Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2644: Title "Hong"

Chapter 2644 titled "Hong"

Chapter 2642 the title "Hong"

Ding Hao brought three wives and the Protoss to the Guhong World for 3000 years, and finally waited for the news from Ye Kong.

"Xiaoyu, Ye Wen, Anliu! All three of you are ready to visit this friend with me!"

Ding Hao's eyes were joyful, and he looked far away.

The so-called fellow sees fellow, tears in his eyes, Ding Hao has been away from the earth for so many years, and finally can see Ye Kong, who is also from the earth, how not excited in his heart? So this meeting seemed very grand, he took his three wives with him!

"Husband, did you ever talk about your hometown?" Leng Xiaoyu and the others were also quite excited.

Ding Hao didn't need to conceal them, so he told them about the earth a long time ago.

Leng Xiaoyu and the others are very excited and yearning, although they have gone through many different worlds along the way, but basically all the worlds are quite cruel, the competition is very fierce, killing people!

For them, the earth in Ding Hao's mouth is so comfortable, it is like heaven!

Now, I can see friends who are also from the earth, maybe there is still a chance to go back to the earth to see, everyone is yearning.

Soon after, Ding Hao released the flying palace and ran to the distant place of Guhong Palace, where Ye Kong lived.


The silver light flashed, and the flying palace had stopped outside Ye Kong's palace.

Ding Hao took three brilliant wives and walked down the flying palace into the palace in front of him.

After Ye Kong came back, the palace gate was open, and everyone who came to visit could come and go freely!

However, Ye Kong left here for too long. Many of his friends back then left, and not many people came to visit him.

Ding Hao walked in and asked aloud in Earth Huaxia language, "Friend Ye Kong, are you in the palace?"

"Friend Ding Hao, you came so fast!" A young man with short black hair walked out from the back of the palace, also familiar with the Chinese language of the earth.

"You!" Ding Hao saw the young man walking out, and suddenly he felt kind but wanted to laugh out loud.

This Ye Kong acted very uniquely, and dressed very strangely. He even wore a suit and trousers from the earth. Ding Hao didn't know how many years he had not seen such a dress!

"Do you think my dress is very kind? Hahaha, let's not tell you, after I came to another world, I not only brought out the thoughts of the earth, but also brought out the dress habits of the earth! What kind of stockings bra students Skirt, I let women from other worlds wear it all over again!"

"What?" Ding Hao froze for a moment, then laughed, shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Senior Ye Kong, you are really innocent! I walked this way, except for cultivation, but there is no such leisure as you!"

Ding Hao and Ye Kong both walked out of the earth, but their personalities and the paths they traveled are different.

Ye Kong’s personality is arrogant and he likes to be unconventional, so he often makes some strange things; Ding Hao’s personality is very tough, he is devoted to cultivation, facing countless difficulties and obstacles in the process of cultivation, there is no time to do those unnecessary things !

"Is this your wife?" Ye Kong asked again.

Ding Hao introduced, "These are my three wives, Leng Xiaoyu, Ye Wen and Anliu."

Leng Xiaoyu and the others all saluted dignifiedly, "I have seen Senior Ye Kong."

Ye Kong said in surprise, "Ding Hao, you wouldn't have been in another world for so many years, but you have only engaged with 3 women after you have cultivated to the top?"

"This..." Ding Hao recalled awkwardly. He has experienced so many worlds in his life, and there are only three women, Leng Xiaoyu! This number is much less than that of people in another world!

Ye Kong nodded and exclaimed, "You are such a good man! Ye Kong I admire what I can't do but others can do it, you don't care if you do it! I admire you!" After speaking, he said to Leng Xiaoyu, "You But I really found a good man. I must cherish my big brother!"

Ye Kong's character is bold, and he already regards Ding Hao as a brother, so the two get along more harmoniously.

Leng Xiaoyu also smiled and said, "Then let's call you Big Brother Ye Kong, listen to your tone, are there many sisters in law?"

"Much, too much!"

Ye Kong greeted behind him, "Come out."

Suddenly dozens of Yingying and Yanyan ran out from the back of the main hall. Some were wearing robes unique to this world, some were wearing bikinis unique to the earth, some were wearing strapless long skirts, and some were Japanese short skirts... …

Ding Hao was stunned when he saw this sight, "Brother Ye Kong, are these all your wives?"

Ye Kong laughed, "It's still less than one-third."

Ding Hao almost fell down again, sighing, "You are too expensive."

Leng Xiaoyu and the others are also very curious. The women who ran out are also dressed in peculiar clothes. Some are so embarrassing that people dare not look directly at them, and some are really pretty to be honest!

"Let the women chat, let's drink a glass of pure earth red wine over there." Ye Kong took Ding Hao to the side.

Ding Hao smiled, "I would rather drink a cup of green tea from the earth."

"That too."

The two came to the small hall next to it, where there were tables, chairs and waitresses, serving them green tea from the earth.

Ding Hao took a sip, feeling as if he had returned to tens of thousands of years ago, and said with emotion, "The tea in my hometown and the water in my hometown are always the most worrying! I came out of the earth, and it counts as many as 25,000. Years! Haven't been back to Earth again, Ye Kong brother, have you been back?"

Ye Kong laughed and said, "It seems that my luck is much better than that of you. The other world and the earth I reached are in a complete plane. When I become strong, I will return to the earth! The position has been improved again and again, now that the earth is not in the galaxy, but I have gotten to the highest point of my plane, above the crown of light! It has become a planet of transcendent status!"

"What?" Ding Hao was shocked again. He didn't expect that after he left, the earth would have such earth-shattering changes.

Ye Kong said again, "The world I live in, I named it Ye Meng! Which world do you come from?"

Ding Hao said, "I come from the sacred world. In your words, I am a god!"

Ye Kong said again, "You can name it Ding Meng, since you are the strongest, you can become the master! This is the eternal theme of this huge world, let alone your sacred world, even the current Gu Hong world , Whoever is strong has the final say! All elite races are now striving hard to become the number one race in the ancient Hong world, and finally get the title of Hong!"

(End of this chapter)

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