Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2650: "Hong" competition

Chapter 2650 "Hong" Competition

Chapter 2648 "Hong" Competition

"Earth! Less than 100 years, almost done!"

Four figures rose up from the earth, and no one could see their departure. These four old figures came into the air, the light and shadow were distorted, Ding Hao and his three wives were restored to their original appearance.

"The Earth Holiday is over!" Leng Xiaoyu still looked at this blue planet reluctantly.

They don't know how many times Ding Hao has said about the earth, Leng Xiaoyu has already regarded the earth as a paradise in his heart!

In fact, it is true, the earth is stable and peaceful, there is not so much ruthless competition, and it is similar to the legendary heaven!

However, staying in heaven for a long time will also get bored!

Leng Xiaoyu now knows why everyone on earth wants to be a cultivator and wants to get out of the earth!

"Because of the yearning in people's hearts, always yearning for higher! Always want to be extraordinary! Always want to be the tumbleweed butterfly flying into the sky!"

Ding Hao’s words pointed to people’s hearts, and Leng Xiaoyu and the others nodded and said, “This less than 100 years of time and experience has made our mood more perfect! There is no defect! At this moment, I suddenly have a way to cultivate upward again. Impulse to shock!"

Ye Wen nodded and smiled, "This is how the heart is! In danger and chaos, I yearn for a life of ease; while in ease for a long time, but instead want to leave, I want to enter the fierce competition and find more Wonderful!"

"Okay! Let us enter the fierce competition again!"

The four lights and shadows moved quickly, leaving from the crown of light, flying farther and farther, and arrived at Ye Meng's exit.

Here, Dao Hai Zulong respectfully greeted him, and said honestly, "Second Master, I will send you out, and you are welcome to come often in the future!"

Ding Hao looked at him so funny, knowing that this guy must shout loudly for rebellion after he left.

However, this is the temperament of Daohai Zulong, which is difficult to change.

He didn't say much at the moment, he went straight to the exit, from the huge white beam of light, into the world of Guhong.


After coming to the world of Guhong, the four of them breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, Ding Hao said, "Well, the leisurely vacation is over! It's time to embark on the journey and sprint with all strength!"

He released the flying palace and returned to the ancient Hong palace.

When they had just entered the enormous ancient Hong Palace, Ding Hao received a strong will, "The master of the ancient Hong Palace has already left the customs, please visit the main hall for 20 elders!"

"It was a coincidence that I came back this time!" Ding Hao asked Leng Xiaoyu and the others to return to the permanent residence of the Protoss, and he sent a sound transmission star to Ye Kong himself, and then rushed to the main hall of Gu Hong alone.

The Guhong main hall is the largest in the entire Guhong palace!

This palace was the place where thousands of flying palaces concentrated last time when Ding Hao and the others competed for the elders. It is very vast!

Ding Hao and their deities are already huge, but they still seem insignificant in this vast palace.

Ding Hao was the last to arrive. The 19 elders in front had already arrived here, waiting cross-legged.

When Ding Hao came here, he nodded and greeted the other 19 elders. After a while, a huge black hole appeared in front of him.

In the black hole cyclone, a huge bald figure came out, who was the master of the huge ancient Hong Palace.

"I have seen the master of the palace!" The 20 elders bowed their heads and saluted together.

All the elders do not know the name of the palace owner, so they can only be called the palace owner.

The palace owner has been in retreat for thousands of years. After stepping out of the retreat, his strong willpower immediately swept the palace he owned, nodded and said, "These 20 elders are very good! So today, I want to announce a message!"

Some of the 20 elders present already knew the news, but more were at a loss.

If Ding Hao hadn't heard what Ye Kong said, he wouldn't know the news; but Ye Kong hadn't made it clear before, Ding Hao still hoped to get more information from the palace owner!

The palace owner said, "First of all, I want to tell you my name! My name is Hong Zhizezhuo!"

Hearing what he said, all the 20 elders present were shocked, "Title Hong!"

In the world of Guhong, winning the title of Hong is the most noble leader and the top powerhouse recognized by the world of Guhong! And more importantly, if you get the title Hong, you can get the precious inheritance left by Gu Hong!

"No wonder this palace owner is so powerful!" Ding Hao was secretly moved.

The life races capable of cultivating in the ancient Hong world are very powerful; and the leaders of these life races are even more powerful; even more powerful is the owner of the ancient Hongta; and the Hong Zhixu is already ancient. Hong Shijie's peak power!

Hong Zhizhezhu added, "What I want to announce is that the latest title Hong competition is about to begin. As long as you have enough strength, every one of you will have the title of'Hong' of this generation! Get Gu Hong! The legacy left behind is the strongest who has reached the pinnacle level! And the race you lead will also become the pinnacle race in the ancient Hong world!"


All the 20 elders present were delighted, including Ding Hao, their current level can only be regarded as the leader of the life race, even the master of Guhongta is much better than them!

But if they get the title of "Hong" and cultivate the inheritance left by Gu Hong, they will be as powerful as the Hong Zhixue in front of them. And their entire ethnic group will also become the pinnacle ethnic group, standing at the highest point of the pyramid in the entire ancient Hong world!

"Hong, I want to ask, how can I participate in this competition?" One of the 20 elders came out and asked.

"Hong" said, "This competition will take place in the land of ancient Hong. When the competition begins, this area will naturally emerge! Anyone who wants to enter the competition can enter freely! But according to my experience, If you want to go further and get more inheritance, you still have to form a team and enter together!"

Everyone suddenly realized, and someone asked, "Hong, you have already got the title of Hong, do you join us in the competition?"

"Hong" Zhizhuo nodded and said, "This time is different, because the Lord of Hong of the ancient Hong world has fallen! Those of us who have the title of'Hong' also want to compete and become a new generation of Hong. Master!"

"Master of Hong!" All the elders present were excited.

For them, it is impossible to become the master of Hong, but if they can help Hong Zhi choose to become the master, then everyone is in this ancient Hong palace, and they will feel proud!

However, Ding Hao raised his brows and asked, "Hong, the previous generation of Hong's Lord should be very powerful, how could he fall?"

(End of this chapter)

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