Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2682: Kill the Snow Demon

Chapter 2682 Kill the Snow Demon

Chapter 2680 Killing Snow Demon

Suddenly, in the direction where the beasts were running, there was another loud bang.

After the loud noise, a huge golden beam of light rose into the sky, and the area where the beam of light released, a shocking force was transmitted to the whole world in a strange way in an instant!

"Over there!" Even if Ding Hao doesn't know anymore, he can understand now that something earth-shattering has been born!

In this world, everything and beasts are waiting, waiting for this day to come!

Now, this day has arrived, the world of ice and snow has changed dramatically, and the beasts swarmed away!


The ground vibrated violently, and a very tall Snow Demon ran fast!

The running speed of these huge beings is terrifying, and every step taken, a long distance forward, those running ice and snow behemoths simply cannot compare with it!

"No way! I can no longer appear as a giant ice beast!"

Ding Hao felt that if he were still advancing at the current speed, he would probably miss a huge opportunity!


Ding Hao stood up and lifted the enchanting cloak on his body.

In the past, after he exposed his deity, he would attract an astonishing number of ice and snow monsters;

But this time it was different. When he appeared as the deity, the ice and snow behemoths ignored him at all, still running wildly, as if they hadn't found his existence!

"Sure enough! Everyone wants to compete for this earth-shattering opportunity, no one has time to control me!"

That being the case, Ding Hao simply released his flying palace.

In this world, flying palaces cannot fly high, they can only fly close to the ground.

Ding Hao didn't care at all, standing in front of the flying palace, controlling a flying palace to fly at high speed!

The speed of this black flying palace was very amazing, turning into a white light and shadow, wherever it went, a large number of ice and snow beasts were directly knocked out.

In this way, Ding Hao's speed was faster than those of the huge Snow Demon!

"Haha, this is fast, see what's in front of you!"

After flying in the flying palace for a while, Ding Hao finally saw faintly, that golden beam of light shot up from the top of the tallest and most majestic iceberg!

"It's there, hurry up!"

At this moment, under this iceberg, there are already an astonishing number of ice and snow giants!

In the past, these behemoths of ice and snow were like zombies, wandering on the ice sheet, and there would never be any battle between them.

But now it’s different. A surprising number of ice and snow beasts want to rush to the top of this iceberg, but they find that the iceberg is hard and slippery, and it will slide down a few steps up; when it slides down, there is new snow and ice. The behemoth rushed.

When everyone is together, they will bite and trample each other!

After a while, the corpses piled up into a hill.

Because of this hill, the behemoth of ice and snow rushing up from behind can step on the corpse of the senior, go higher and higher, and continue to climb.

However, when I reached the mountainside, I still couldn't move up, and continued to slide down, and these ice and snow beasts began to trample and bite each other again!

"Your uncle, how many ice and snow monsters have died!" Ding Hao was dumbfounded.

The number of giant ice and snow beasts in this world is staggering, and the giant beasts that are now dead are also very terrifying. For this huge iceberg, the corpses of the giant ice and snow beasts are piled around. The corpses surround the iceberg, and it is still getting higher and higher. accumulation!

Suddenly, a tall Snow Demon rushed over.

The Snow Demon wanted to climb up on the corpse of the giant ice and snow beast. However, when it stepped on this foot, some of the corpses under its feet were trampled and some were pushed away. The Snow Demon still could not climb up. Although it was very tall, But the hands and feet are more slippery, it is extremely anxious!


Another strange Sanskrit sound was introduced into the ears of all beings in this world, as if someone was chanting something, as if it contained very powerful power!

"There is definitely a heritage that I don't know about here!" Ding Hao's eyes condensed, his flying palace has come to the foot of the iceberg.

Ding Hao, who is white and black-haired, jumped out of the flying palace, raised his hand and moved backwards to put away the flying palace, then tapped the corpse of the ice giant beast on his toes and climbed up quickly.

Boom boom boom!

When he came to the hill where the corpses of these giant ice beasts piled up, the giant ice and snow beasts that had climbed halfway down the mountain slid down again.

Ding Hao released his Gu Hong giant sword and beheaded the slid ice beast, and then raised the sword again, trying to use the Gu Hong giant sword to smash the ice rock in front of him into a climbing gap!

But when he tried this, he found that the ice rock in front of him was so hard that even his Guhong Great Sword could not open any holes.

"This is a bit troublesome! The iceberg cannot be climbed, and flying is prohibited. How do I get to the top of the iceberg?"

But soon, Ding Hao made his own discovery.

"It turns out that if you want to reach the top of the iceberg, there is only one way to fight each other and fight! Only kill enough ice and snow beasts to make the pile of corpses higher and higher! Finally, the corpses can be piled up to the top of the iceberg. Then naturally there is a way of climbing!"

Thinking of this, Ding Hao's heart was shocked!

It is said that one will succeed in everything, and the winner is to step on the body of the loser to get higher and higher!

It now seems that this is an unsubvertible truth no matter where he goes. Only the more these ice and snow beasts die, the higher he can go. This is the only way he can reach the top of the mountain!

"Then kill it!" Ding Hao's eyes were filled with ruthlessness.

At the foot of the iceberg, the behemoths of ice and snow are stomping and killing each other, but what makes people hate is the tall snow monsters.

These big guys are very hateful. The hill of corpses that had just been piled up, was stepped on randomly by these big guys, and suddenly collapsed. It was simply a hateful **** mess!

"Then I will take action to kill these nasty snow monsters first!"

Ding Hao's face became cold, and he took the Gu Hong giant sword in his hand and swooped over!

But what is shocking is that these huge snow monsters, although there is no ice layer on their bodies, their defenses are still very strong.

After Ding Hao's Gu Hong great sword was smashed up, he could only knock it down at best, but could not slash it!

This is not a problem. He raised his hand and grabbed it, grabbed a treasure that he had obtained on the previous steps, and swallowed it in one bite.

Suddenly, his strength suddenly increased several times, and his body size also increased, like a giant!

"I don't believe that you hateful snow monsters don't have any weaknesses!"

Ding Hao, who had turned into a giant, held Gu Hong's giant sword in his hand, and clanked the snow demon who fell on the ground. After searching for a while, Ding Hao finally found the weakness of these snow demon!

"So that's the case, then I will kill you nasty guys first!" Ding Hao immediately entered a state of massacre!

(End of this chapter)

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