Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2664: Build Guhong Great Sword

Chapter 2664 Build Gu Hong's Great Sword

Chapter 2662 Building Ancient Hong's Giant Sword


After a violent shout, all nine figures rushed to the huge black figure on the 22nd step!

When the internal structures of Ding Hao and the nine of them merged, you are in me and me in you, and they are very clear about each other's thoughts and intentions.

Therefore, unite to fight, cooperate more tacitly, and handy!

Boom boom boom!

The loud noise continued, Ding Hao and the others released attacks, all hitting the body of the black giant.

Coming to the front, you can see this huge black figure, very huge; however, the body of this black figure is divided into two colors, the left side is black and looks very hard, and the right side is white and feels very soft!

Ding Hao slashed on the whitish side, and immediately blood flowed out!

From above this blood, overflowing outward, a very powerful force!

Ding Hao opened his mouth and spit out the flames of the Lord God. The flames of fire refined the blood in an instant, and all the impurities in the blood were refined. What was left was a group of crystal clear power. Ding Hao placed it in his palm and saw this power instantly inhaled Ding Hao body of!

When Ding Hao used Eternal Fire again, his power increased a lot!

"Elders, the blood on this enchanting evildoer's body is its natural treasure! Everyone has the opportunity to take more!"

Chosen once said that the land of Guhong is very special. All the treasures of heaven, material and earth do not grow in the ground, but grow in the bodies of these evildoers. Only by continuously killing evildoers can we get the most from their bodies. Good natural treasures.

Everyone heard that blood can be shot on the white side, and they all hacked and killed wildly to obtain the blood of evildoers;

However, the metal elder was on the other side, crashing frantically, and under his wild bombardment, he finally exploded a huge piece of black metal.

He picked up this piece of black metal and burst into laughter suddenly, "Hahaha! This is the material for building Guhong-class weapons!"

There is an ancient Hong-class weapon, except for the ancient Hong giant seal there, no one else!

Moreover, the ancient Hong-class weapons are divided into two types. Like the ancient Hong giant seal in the hands of Chosen, it is a relic left by Gu Hong's creation. Therefore, when choosing each other and using them, you must bow down and pray to them every time;

But there is also a second type of ancient Hong-level weapon, which is to gather the materials for building the weapon by yourself, and then use Gu Hong's technique to create the ancient Hong-level weapon!

The weapon created by the second method is not only as powerful as Gu Hong’s relic, but the most important thing is that this weapon was created by you, and it will fully recognize the master! You can use it as you want. There is no need to kowtow and bow down. It is even more impossible to self-mutilate the weapon and ask for mercy!

I heard that the metal elders laid down a piece of metal material for forging Guhong-class weapons. The elders became excited again. They took the flesh and blood in the body of the evil spirit on the right to make themselves stronger; then they went crazy to attack the body on the left of the evil spirit and lay a piece. Block of black metal, in the bag!

The enchanting yin and yang of the two poles is no trivial matter.

Soon, it discovered that it had been taken advantage of by others, and it let out a peculiar roar.

Amidst this roar, this huge evildoer instantly split into two halves, turning black on one side and turning white on the other side; on the other side is flesh and blood, on the other side is steel, two terrifying figures, pulling out a space of power!

In this space, Ding Hao and the others turned pale!

Originally, they combined the two attributes to achieve a balance; but now this evildoer, using the technique, has split the two attributes from the middle!

In this way, Ding Hao and the different structures fused in their bodies were also torn apart frantically!

"Don't fall in love with each other, run away quickly!" Amidst the loud shouts of choosing someone else, all the nine elders fled forward, leaving this power space, and rushing to the 23rd step.

After rushing up, the nine people all laughed.

Although the yin and yang of the two poles made their big moves in the end, they flee in a hurry, but in this battle, everyone has gained great!

Ding Hao was also in a good mood. Not only did he get a lot of blood from the evildoer, but he also laid down three metal fragments of a large size.

The other elders also received two or three pieces of metal fragments. At this moment, everyone is in a good mood. It is absolutely impossible to obtain the first material for forging ancient Hong-class weapons!

Some elders also sat down on the spot and said, "Our combat effectiveness is still weak. Why don't I turn the metal fragments into an ancient Hong-class weapon now! This is a bit more powerful!"

Ding Hao also had this intention, "It's so good! The weapon I am using is still a top weapon like my God Realm, and dealing with these evil spirits in the ancient Hong Realm is indeed a little stretched!"

The other elders also nodded one after another, "Weapons are not happy, which severely restricts our strength!"

Everyone sat down and started refining. To build an ancient Hong-class weapon, a lot of materials are needed, not just a piece of metal.

However, metal fragments are always the most important core material for ancient Hong-class weapons. With this material, it is impossible to complete the creation of the weapon, but at least the basic state of the weapon, the embryonic state can be created!

Just like Ding Hao's hands, what he wants to build is a sword embryo!

With the sword embryo, other parts and functions can be added to it in the future to make this weapon perfect.


In the flames that Ding Hao released, this group of metal began to change its shape and was slowly refined. What was surprising was that the purity of this metal was so high that there were no impurities in it!

At this moment, an elder said, "Which one of you has the secret book of Gu Hong's refining technique?"

When he asked, many elders released pieces of ancient Hong stone tablets!

In fact, the stone stele on which Gu Hong made weapons is worthless to the outside world!

Because no one can get the materials for the ancient Hong-class weapons, what use is this refining technique?

So everyone, these ancient Hong stone steles are used as currency, and no one can practice the above techniques and techniques.

But now it's different. Now that Ding Hao and the others have obtained the crafting materials, this kind of crafting technique has become more precious.

Ding Hao also carried several ancient Hong stone steles on his body, which recorded the crafting techniques, and he also released them for others to watch and learn.

Ding Hao looked back and forth among the dozens of ancient Hong stone steles in front of him, and finally found a way and means to build them.

"To build the Guhong Great Sword! This method requires a lot of metal materials, and I don't have enough in my hands! But I can build a slightly smaller miniature Gu Hong Great Sword! Such a weapon should be enough for use on 99 steps! "

Ding Hao sat cross-legged in front of this stone monument, studying while starting to refine, a wide-bladed giant sword is slowly taking shape...

(End of this chapter)

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