Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2680: Ice world

Chapter 2680 Ice and Snow World

Chapter 2678 Ice and Snow World

The seven realms were destroyed, and all realms were different.

There are ordinary life world, endless water world, dream world, ghost world, bone world, sky world, and void world!

It took Ding Hao and the nine elders more than a month to pass through these seven realms.

They resolved all the dangers they encountered in the middle of the journey. They not only had to deal with endless evildoers, but also prevented the consequences of the collapse of this world; more importantly, they discovered that the time of destruction of each world Different!

In other words, they have to successfully get out of this stage before the world is completely destroyed.

So this time, everyone really suffered a lot and suffered a lot of injuries.

When they came to the 77th step, everyone was exhausted physically and mentally, and they couldn't wait to sit down and rest.

However, the 77th step is where the Seven Realms Destroyed Monster King is located, how can there be a chance for them to rest?


With a loud and deafening noise, in the middle of this step, a terrifying force exploded. An aperture of visible power expanded wildly in all directions. This force came in front of Ding Hao and their bodies, wishing it To overturn them to the next step!


Power passed by the bodies of their nine elders, but Ding Hao stood there, standing still, letting his robe and hair sway violently in the wind, he looked forward firmly, and said word by word. "The seven realms are destroyed, and we have all rushed over! Look at the realm where your enchanting king is located. When it is destroyed, what new things will there be?"

Ding Hao spoke firmly, and the other eight elders were also very encouraged, and they all took a step forward and stood shoulder to shoulder with Ding Hao.

In the center of the explosion of power just now, there was a figure slowly standing up, his laughter rumbling loudly, and he said, "Seven realms are destroyed, and I am one of my own! My realm will always surpass the ten thousand realms. On top! When our world is destroyed, the world will also be destroyed, let alone the seven worlds?"

While he was speaking, strange light spots attacked them like Ding Hao.

An elder just wanted to use his weapon to resist, but he heard a boom.

The strange light spot hit by the evil evil king unexpectedly swelled to infinity in an instant, completely containing the body of this elder; in the next instant, this infinite space quickly turned into a strange light spot, turning that One elder income!

"Not good!" Chosen's expression changed and shouted, "Elders, don't directly attack the light spot he sent!"

In a blink of an eye, the nine elders became eight elders.

But things are still going on, the strange light spots are still hitting quickly.

These light spots are very strange. Ding Hao and others thought that they could just avoid these light spots.

But who knows that when these light spots come to them, they will also instantly swell, and they will include the passers-by!

"It's over! What can I do?" The number of elders has decreased, and everyone's faces are pale. In a blink of an eye, there are still three of them, Ding Hao.

At the moment of choosing goodbye, there was a panic on his face. He looked at Ding Hao and asked, "What to do? Otherwise, let's go back to the next step!"

Ding Hao shook his head and said, "No! The world on the next step has collapsed. We go one step back and don’t know what scene we will encounter! Besides, the other six elders have been included in the strange light spots, and we can’t abandon them. regardless of!"

"But are we going to wait for death here?" Chosen said anxiously.

At this moment, another elder was included in the strange light spot, and only Ding Hao and Choosing were left.

Ding Hao gritted his teeth and said, "Now there is no other way, only the two of us, we will do our best to get close to this monster king! See if there is any way!"

Choosing goodbye had to gritted his teeth and said, "Then go!"

The two of them turned into two arcs, one on the left and the other on the right, quickly approaching the enchanting king.

Although Ding Hao and Separation have escaped the attacks of many strange light spots, just when they were very close to the Seven Realms Destroying the Monster King, several strange light spots appeared beside them, and they expanded at the same time. open!

Hearing a loud boom, Ding Hao had nowhere to hide, and was caught by a strange light spot; at the same time, he also fell into a strange light spot.

"This time it's really over!!"

Ding Hao was included in the strange light spot, only to realize that he was not dead, but appeared on an ice and snow plain.

On this ice and snow plain, there are many powerful and strange creatures. After discovering Ding Hao, these ice and snow behemoths ran and pounced; the ice and snow behemoths were huge in number, forming a torrent of ice and snow in a blink of an eye, and the scene was like a snow mountain collapse , Very amazing!

Ding Hao looked shocked and looked back and found that behind him, the same torrent of ice and snow was rolling in.

Originally, he wanted to use his own weapon to attack.

However, when his Guhong Great Sword is cut down, even if it cuts out this ice and snow plain into a canyon; the effect is really not great. The number of beheaded ice and snow behemoths is limited, and other ice and snow behemoths still roll through the canyon. !

Ding Hao used his own bipolar technique again, and the huge beam of light ran across the plain!

However, the bodies of these ice and snow behemoths were covered with an ice layer harder than steel. Ding Hao's attack had not even broken the ice layer, and the ice and snow beasts had already arrived in front of Ding Hao!

Clang clang!

Ding Hao used the Gu Hong giant sword in his hand to behead the two giant beasts rushing in front of him.

He faintly felt a little trouble, although these giant beasts can be killed, but his speed is very slow;

And at this moment, there is a steady stream of giant beasts rushing here!

Suddenly, the ice and snow ground shook violently, and there was a loud noise. From behind the snow-capped mountains in the distance of the ice and snow plain, one after another giant snowmen came out! These snowmen should be called snow monsters, their faces are very hideous, and their whole body is covered with sharp ice thorns. Every step of the way, several ice and snow monsters are crushed by them!

"Your uncle!" Ding Hao cursed, saying that the evildoers in this world are too strong!

It is too hard to attack a world alone.

When Ding Hao's thoughts moved, he thought of the enchanting cloak he had obtained when he first entered the land of Guhong.

He killed the two giant beasts that rushed up again, and then violently pulled the enchanting cloak and covered it on himself.

In the next second, he became the evildoer here, and the surrounding ice quickly formed a thick layer of ice outside his body.

When the large number of ice and snow beasts rushed to his side, he had become similar to the enchanting surrounding him, and became a ice and snow behemoth. Watching other ice and snow behemoths running wildly, Ding Hao followed behind. Run wild.

(End of this chapter)

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