk is also different from mine! Therefore, from now on, the relationship between me and your apprenticeship ends here! You take your Protoss and leave my ancient Hongta!"

"Master!" Ding Hao's face changed suddenly. He didn't expect Lie to make such a decision. It was really very unexpected!

Lie ran to save his life, but he cut his righteousness with him. What does this mean?

Lie ignored Ding Hao at all, turned his head and walked directly into the world of Gu Hong, disappearing!

"Husband!" Leng Xiaoyu and Ye Wen Anliu saw Ding Hao recover, and they all rushed over with excitement and tears.

"Just a family reunion!"

Ding Hao hugged his three wives, and his mood calmed down slightly, but thinking of Lie's weird behavior today made him feel a little uneasy!

"Congratulations to the Lord God!"

The whole sacred world saw Ding Hao's body recover, and all were filled with joy.


Although Ding Hao felt uneasy in his heart, everything was stable before him, and he could not think of any problems.

At the moment, he took his three wives and tens of thousands of strong men to re-enter the world of Guhong.

Lie did not allow the Protoss to continue to live in Guhong Pagoda, so Ding Hao took them to the Guhong Palace. In that palace, Ding Hao was still a young elder, and he could settle his tribe here!

"This is the world of Guhong!" The Guangming gods who were still opposed to Ding Hao looked at the vast world in front of them, and were completely convinced.

Since then, the entire sacred world and the ancient Hong world have completed the docking, and the gates are regularly opened. There are strong people coming and going, and the cultivation level of the sacred world has been continuously improved; because of Ding Hao, the common spiritual leader, the light and darkness The fighting between them also began to ease, more people began to practice the two-line exercises, and the Holy World gradually became a powerful force in the ancient Hong world!

In the ancient Hong Palace, a tall hall.

A bright star flew from the distant void and flew into this tall hall.

In the hall, sitting cross-legged, a young man wearing a black robe, his eyes are like stars, surrounded by a circle of golden ancient Hong stone monuments!

With the passage of time, Ding Hao has brought his three wives to the world of Guhong for 3000 years. The Protoss has become stronger and he has become stronger!

At this moment, he raised his head and looked at the flying star.

When he saw this, a surprise suddenly appeared on his face, "It turned out that Senior Ye Kong, who came from the earth like me, is back!"

Back then, he used his relationship to enter all the palaces of Ye Kong, leaving runes, and now Ye Kong is back, and he actively contacted him!

"They are all from the earth, I really look forward to meeting this time!" Ding Hao thought to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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