Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2687: Different life

Chapter 2687 A Different Life

Chapter 2685-Different Life

Ding Hao succeeded in enlightenment on this mountain top!

Not to mention the hundreds of thousands of troops in front of you, even if the number is ten times more, it can't stop Ding Hao's footsteps at all!

He walked all the way down the mountain, wherever he went, he saw people killing people, seeing gods killing gods, seeing Buddhas killing Buddhas!

From this mountain, he killed all the way to the capital, to the palace, and to the palace of the golden luang!

Only then did those emperors and generals know that the end is coming, and then they knew the person in front of them, he was not a person at all, he was a murderer!

At this moment, the emperor is not dead, kneeling on the Golden Luang Temple, begging Ding Hao to leave a trace of his royal blood!

Ding Hao ignored him, and killed his princes and grandchildren in front of the emperor, and the entire clan of the emperor, completely killed!

After Ding Hao had done this, the emperor finally arrived at Shouyuan and died desperately!

"Long live my emperor!"

The officers and soldiers present saw that the royal family was gone, everyone all knelt down, Long live the mountain!

However, is Ding Hao's will the emperor of a mortal world?

His body turned into a golden light, soaring into the sky, flying higher and higher, in the horrified eyes of the mortal ants, he broke the boundaries of this world with a punch, and walked out of this world!

When he walked out, he found that he was already standing at the end of the 79th step. He lifted his steps to ascend the 80th step.

But he did not rush forward, sat down cross-legged, and waited on the spot!

After waiting for a long time, I saw the other figure appear.

Choosing to see Ding Hao, his face was shocked, he had also experienced a lifetime, and then he came out of it!

He felt that his speed was already very fast, but he did not expect that Ding Hao was still ahead of him, and much earlier than him!

"Ding Hao, it seems that your state of mind is much higher than mine!"

Although choosing farewell was convincing, he thought to himself: What is the effect of having a high mood? At the critical moment, it still depends on combat effectiveness! As long as my fighting power is stronger than you, I can still win the title Hong!

Ding Hao smiled, "I just happened to happen."

The two sat down and continued to wait for several months.

In those illusions, it is probably that decades have passed, and the other elders have stepped out of it one by one.

An elder sighed, "I am really useless, facing those mortals who have no power to bind chickens, they are actually playing around!"

The other elder smiled bitterly, "I didn't expect me to cultivate to such a high level! I am also greedy for life in the mortal world, so I have lived there for a few more decades, so everyone has been waiting!"

Another elder said intently, "I actually met a confidant woman in that low martial arts world! I waited for her to be buried in the earth after a hundred years, and then I left that world! People live forever, only This love word is really unbreakable!"

Everyone smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to be a lover."

The elder laughed and said, "I've been through this one time, and I've passed the relationship! I will never worry about it again! Okay, I will be the last one to come out and let me be the first to log in. Go up the 80th step!"

While speaking, he lifted his foot up to the 80th step in front of him.

The other elders were also at the same time, ascending the 80th step. Ding Hao, like everyone else, also stepped up this step!

When he reached the 80th step, but there was another flower in front of him, and Ding Hao was stunned that he turned into a baby again!

"Oh my God, do you want to do this? Does it mean that the eighth life and the eighth generation are meant to be reincarnation?"

Different world, different strength, different plot!

What Ding Hao became this time was not a human baby, but a wild beast's baby, more precisely, a blue thylacine baby!

Ding Hao’s baby was hiding in the blue thylacine bag. His mother ran away quickly in the forest, but it was useless. A hunter’s arrow came and shot the blue thylacine to death.

"Unexpectedly, there is a little wolf here!"

One person walked over with his son. The hunter had a beard and waved his hand to kill the little wolf that Ding Hao had turned into.

However, Ding Hao rushed to the hunter's son. The hunter's son hugged the little wolf and said, "Father, this guy has nothing to kill if he kills, let him follow me!"


From then on, Ding Hao turned into a little wolf to practice.

This life is more difficult than the last time; although the world in front of you is slightly higher than the low-wu world, Ding Hao is just a beast. If he wants to cultivate his strength and break this world, it becomes even more difficult!

Of course, this is not difficult for Ding Hao.

After decades, Ding Hao finally enlightened Dao in the form of a wolf, tore through the sky, and walked out of this world.

What Ding Hao didn't expect was that when he walked out, he was surprised to find that Choosing had stepped out before him!

"Choose goodbye, you can do it!" Ding Hao said somewhat surprised.

Choosing goodbye was in a good mood and laughed. In fact, others didn't know, he knew very well.

Because he was transformed into a monster in his world before he became a strong man by cultivating, this level is similar to his previous experience, so he can pass the level faster than Ding Hao.

The two continued to wait, and soon afterwards, the elders once again walked out.

It may be that with the experience of the previous level, although this level has become more difficult, everyone succeeds faster.

"We keep going!"

In this way, climbing up step by step, Ding Hao and the others are also experiences of one world.

Eighth-born eighth, Ding Hao and the others experienced eighth-eighth birth, and finally came to 87 steps.

They had already experienced eight lives and eight generations before, and they thought that this step before them would not be entering another world.

But they were wrong. They went through the ninth cycle of life and death again. This time, unlike the previous eight times, their nine elders were born again in this world!

"I'll wipe it! Choose another elder, why are you here?"

When the nine elders of them met in a private school, everyone laughed. No one thought that this would be the case for the ninth reincarnation.

But the life before them is also their most difficult one!

The world they are in is basically the top world, which can be said to be no less than the world of the gods. The nine of them have to slowly cultivate from the bottom of this world to the peak. Break this world!

Although the nine elders had some discord between them during the previous journey; but at this level, everyone still had to work together. It only took about a thousand years to reach the peak, break the world, and walk out hand in hand. !

"Okay, the next time is the time to face the eighth life and eighth evil king!"

(End of this chapter)

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