Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2665: Three Lives Three World Demon

Chapter 2665 Three Lives Three World Demon

Chapter 2663 Three Lives Three World Demon

When Ding Hao's wide-blade giant sword slowly took shape, the other elders also refined their weapons!

Some of these weapons are in the shape of a sword, some are in the shape of a hammer, some are a huge seal, and some are countless broken blades!

A few days later, everyone's weapons were successfully refined!

"It's time for us to move on!" Chosen said.

Ding Hao was also looking forward to it. He wanted to try the wide-bladed giant sword he refined, how powerful is it?

The 23rd step was relatively safe, but when it was above the 24th step, it was immediately surrounded by a group of evildoers!

"The strong man in this section is called Three Realms Cycle! I don't know what it means?"

Everyone didn't care about that, they took out the weapons they had just made and killed them!

The evildoer in this section looks weird, has a blue body, has some human shapes, and has pointed ears, but the fingers are very sharp!


Ding Hao's eyes condensed, and the wide-blade giant sword in his hand was cut down!

This giant sword has not yet become a real Gu Hong giant sword, but just as a sword embryo, its power is already quite amazing!

Under this sword, the enchanting sharp finger standing in front of him was suddenly smashed by his giant sword!

Ding Hao made a contribution with a single blow, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes. He raised his hand and pointed again, "Cut again!"

When the giant sword fell again, the whole body of this evildoer could not bear the power of the giant sword, and was smashed in an instant!

Like Ding Hao, the other eight elders have greatly improved their strength after using the ancient Hong-level weapons they just refined, and it has become much easier to kill these evildoers!

However, what I didn't expect was that when these evildoers were beheaded, they would have a soul-like power in their bodies!

These forces actually became more and more solid, and finally formed a weird and half-human and half-ghost!

"Will it change?"

Ding Hao's expression changed, and the broad-blade giant sword in his hand fell again!

But I didn't expect that after these evildoers became ghost-like beings, the physical attacks of the entities could not hit the opponent!

"Quickly use the ancient Hong rune!" Chosen also found the problem and shouted.

All the elders present are in a hurry, some are still fighting the evil evil in their original form, and some are constantly beginning to portray runes!

Ding Hao also used his fingers to paint in the void, and what he wrote was the attack rune recorded on the Gu Hong stele.

These runes are like moving star points. After they are written, they will float forward in the air, and finally land on the bodies of these ghosts one by one! However, some of the runes he released were effective, but most of them were ineffective. When they exploded, they couldn't hurt these ghost-shaped enchantments!

"Go back to 23 steps!" Choosing to see that the situation is not right, he hurriedly shouted.

Everyone returned to the next safe step, and then they all took a breath. After the weird-looking monster turned into a ghost, it was much more difficult to deal with!

Just when everyone was about to discuss, rushed to a team of people from the 22 steps, this team of people is the men of the evil spirits.

The nine people under the mixed demons thought it was done this time, and couldn't catch up with Ding Hao and his team.

But I didn't expect to meet Ding Hao and the others here again. These people suddenly laughed and laughed at Ding Hao and the others as they walked in front, but they couldn't lead them!

Ding Hao and the others simply ignored them and let these guys continue to climb.

But these guys left, choosing goodbye and then said, "Let’s sum up, which runes are useful for these ghost-shaped lives!"

Another elder said, "I have an ancient Hong stone stele here, which records the characteristics of some ghosts in the ancient Hong era. Can we refer to it?"

"That's great."

At the moment, the elder released the stone tablet. Everyone carefully observed it, and another elder said, "I also have some content here!"

With the concerted efforts of all the elders, it was soon determined by everyone that the evildoers in this period are difficult to deal with.

The evildoer here is called Sansheng III Demon. At first they are humanoids; after being killed, they will become ghosts; if the ghosts are eliminated again, they will become diamonds again! Among the three forms, the King Kong type is the strongest and the most difficult to deal with!

Everyone looked pale after seeing this introduction.

Now they are only dealing with ghosts. If these ghosts are killed, they will come out of a stronger form of King Kong. How will they deal with it then?

"It's troublesome! The so-called rotation of the Three Realms is probably the three forms of these evildoers!"

Ding Hao observed the stone tablet and said, “I think it’s most appropriate to hit these monsters to the King Kong type! Although the King Kong type is the strongest, it also moves at the slowest speed. It’s okay if we can’t kill these guys. Delay them, and then have a chance to rush to a higher level!"

Everyone nodded, "There is no need to fight these monsters, the best way is to beat them to the King Kong type, and then take advantage of their slow movements to escape to the 25th step!"

Everyone watched it again and learned a lot of ancient Hong runes, which were specially used to deal with the ghost-shaped three-life three-world monster.

Soon after, when they climbed the 24th step again, they found that the gangster team was struggling to deal with a large number of ghost-type evildoers.

"That's right!"

When everyone’s eyes are excited, they choose to raise their hands and release a rune. This rune is the most useful rune for ghost-shaped evildoers that everyone has researched!

At the same time, Ding Hao and the others are attacking with all their strength, and the runes are like massive bullets, bombarding these ghost-type enchanting madly!


In a blink of an eye, there were several ghost-type enchantings, which exploded everywhere when they were beaten by the runes, and the black breath was hovering around.

Choose goodbye and quickly shout, "Everyone hurry up, hurry up!"

Everyone knows that these ghost-type monsters are changing their forms, and the next form is called the King Kong type, which is very difficult to deal with!

However, the demon squad didn't know so much. When they saw Ding Hao and the others release runes, they also began to wonder what runes they released?

But they haven't figured it out yet, the black air currents emitted from the bodies of the ghost-shaped enchantments that were broken by Ding Hao and others have formed a black giant cocoon!

Suddenly, the black giant cocoon exploded, and from it jumped out a huge man with colorful patterns all over!

This reckless man is the final form of the Sansheng III demon. Their bodies are very weird, their ability to resist blows is very strong, and their combat effectiveness is terrifying!

When these reckless guys evolved, Ding Hao and the others had already rushed to the previous stage.

And on this stage, there are only nine people from the Demon Squad. These nine people do not know how powerful they are and still want to attack the Sansheng III monster in the final form, but the result is very miserable. A member of the Demon Squad was directly Shoot to death on the spot!

"It's over! Even if we all persist to the end, we will lose one less person!" The members of the demon squad were dumbfounded!

(End of this chapter)

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