Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2681: Turnaround

Chapter 2681 Turns Around

Chapter 2679-Turning Point Appears

Boom boom boom!

Ding Hao has also become a behemoth of ice and snow, galloping across the endless ice sheet, ramming.

However, these ice and snow behemoths and those huge snow monsters came because of Ding Hao. Now that Ding Hao disappeared, these huge creatures began to calm down again.

A few days later, on the vast ice field, a giant ice beast was wandering aimlessly!

By its side, there are often ice and snow monsters passing by, but everyone passes by, and no one pays attention to this ordinary ice and snow monster.

"Safety is safe now, but how do I get out?"

Ding Hao was hiding inside the body of this giant ice and snow beast, and he was wearing that enchanting cloak outside, which looked exactly like the giant ice and snow beast!

He knows that he is now included in the strange light spot. If he guessed correctly, each strange light spot is a unique world, and the other eight elders should have entered other different worlds!

"As long as you don't die! You have a chance to go out if you don't die!"

After Ding Hao became an ice beast, he first became familiar with the surrounding environment.

"This world is an endless ice field!"

He has traveled a long distance, not knowing how many years have passed, but he has never reached the end of this ice sheet.

And beside him are the endless ice and snow beasts, the number is unknown how many billions, these ice and snow behemoths don't need food, they are like ghosts hanging around on the ice field all day, doing nothing!

And those huge snow monsters like to lie behind the iceberg and sleep loudly!

"How can I leave here?" Ding Hao decided not to move forward.

He felt that even if he walked for countless years, he would not even want to reach the end of this icefield, "If you want to leave this world, you can't just walk!"

After making up his mind, he began to think of other ways.

For example, dig a hole under the ice sheet!

This huge behemoth lay on the ice and snow, and then Ding Hao's body was exposed under his cloak, carefully digging down the ice...

However, less than a few seconds after he just exposed his body, the ice and snow behemoths on the entire ice sheet were all beaten up with blood, rushing toward him!

"Your uncle!"

Ding Hao had no choice but to put it back in his cloak and transform back into a behemoth of ice and snow.

After repeating this several times, he found that it was impossible for him to dig a hole. There were other ice and snow monsters everywhere. As long as his body was revealed, all the ice and snow monsters in this world seemed to be sensed!

"What kind of induction is this?" Ding Hao had no choice but to continue hiding in the enchanting cloak.

The giant ice and snow beasts in this world are very peculiar. No matter how they are in form, they will never fight with each other. They will not even hear any giant beasts roaring for thousands of years; but as long as they sense one Outsiders, these behemoths all started crazy!

So Ding Hao thought of another way, that is to make a battle between these ice and snow monsters!

He raised his hand and threw a piece of fragrant beast meat, wanting to let these ice and snow beasts smell the fragrance and devour it!

However, the result was not ideal. These ice and snow beasts had no interest in food at all, and they still wandered like zombies there.

"What's the situation?" Ding Hao has been wandering in this world for nearly a hundred years, yet he has not figured out what is going on here?

"I will be in this world for 100 years soon! I don’t know how many days have passed in the outside world? When can I get out? When can I get out of the strange light spot? After I got out, the other eight elders , Can they get out?"

Questions in Ding Hao's heart, one after another.

However, the biggest problem now is how to leave this world!

"I'm so upset!"

Finally, Ding Hao wasn't wandering, found a place at the foot of a snowy mountain range, lying half there, looking at the sky blankly.

He just stared at the sky blankly like this, and another few years passed.

"I've been watching the sky here for five years, haven't you? Then I will never be able to go out, and I will be in this world for 100 years!"

Ding Hao lay there dementia, feeling extremely bored!

If he is trapped in other places, he can still meditate cross-legged to improve his cultivation; or he can take out half of his refining weapons and continue refining!

But here, there are behemoths of ice and snow everywhere, he can't do any strange behavior at all, he can only lie there bored!

Just when he was extremely bored, he finally ushered in 100 years of coming into this world!

On this day, the ground suddenly rumbling and shaking, shaking everywhere, icebergs and ice fields, rumbling loudly, as if the end of the world is coming!

"Seven Realms Destroy the Enchanted King!" Ding Hao's expression moved, "Could this world also be destroyed? If I say that, I would like to find a chance to see if I can leave here!"

The ice and snow beast lying there, turned over and stood up, looking around vigilantly, looking for opportunities.

What shocked Ding Hao was that when he saw it, he discovered that all the giant ice and snow beasts that had been wandering everywhere now seemed to be petrified, standing there quietly, ears erected, listening!

Looking at the tall Snow Demon lying behind the iceberg, he has already woken up now, his huge eyes are wide open, his eyes are full of expectation, as if he is waiting for something!

The ground is shaking more and more fiercely. This kind of violent earthquake is simply unimaginable. In this fierce shaking, the extremely hard ice floor began to have cracks, the cracks and cracks became bigger and bigger, and a line appeared on the ice sheet. Dao huge horror rift!

At this moment, Ding Hao suddenly felt that the temperature was rising!

At this moment, there was a sudden bang, huge icebergs split, and from the cracks in the icebergs, fiery red lava rolled down, dripping into the cracks in the ground ice sheet!

This kind of sight is hard to see in other worlds. The magma with very high temperature flows back and forth in the cracks of ice and snow. The colors of fiery red and frost reflect each other!

Wow, wow!

The sound of frost cracking continued to sound, Ding Hao noticed that the thick layer of ice covered by the hundreds of millions of ice and snow behemoths over the entire snowy field had now begun to fall off, and the behemoths had restored their original appearance!


Suddenly from a distant place in this world, there was a strange sound, which seemed to contain countless truths!

Those ice and snow beasts who listened with their ears erected, after hearing this sound, all rushed to the place where the sound came from!

Even the tall Snow Devils lost a bit of sleepiness and started to run wildly!

Ding Hao didn't know what was going on, and followed the hundreds of millions of behemoths of ice and snow, and ran wildly!

(End of this chapter)

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