Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2683: Prajna Heritage

Chapter 2683 Prajna Inheritance

Chapter 2681 Prajna Inheritance

Ding Hao's strength is strong enough, and he has found the weakness of these Snow Demons, making it easier to kill.

Soon after, these huge horror guys were finally beheaded one by one by Ding Hao.

And the other Snow Demon who was rushing over saw Ding Hao's strength and couldn't help being quite jealous, hiding on the other side of the iceberg.

Ding Hao ignored the Snow Demon hiding in the distance.

After all, those have nothing to do with Ding Hao, instead he started to kill the behemoths of ice and snow that swarmed!

In the midst of his crazy slaughter and each other's stomping and biting, this hill made of giant beasts is getting higher and higher!

The hill forms a huge slope, and the giant ice and snow beasts rushing from behind are running straight up the slope!

When they run to the area close to the iceberg, they will be slaughtered or killed each other, and finally become corpses again, making Ding Hao go higher and higher!

I don't know how long it has passed, or how many ice and snow beasts have died. This hill of corpses has finally reached the top of the iceberg!


Ding Hao was surprised to find that there were nine huge pyramids in the center of the top of the iceberg!

The nine pyramids are neatly arranged, exactly the same size, and there is no difference between them!

"Is this a relic left by the strong, or is the ancient heritage looking for descendants?" Ding Hao's expression was startled.

However, at this moment, a behemoth of ice and snow suddenly jumped up and jumped onto the top of the iceberg in front of Ding Hao!

"Asshole! You are looking for death!"

Ding Hao's face was furious, and he said that I hadn't gotten up after so long. Do you want to get the first place?

The Gu Hong giant sword in his hand smashed down, hitting the ice and snow behemoth, directly knocking it down from the air!

Then Ding Hao's figure quickly jumped up and flew past, no matter what the origin of these nine great pyramids, he chose one first, and then went in!

Although the nine pyramids look exactly the same, Ding Hao felt that if there were differences, the central one might be more precious.

So his figure rushed into the central pyramid, and when his figure entered, he only heard the roar of the rock.

A golden boulder slowly fell, closing the only small door of the pyramid tightly.

Soon after Ding Hao entered, another huge Snow Demon finally climbed to the top and rushed into a pyramid.

At the same time, many places around the iceberg have been filled with corpses, and an astonishing number of giant ice and snow beasts rushed up like a flood!

The lucky ones are only a few, one after another black shadows got into the pyramid, and the golden gate closed suddenly!

Together with Ding Hao, only nine lucky people entered the pyramid, and the other ice and snow monsters all lost their chances!

Even if you take a step slower, you will lose your chance. These strange ice and snow monsters banged on the pyramid one by one, but they were helpless.

When all the nine pyramids were occupied by people, the huge golden beam of light in the sky dimmed, the sanskrit sound that attracted all life no longer sounded, the manic ice and snow beasts began to become comfortable, and the cracks on the ground in all directions also Start to gather slowly!

This world is slowly recovering when Ding Hao first arrived.


Among the pyramids, Ding Hao looked up at this huge tower, floating in countless strange runes.

These runes are floating in the sky, forming a row of rows, large and small texts, forming a very shocking scene.

And in the center of this pyramid, is a golden circular mask.

In the mask, the Sanskrit sound was heard more frequently, "Om! Om! Om!"

Ding Hao didn't know what this meant, but since he came here, he couldn't leave, so he could only move on and walk into the mask.

When Ding Hao entered the mask, an ancient and powerful will immediately enveloped his body!

The feeling is very peculiar, like a person standing in the water, coming from all directions, but this kind of "water" is not real water, but a certain powerful will!

Almost instantly, this powerful will has been connected to Ding Hao's mental power and can communicate.

"Here is the inheritance of the Prajna clan looking for successors! 100 years of waiting, 100 years of cultivation, 100 years of silence, young people, are you ready?"

Ding Hao didn't understand what he was talking about. Since someone wanted to pass on him, he didn't refuse, and immediately sat cross-legged and began to accept the inheritance.

Soon, a lot of ancient inheritance entered Ding Hao's thoughts.

"It turns out that this is the case. The inheritance level of this Prajna clan is equivalent to the level of our sacred world, which is good! But compared with the inheritance of the ancient Hong world, it seems to be a bit lower!"

The Prajna clan inheritance that Ding Hao received was slightly lower than the ancient inheritance he usually learned by half a step.

So he learned very easily, "Although these inheritances are low, they have profound meaning! This reminds me of the inheritance of our sacred world. Our sacred world can also use these methods in the future to evaluate our own people! Look for geniuses! Powerful ethnic groups! "

Ding Hao thought while studying. Not only did he learn a lot of Prajna thoughts and techniques, but he also thought more clearly about the inheritance and development of the Protoss in his own mind. This was a double promotion for him!

Although the profound meanings of the Prajna tribe’s exercises are not as good as those of Gu Hong’s inheritance, they are very far away and contain many thoughts and theories that modern people do not possess. Ding Hao has benefited a lot after studying carefully!

In Ding Hao's study and thinking, time passed in a hurry.

The rules of the Prajna clan are 100 years of waiting, 100 years of cultivation, and 100 years of silence.

Ding Hao had waited for 100 years before, and now the Pyramid of Inheritance was opened, and he entered it for another 100 years of cultivation!

When he was cultivating, in the eight surrounding pyramids, the ice and snow giants and the tall snow monsters that rushed in were also constantly accepting the inheritance. These once ignorant lives, after receiving the inheritance and exercises, Their bodies are slowly changing, their own thoughts are gradually forming, their strength and strength are rapidly ascending, becoming the masters of this ice and snow world!

And in these 100 years, the entire ice world is also slowly cooling down. The lava that flowed down has now all begun to freeze, freezing into an ice layer, and the dead ice and snow behemoths are also cracking and shrinking along with the ground. Slowly sink into the depths of ice and snow!

Time is in the process of cultivating, and it will soon pass. For cultivators, 100 years is a blink of an eye.

On this day, the soaring golden light that had disappeared, now appears again.

But this time, the golden light emitted from the nine pyramids was shot to a certain place in the center of the sky. The nine golden lights gathered together to become a golden platform!

At this moment, Ding Hao, who was practicing in the pyramid, suddenly appeared in front of a long golden ladder!

"It seems it's time to leave!"

(End of this chapter)

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