Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2671: Four Elephants Reincarnation Monster King

Chapter 2671 The Four Elephants Reincarnation Monster King

Chapter 2669 Four Elephants Reincarnation Monster King


The light curtain barrier in front of the sky disappeared instantly, and Ding Hao and the others directly stepped onto the 43rd step!

When they walked up the 43rd step, the evildoers who appeared in front of them were all close to the little boss, and their fighting power was very crazy!

"Everyone, be careful, you will face the Four Elephants Reincarnation Monster King in the next step. On this step are all his first generation descendants!" Choosing goodbye reminded everyone.

Ding Hao said again, "The enchanting little boss has extraordinary strength, if one or two can still deal with it! Now there are too many, everyone should try to escape and try not to fight! In addition, the little boss here has the four elephants, Everyone still follows the theory of the five elements that I have told you and fights against opponents who are restrained!"

Immediately, Ding Hao and the nine elders formed a circle, back to back, and rushed into the group of evil little chiefs!


This time, it was really dark. It can be said that Ding Hao and the others have had the most strenuous time since they climbed the steps. Every step forward is very strenuous!

"I'm injured!"

"I have a pill here!"

Ding Hao and the nine of them have been completely integrated, helping each other, communicating what is needed, and forming a whole!

As long as one of them is half-hearted and selfish, then this step will be impossible to pass!

With everyone's all-out efforts, everyone suffered serious injuries and finally came to the end of the 43 steps!

"Don't delay everyone, go up quickly!"

Under a violent shout of choice, the nine people turned into light and shadow at the same time, rushing to the 44th step!


All the nine people breathed out, these 43 steps are really very sad!

However, after going through such a difficult step, everyone had no time to rest, and another huge black shadow appeared in front of them in a very strange shape!

"Four elephants reincarnation monster king!" The elders all turned pale.

Originally, everyone had come up all the way and played very hard in the 43rd quarter, but now there is no time to rest, and they have to face a stronger opponent!

The Four Elephant Reincarnation Monster King looked at these nine people with cold eyes and said, "You go together, as long as you defeat me or jump out of my Four Elephant Reincarnation, it will be a pass!"

After the four elephant reincarnation monster king said this sentence, the huge body suddenly split, splitting into four directions, up, down, left, and right, and these four directions form a huge light curtain, which is displayed on the 44th step. central!

"This is the level he set for us! We can only go to the 45th step by passing this level of the four elephant reincarnation!"

After this light curtain appeared in the center of the 44th step, it slowly moved forward. If you don't rush in to challenge in time, then the opportunity to challenge this time will also be lost!

Ding Hao threw a self-refined pill into his mouth, gritted his teeth and said, "Fight! Go!"

At this moment, there is no other way besides rushing forward!

"Chong! Chong Chong!"

Although everyone has experienced a series of hard fights, now facing a strong enemy, although Ding Hao and the others feel a bit hard, but the strong enemy is in front of them, there is no desire to challenge and conquer!


When Ding Hao and the nine of them rushed into this layer of the four elephant reincarnation light curtain, the scene in front of them suddenly changed!

The nine of them came to a square of Void Continent. On this Void Continent, there are hundreds of millions of creatures. All of these creatures are formed under the power of the "Golden Wood, Water, Fire" and the Four Elephants. Is weird and very powerful!

"Could it be that the assessment of this level is to kill all these weird lives?"

Another elder said, "The most important thing should be to leave this continent! Did you hear him say? You want to jump out of his four elephant reincarnation!"

"Then we will fight out!"

Everyone soon discovered that it was very difficult!

In this piece of void continent, although it is square, the densely packed passages are like a maze!

It is very difficult to go out!

And the creatures on this Void Continent are strong and weak, and some of them are powerful beings. Ding Hao and the others are not opponents at all. Nine people can beat them together!

"He vomited blood! What kind of evildoer is this? This is too strong!" Ding Hao and the others were chased by a huge evildoer that could not be killed at all, so they had to rush into the weird maze, and immediately lost their way after rushing in!

"It's over! The opponent is too strong, and we are still lost. We want to go to the edge of this continent and jump out of the Four Elephants! How difficult is it?"

Everyone ran away frantically. The monster behind that could not be killed was still in hot pursuit. What's even more terrifying was that various other weird monsters followed behind this monster, forming a fierce torrent, chasing and killing them. , Wherever you go, everything becomes nothing!

"If you don't rush to the edge in time, we will definitely die here!" An elder exclaimed loudly.

Choose another way, "Everyone stay calm, we just need to run in one direction and find the end of a passage! As long as we come to the edge of this continent, we jump out, and we can leave from the four elephants cycle!"

Everyone didn't know how long they had fled, circling around in the maze, and finally they reached the outermost passage.

"It's over there!" Ding Hao's face was delighted.

There is a small door in front, as long as you go out through that small door, the outside is the most edge of this continent!


Everyone ran hurriedly, and while running, suddenly there was an evildoer following behind, opened his big mouth, and once, bit the metal elder's leg!

"This idiot, he can still take credit for biting other people. Wouldn't he bite me for death?" The metal clan elder snorted coldly.

He originally thought that his body was metal and it was difficult to be bitten, but soon he realized that it was not the case.

This kind of weird evildoer, the body is very strong, and what is shocking is that the teeth are also unusually sharp!

Moreover, the teeth of this kind of enchanting are actually mobile, biting a leg of the metal elder, and dragging the whole body of the metal elder quickly inward. After dragging for a while, a circle of teeth will drop up and down, and the metal elder’s The joints bite and continue to drag inward!

"Help!" The metal elder finally knew how powerful he was. No matter how he attacked this evildoer, his body was constantly being dragged into the big mouth of this evildoer!

But at this moment, Ding Hao suddenly stretched out his hand and released the Gu Hong giant sword, yelling violently, "Cut me!"

Ding Hao's knife directly fell on the metal elder's calf, cutting off his calf completely, and letting the metal be swallowed by this evildoer!

"Ah!" The Metal Elder shouted in pain.

Ding Hao said quickly, "Don't worry about that, everyone quickly run away!"

The metal clan elder only had one leg, and he rushed into the small door in front of him.

When they rushed in, they were stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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