Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2672: The wealth of the tower

Chapter 2672 The Wealth of the Sky Tower

Chapter 2670 The Wealth Of The Sky Tower

When Ding Hao and the others rushed into the small door in front of them desperately, the scene in front of them stunned them.

It turned out that there was an insurmountable light curtain surrounding this maze-like continent!

Although Ding Hao and the others came to the extreme edge of the mainland, this layer of light was still blocking them, and they couldn't jump out at all!

"It's over!" An elder said with a desperate expression, "This four elephant reincarnation monster king is nonsense. He said that we can pass the level by jumping out of the four elephant reincarnation! But this space can't be jumped out! There are absolute barriers all around. How can we jump out if it is hidden?"

Everyone was dumbfounded, the various powerful evil beings behind them were still constantly attacking frantically. While blocking the attack, everyone retreated.

Another elder said, "Are we going to kill all the evildoers here? How long will this be? And there are some evildoers, even if Hong Zhize who has been awarded the title of Hong is caught, I am afraid it will be difficult to kill. dead!"

Ding Hao retreated while fighting, and his mind was constantly changing sharply.

He glanced left and right, and suddenly saw a figure reaching through the sky in the distant void.

Suddenly he thought of something and said, "This four-elephant reincarnation space is composed of four elephants! These four elephants are located in the four corners of this space! We want to jump out of this four-elephant reincarnation. Think of a way?"

Ding Hao's remarks just made everyone's eyes brighten and they said, "Since we have already come in, we can't escape! Now Ding Hao has proposed an idea, we have to try it anyway!"

At the moment, everyone changes direction and heads to the nearest corner!

Although this corner is the nearest, there is a maze-like setting in this four-image reincarnation space. It is not that simple for everyone to reach the destination!


In desperation, everyone had to gritted their teeth and beheaded and killed many evildoers all the way!

Fortunately, in the bodies of these enchanting evildoers, various treasures of heaven and earth will be dropped!

Ding Hao and others have never seen these ancient Hong-level treasures of heaven, material and earth, and they have no idea what they are doing!

At the moment, everyone is killing and picking up treasures, taking pills after being injured, and helping each other!

I don't know how long they have been away. All nine of them were scarred. Two of the elders were seriously injured. If the other seven elders did not help them with all their strength, they would definitely die!

Ding Hao's body is not optimistic either, there are wounds everywhere, and the pill is already used up, thanks to the ancient Hong giant sword he refined, otherwise he would have been finished long ago!


Nine elders came to a corner of the space of the four elephants' reincarnation, where the tall figure that reached the sky and the earth turned out to be a huge tower.

And under this towering tower, stood a monster with a huge figure and a terrifying power!

Ding Hao and the others instantly understood, "This is the Four Elephant Reincarnation Monster King!"

Chosen also nodded and said, "The Four Elephants Reincarnation Monster King was originally composed of four elephants, this should be one of them!"

Another elder sighed and said, "The strength of the Four Elephants Reincarnation Monster King is too powerful, and the passers in history have not been able to kill him. How can we, how can we have the strength to kill him?"

Ding Hao shook his head and said, "There is no need to behead him at all! If you pass the level, you have to behead him, then how did so many people pass the level in history? If I didn't guess wrong, I would break the tower he held in his hand. Giant tower, this light curtain will fall! We have a chance to jump out of this world of four elephants!"

"Not bad." Looking at Ding Hao with admiration, "I agree with your statement. The strong person who designed this level is mainly to evaluate the strength of the descendants of Gu Hong who climbed the steps! Therefore, as long as the tower can be broken. , I believe it will pass!"

However, even smashing this huge tower is very difficult.

The elephant in front of him not only lifted the tower to the sky, but also played a protective role. When Ding Hao and the others approached, this weird guy gave birth to hundreds of arms and launched an attack on Ding Hao and the others!

"Uncle you!" Ding Hao cursed, gritted his teeth and said, "Now that's the end of the matter, there are too many chasing soldiers behind, and there are hundreds of arms in front! We have no way to go back, only to move forward! Everyone took out all the medicine. , To heal the injured elders, the victory or defeat is here!"

There are also some elders who have some privately-concealed pill. They originally wanted to take it out at the most critical moment. Now that the matter is over, they can only take out all the pill.

Those elders who have been seriously injured will restore their health after taking it.

From the heaven, material and earth treasures that everyone got, they found some heaven, material and earth treasures to heal injuries. After taking them on the spot, they tried to restore their state to the peak, choosing different eyes to condense, and finally shouted! !


The nine elders released their strongest weapons, frantically attacking the elephant in front of them!

Hundreds of arms continue to beheaded, even if you are seriously injured, you must continue to move forward and attack upward!

Stepping on these hundreds of arms, everyone went higher and higher, and soon after, they saw the base of this huge tower!

However, the giant elephant holding a huge tower over the sky suddenly became very crazy, and released hundreds of millions of tentacles, which was a terrifying tide attack!

"My God, if you want to continue, you can't break the tower of the sky!"

Although Ding Hao and the others are clenching their teeth, their hope of victory is slim, but this time an elder who fled to the distance suddenly shouted, "I have seen the small gate of the tower of the sky, come, everyone!"

Choosing goodbye immediately smiled, "Come on, everyone, rush into the little door!"


Soon after, when they rushed into the small door in front of them, they took a long breath. Among the towers, it was very quiet and very safe.

The nervousness of everyone was released, but when they turned their heads, their faces showed surprise again.

I saw that in the center of this huge tower, there are a staggering amount of various treasures, all of which are ancient Hong level treasures!

"My goodness! This is going to make a fortune!"

They walked along the way, although they shot some treasures from the body of the evildoer, but it was very difficult, and they never thought about making a fortune.

But here, there are piles of this enchanting king, all kinds of precious heaven and earth treasures collected over so many years, the amount is so scary, piled into a hill!

Ding Hao and the others rushed forward to classify all these treasures.

"Hahaha!" Chosen laughed loudly, "With these heavenly materials and earth treasures, we have all the elixirs behind us! And there are so many heavenly materials and earth treasures here. Level weapons, to the top! We can even start to build the second Guhong level weapons!"

(End of this chapter)

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