Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2686: Reincarnation

Chapter 2686: Reincarnation of Life and Death

Chapter 2684 Reincarnation Of Life And Death

99 steps, nine evildoers!

Ding Hao and the others have come to the second-to-last area under the control of the evil evil king, the eighth life and eighth evil evil king, controlling 78 to 88 steps!

The 78th step is a safe zone. After a short rest, everyone climbed up to the 79th step!

When they climbed this step, they were in a mess, and they seemed to have come to another world!

Ding Hao looked down at himself, turned into a baby!

"Oh my God! What is being assessed in this level?"

Ding Hao was stunned. With his own memory, he knew that he was going through the barrier, but now he is just a baby and has no combat effectiveness.

At this moment, other people's conversation sounded in his ears.

"This child was born in someone who shouldn't be born, at a time when he shouldn't be born, how can we have time to take him away now? It's better to be cruel and kill him!"

Ding Hao looked up and saw that it was a young man who was talking, with a complex look in his eyes.

"But this is my child, I can't bear it!"

"Don't forget that we are fleeing. When we settle down in the future, we will have another child!" the man said again.

Ding Hao was an old monster who had lived for tens of thousands of years, and he understood the situation instantly.

The man and the woman are probably on the way to escape. Who knew that the woman gave birth to another child, and the man wanted to kill the child so that he could escape.

"Your uncle!" Ding Hao hated his father as soon as he was born.

But he is just a baby now, what can he do?

The woman was always reluctant, and the two were in a conversation. The young man said again, "Look at this child, you don't even know how to cry after birth! Open your eyes and look around. When you look at me, there is a spiteful look! The child is probably an ominous thing!"

Ding Hao cursed in his heart, "I **** you uncle! It's a beast! You know I'm an ominous thing, why do you want to give birth to me, why do you want to do that with your wife?"

Although scolded, Ding Hao also knew that he suffered a catastrophe at birth.

If I don't handle it well now, I am afraid I will fail this level!

Thinking of this, he hurriedly cried and stretched out his arms towards his mother.

"You scared the child!" The woman hurriedly hugged Ding Hao in her arms, shook it vigorously, and said, "The baby doesn't cry. Mom will feed you."

He put something into Ding Hao's mouth...

Ding Hao almost fainted and wanted to vomit, but helplessly, the woman let him in again.

"I xx..." Ding Hao has no choice. He cannot grow or grow up without drinking milk, and it will also arouse the suspicion of men and women.

"No way, then drink it."

The man saw that he could not persuade the woman, so he had to give up temporarily and began to run for his life.

But it was really said by this man that with a child, the speed of escape was affected; moreover, this became a feature.

When they fled to a certain small county town, they were captured by the officers and soldiers. The man wanted to escape and was shot on the spot by a bow and arrow shot from the city wall!

After the woman and Ding Hao were arrested, they were sent back to the capital.

Only then did Ding Hao know that he was born in a family of civil servants. The master of this family was very loyal. In one admonition to the emperor, he might have spoken more heavily and used inappropriate words! Provoked the emperor's anger, and cut down this family!

After the woman and Ding Hao were captured, all the family members had been killed, and Ding Hao became the only seedling in this family.

At this moment, the emperor's anger had almost vented, and seeing this family become like this, he moved his compassion.

They were exonerated from the death penalty and were demoted to civilians.

The woman married a farmer from the countryside, who was running away all day, making money to support his family.

Ding Hao grew up slowly in such a family.

He has tens of thousands of years of memory. He originally wanted to practice, but found that this world is the lowest level of low martial arts, and he couldn't practice at all; however, he relied on the strength he exercised, and he used it when he was a teenager. There is no rival in the state city!

Moreover, his literary talents and poems are also very famous, and he soon became a national, civil and military talent!

Even the emperor asked him to be an official in the imperial city when he heard of his talent.

Ding Hao declined, and he began to wander in this world, traveling around the world of low martial arts.

He wants to see what kind of scenery there is in a world where you can't practice at all; what's more, what he thinks about is, what kind of laws does this low martial world have? Only then can he not be able to cultivate with so many powerful techniques!

Ding Hao has reached the pinnacle of Gu Hong's world, and many of the exercises he wants to practice do not require spiritual energy.

But in this world, it is really impossible to practice, and no exercises will work.

"I don't believe that the laws of this world are so powerful that they can restrict the practice of Gu Hong's world!"

In Ding Hao's view, the practice of Gu Hong's world has reached the top of the pyramid. How could there be laws prohibiting cultivation?

But in Ding Hao's travels and search, he finally made a new discovery.

"It turns out that the reason why I can't practice is not because the laws of this world restrict Gu Hong's exercises; it's because this world lacks many laws. This is the reason why no exercises can be practiced!"

On the top of a mountain in this world, he sat cross-legged and began to enlighten.

Let him create all the laws of this world, of course it is very laborious and thankless;

So he needs to find the simplest rule to break the world and get out of it!

Just when he was sitting on the top of the mountain and enlightened.

In the capital, the emperor was already old, exhausted, and about to die.

The emperor said, "I'm afraid that time is running out, but I found out that the genius who is well-known at home and abroad! He was the one who was annihilated by my family! I recruited him to be an official in the capital, but he refused. Obviously there is still something for me. Resentment! If I die, I am afraid that none of my sons will be opponents of this person! So now I mobilize the whole country and kill this person, so I can die and scorn!"

Ding Hao cross-legged, enlightened on this high mountain, and was quickly discovered by the army.

Because Ding Hao is a literary and military genius, he was able to fight all over the counties in his teens, and he was invincible in his 20s. Later, on the entire continent, no one was his opponent! So this time, the emperor transferred hundreds of thousands of troops to complete a lore on this mountain top!

In front of these emperors and generals, even if Ding Hao has great skills, don't beat hundreds of thousands of people!

But they were wrong. Sitting here, Ding Hao finally realized a Taoism, a Taoism that can be practiced in this world!

When he opened his eyes, he saw hundreds of thousands of troops at the foot of the mountain, with flags fluttering and drums thundering.

His eyes were like electricity, and he only spit out four words, "Looking for death!"

After speaking, stand up and go down alone...

(End of this chapter)

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