Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2679: Seven Realms Annihilated

Chapter 2679 Seven Realms Destroyed

Chapter 2677 Seven Realms Annihilated

Because choosing farewell was too selfish, one person snatched the golden pearl, and the other eight elders were dissatisfied with him.

Of course, you can feel it when you choose a farewell, but when you choose a farewell, you will remember this resentment on Ding Hao!

He thought that Ding Hao challenged his position as captain, so the other elders had the guts to vent their dissatisfaction with him. The more Ding Hao looked at him, the more unpleasant!

Seeing that Ding Hao was halfway through the refining of his spear, he suddenly stood up and shouted, "Okay! You have almost rested, let's go!"

When he shouted, another elder suddenly jumped out and shouted angrily, "Choose goodbye, what do you mean? You haven't seen Ding Hao, the weapon is only half refined?"

After speaking, he said to Ding Hao, "Ding Hao, I think he is aiming at you on purpose!"

In fact, half of the spear in Ding Hao's hand has not been refined yet!

However, since choosing farewell to make everyone get up, Ding Hao didn't argue with him, smiled, temporarily sealed the matter in his hands, and then stood up.

"Farewell Elder said to go, let's go! My gun can't be refined overnight!" Ding Hao stood up and said.

He stood up, and another metal clan elder said, "Ding Hao, why are you so patience with him?"

"It's okay, it's okay." Ding Hao was still smiling.

Ding Hao knew very well that he and Chosen would have a battle in the future, but not now.

There was no need to turn his face with Chosen now, the elders who came out to speak, although they seemed to be fighting for Ding Hao.

In fact, the purpose is very clear, and there is no good intentions, nothing more than to deepen the contradiction between Ding Hao and Chosen!

Seeing Ding Hao showing weakness to him after choosing goodbye, his heart was refreshed, and the whole team was once again settled.

Ascending the 68 steps, they entered the control of the Seven Realms Destroying the Enchanting King. When they came to this step, they only saw thunder and lightning, and the world was torn apart, as if it was the end of the world!

Choosing to take a step forward, he said, "The destruction of the Seven Realms is really well-deserved!"

Ding Hao also walked up, the wind was blowing, and Ding Hao's long black hair was flipped back and forth. He nodded and said, "This is a doomsday scene! It seems that the next few steps are scenes of the destruction of different worlds!"

Just hearing a boom, a thunder fell from the sky!

Amidst this thunder, a jade-white skeleton soldier stood up, holding a sharp machete in his hand.

The metal elder standing on the outermost periphery was watching the skeleton soldier who suddenly appeared. The space around him suddenly tore open, and a strange force wanted to **** it into it!

"Be careful!" Everyone looked surprised.

Fortunately, the metal elder hurriedly avoided and was not sucked into it.

Choosing to frown and said, "Everyone, be careful! In this level, we not only have to deal with the doomsday life that keeps appearing, but also the sky thunder falling from the sky and the heaven and earth visions when the world is destroyed!"

This level is different from the other levels that have been passed before. The level that has been passed before can only be used to kill the evildoers; and this level, not only to kill the evildoers, but also to guard against the natural phenomena when the world is destroyed!

"Everyone still form a circle!"

The nine elders formed a circle back to back, and slowly approached forward. Hundreds of lightning bolts suddenly fell on the steps in front. After landing, amidst the lightning, the skeleton soldiers came out!


Ding Hao and the others also released their weapons to attack these skeleton soldiers.

However, during the battle, fierce electric snakes continued to fall from the sky with a click, which was very terrifying; and around Ding Hao and their bodies, the space continued to collapse, and from the collapsed space, there were many zombie-like evil spirits. !

Not only that, the ground is still cracking from time to time, and sometimes there will be an astonishing number of frost-like blades, swept across large swaths.

"This level is really not easy!" All of the elders have deep complexions. In a blink of an eye, several of them have already been injured!

Ding Hao thought for a while and said, "We are in a circle, this is unreasonable! Whether it is the lightning falling from the sky or the ice skates shooting from all sides, it seems difficult to avoid! It is better to divide into three teams, three people, and go back to back! "

As soon as Chosen wanted to say something, the other elders had already searched for teammates on their own, and separated two other groups.

Ding Hao and Chosen, and another plant elder did not move, the three of them stayed behind and formed a group.

Seeing everyone completely obeyed Ding Hao's orders, his face showed upset once again.

However, the scene in front of him is too dangerous. The only choice is to let go of the unhappiness in the heart, temporarily let go, and move forward back to back with Ding Hao!

The so-called destruction of the seven realms is a completely different world.

When they finally come to a higher level, they will find that the scene here is different again.

This is a scene of the destruction of the aquatic world. The huge water in front of the sky, the waves are rolling, and there are countless aquatic lives in the sea. Before they die, they must pull a back, and they are madly attacking Ding Hao!

In this boundless sea, Ding Hao and the others could not stand firmly, nor could they maintain their formation!

Ding Hao immediately shouted, "Elder of the plant department, immediately release the vines and tie everyone into a rope."

However, the plant elder’s method is better. He stands in the center and sends out eight vines to the surroundings, entangled each of Ding Hao's bodies, thus forming a special circle with Ding Hao as the center and Ding Hao and the others in a circle. form.

Choosing to say goodbye, "This posture is better! Just take you as the center, let's move forward slowly!"

The plant elders are like an ancient tree, Ding Hao and the others are like a circle of sheep tied to the tree, defeating the aquatic life outside one by one!

Keep going, in the next world, this is the destruction of a void world.

When they walked in the void, the planets in all directions exploded continuously, and they were born again, the explosive power was amazing!

If it explodes near Ding Hao's body, even Ding Hao's strength will be wounded and killed!

"Everyone, there is no enemy in this level, but the distance is far! Everyone is careful about the surrounding explosions, and then fly with all their strength!" After Ding Hao finished speaking, he took the lead and flew out.

The other elders followed Ding Hao and flew out without even thinking about it.

The cautiousness of choosing another showed once again, he flew to the end of the team, with a deep hatred in his heart, Ding Hao snatched his command.

In fact, Ding Hao didn't want to snatch, but he thought it was a good idea, so he said it.

After the destruction of the void world, in front of us is a very strange dream world. The powerful evildoers that appear here will not only attack people, but also release bubbles. When the bubbles burst, the elders will feel hallucinations, like Dreams seem true!

After choosing goodbye, he said, "Everyone can use the ancient Hong rune to block it!"

(End of this chapter)

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