Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2649: Centennial cycle

Chapter 2649 Centennial Reincarnation

Chapter 2647 Hundred Years Reincarnation

"It's useless!"

Before Huzi's hand was placed on the second detection stone, the people next to him couldn't wait to start taunting, some did not speak with contempt in their eyes, and some did not directly ridicule, but they all used sympathy. He looked at Huzi.

"From the age of six, to the age of 20 now, I have come to the test every year and fail every year. It is simply a scum among the scum!"

"Yes, there is still a face!"

"If it were me, I'm really embarrassed to come, I'm 20 years old!"

"This time the result is still the same!"

Listening to the comments from the people behind, Hu Zi's eyes suddenly shot out a sharp light.

If before, at this moment he could only lower his head and stretch out his hand like a thief; but now, he has just absorbed a lot of spiritual power!

"Will the result be different this time?"

Huzi finally stretched out his right hand, pressed it on the detection stone in front of him, and at the same time invoked all the spiritual power in his body, and suddenly moved forward!


Power swayed away from this detection stone, and the black stone was instantly lit, bright like a light bulb, and the light flashed, illuminating the entire hall!

"My God!" All the people present and the inspectors stared wide-eyed, and the light also illuminated their faces, and they couldn't believe it!

"How is it possible?" All the people present were dumbfounded, as if they had seen something unbelievable.

There was ecstasy on Huzi's face. He knew that he had succeeded. He restrained his excitement, retracted his hand, and asked, "Examiner, did I pass the examination?"

"Pass! Absolutely pass!" The examiner suddenly jumped up.

Although Huzi did not light up on the first detection stone, the brightness reached the highest intensity on the second detection stone. This shows that Huzi’s strength has reached a very high level. According to the rules, Huzi should also become the highest. Top genius!

If it is the top genius, that is the goal that each martial arts gym wants to fight for. How can the examiner dare to disrespect him, and he quickly said with a smile, "Tiger, you are really good this time! The top genius! 20 The top genius at the age of 20 years, my god! From now on, you will settle down and study in our martial arts hall, and we will provide you with the most excellent training resources! Like you, you can go out of the earth by practicing for one or two years at most Up!"

He was afraid that Hu Zi would go to other martial arts halls to apprentice and offered many favorable conditions.

Huzi is a naive person, and didn't care about the ridicule of these people before, so he settled the information in this martial arts hall, and then walked out of the martial arts hall with his head high!

When he went out, those ridicules and ridicules were completely gone, and the school girls who played with him when he was young also took the initiative to send smiley faces.

Huzi nodded and walked back quickly. The first thing he had to do now was to go to Grandpa Ding's tavern and ask what happened!

In fact, just after Huzi passed the assessment, those who were watching had already used the most advanced communication methods on earth to communicate with their relatives and friends.

"Oh my God! Guess what I saw today? A 20-year-old tiger came to the martial arts gym and became the top genius!"

"What? How could it be possible, just Huzi's waste?"

"It's really a tiger, we saw with our own eyes, he has reached the limit of the brightness of the second detection stone!"

"The brightness of the second detection stone has reached its limit, how bright should it be?"

These people basically live in the neighborhood on the small road nearby. When Huzi walked up this small street, many neighborhood neighborhoods had already walked out and asked, "Huzi, I heard you passed the test! He is still the top genius, he can go out of the earth and go to the 12 peaks of Daohai to practice in one or two years of cultivation! Is this true?"

Huzi was surrounded by these people and could only nod his head, "It is true, I have been verified by the top genius of the martial arts hall, and I can go directly to the martial arts hall to practice tomorrow!"

"That's amazing! Huzi, I didn't expect you to win the light for our small street!"

"Uncle and auntie have offended a lot before, Huzi, don't take it to heart."

"No." Huzi is a simple and honest person. While greeting these people, he squeezed out of the crowd, and couldn't wait to go to Grandpa Ding's tavern.

Just before he was about to come to the tavern, his mother ran over crying with tears, "Huzi, I heard that you passed the exam, and you are still the top genius! Mom is so happy, your two brothers Although I have passed the assessment long ago, I haven't been able to get out of the earth after so many years of cultivation! I heard that you can get out of the earth as long as you practice for one or two years..."

Huzi supported his mother and said, "Mom, I will work hard! It shouldn't take two years, one year or so, to get out of the earth!"

Huzi is actually conservative in saying this. He feels that with this black stone in his hand, he will be able to walk out of the earth to cultivate in less than a year!

Hearing this, Huzi’s mother cried even harder, holding Huzi and said, "My child! I really didn’t expect that you could pass the last assessment at the age of 20. I am so happy. I will worship Buddha tomorrow. Thanks to all the gods!"

Huzi watched his mother say this and couldn't help saying, "Mom, it's useless to pray for God! The only thing I want to thank is to thank Grandpa Ding in the tavern! Grandpa Ding helped me!"

Huzi, the child, can't lie either. Although he knows that Black Stone cannot tell, he still talked about Grandpa Ding, hoping that his mother would be more polite to Grandpa Ding.

Hearing what Huzi said, all the neighborhoods on the small street were stunned.

Grandpa Ding in the Trolling Grass Butterfly Bistro has lived on this small road all his life. Everyone knows him and all know that he and his three wives are ordinary people who can't cultivate! Huzi said that Grandpa Ding helped him, which is unbelievable!

But some people suddenly said, "It's strange! Usually, Grandpa Ding's family opened the door of the tavern early in the morning. Why hasn't the door been opened until now?"

Huzi suddenly looked surprised, quickly let go of his mother, walked a few steps quickly, came to the front of the tavern, and opened the door!


When the door of the tavern was pushed open, a large number of dots of power shone out, the scene was like a fairy tale.

Everyone can feel that the little bit of strength in this radiance is so powerful that it is shocking, and worship!

After feeling this power, no one doubts that Grandpa Ding is a super strong!

"My God! We lived on the same street with Grandpa Ding for a lifetime, and I even said nothing to him. I laughed at him that he could only sell alcohol for the rest of his life and couldn't cultivate... But it turns out that they are really strong!"

These people swarmed into the tavern and found that Grandpa Ding and his three wives had disappeared.

There is still a jar of wine in the tavern. This jar of wine has very mellow power. Ordinary people can be healthy and live for a long time with just one sip; after cultivators drink it, their qualifications will become even better!

Huzi looked up at the sky and said word by word, "Grandpa Ding, you once said that you are the tumbleweed butterfly; now I have also become the tumbleweed butterfly flying into the sky. I will fly higher and higher, hopefully I can see you in one day! Thank you!"

(End of this chapter)

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