Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2688: the last place

Chapter 2688 last

Chapter 2686 the last one

On the 88th step, the nine elders finally stood in front of the eighth-life and eighth-life evil king after the reincarnation of the nine-life and nine-life.

This monster king is very peculiar.

The most peculiar thing is that different people look at him, and the appearance they see is completely different!

This is decided based on the memories and characteristics of every life and age. In Ding Hao's eyes, this enchanting king has blue fangs and is very ugly!

The Eighth Life and Eighth Devil King said, "What you look at me, you are what you are! You are beautiful when you see me; when you see me ugly, your disposition is also very ugly! The stronger the look, the more complex your face ferocious!"

"Nonsense," Choosing said, "In the eyes of our nine elders, none of us sees you as beautiful!"

"That's because your nine elders have ugly dispositions!" The Eighth Life and Eighth Monster King laughed.

Ding Hao sneered, "We admit that our Y hopes are indeed much stronger than ordinary people. If this is ugly! Then we will never be able to make this step! We will always be strong, this is already doomed, in our mind. There will be a hideous side! Too kind, you will never come to this point, so you must not use this little trick to interfere with our mood!"

Say goodbye, "Stop talking nonsense with him, come on!"

The nine elders all shot and began to besiege this evil king.

Above the 99th step, this monster king is the second to last, but his strength is the second most positive!

"So strong! The strength of this thing is really strong!" During the battle, the nine elders were all secretly surprised.

The Eighth-Life and Eighth Demon King was the most powerful demon that they came up with. Under their full force, Ding Hao and the others could not move forward at all, they could only retreat step by step, and were soon forced to the 88th step. The most edge!

"No way! If we can't stand him anymore, we will return to 87 steps! In that case, we have to go back and experience a lifetime!"

Chosen said loudly, "Immediately release the second Gu Hong weapon!"

In this way, the strength suddenly became stronger, blocking the eighth life and eighth monster king at the last step!

Choosing goodbye suddenly noticed Ding Hao, and did not take out the second weapon. He frowned and said, "Ding Hao, why don't you take out your second ancient Hong-class weapon?"

The Prajna spear in Ding Hao's hand is amazing, it is his weapon at the bottom of the box, and he is unwilling to use it.

"Choose goodbye, my second weapon has not been built, you know that!"

He had no choice but to gritted his teeth and said, "If none of you are willing to take out the strongest weapon, how can such a powerful enchanting king defeat him? Don't be too selfish!"

Ding Hao shook his head and said, "Even if my second weapon is built, it may not be able to defeat the Eighth Life and Eighth Monster King! I have another idea, maybe it has some miraculous effects!"

Hearing what Ding Hao said, the other elders were all interested and asked, "Elder Ding Hao, if you have something to say! Now we are all a little bit unable to stand it!"

Ding Hao said, "Eight Lives and Eighth Monster King, doesn't he like to let us go through life forever? Then we will treat him as a human being! We also give him a space for generations to come! He went in and felt the cycle of life and death!"

Hearing this, the eyes of the other elders lit up.

"This is a good way, but how to create a space for generations to come?"

Another elder said, "This is not difficult! With our experience and strength, coupled with the appropriate ancient Hong exercises! This is completely possible. The key is that we must work together to create a space for reincarnation!"

"Then you pass the exercises to us at a speed!"

These nine elders are all the top powerhouses in the ancient Hong world. In a short time, everyone can use several ancient Hong exercises together; you can use some amazing ancient Hong runes to support an ancient Hong Space, here to set the cycle of life forever!

"Are you ready, Guhong Space, open it!"

When this space was opened, the nine elders released an astonishing amount of ancient Hong runes at the same time. These runes immediately formed countless laws to outline the world in this space;

And at this moment, the Eight Lives and Eighth Demon King himself became a baby.

"Hahaha!" Ding Hao and the nine elders held up this space and laughed loudly as they looked at the scene inside.

However, the Eight Lives and Eighth Monster King is really amazing. He grew up in this world instantly, became extremely powerful, and soon broke the space and rushed out of reincarnation!

"Can't let him rush out! Oh my god, his speed is really too fast!" Ding Hao's smiles on their faces hadn't faded yet, and there was a look of shock.

"No, he tore all the runes on my side, and he can't stop it from rushing out!" Another elder shouted again.

In a blink of an eye, countless holes were torn out of the powerful space built by the group of nine people!

At this moment, Ding Hao said, "Elders! How can one life cycle be enough? Eight Lives and Eight Worlds Monster King, we have to give him the cycle of life cycle, let it cycle here forever!"

"This is a good idea!"

The nine elders madly punched runes into the space again, and these runes once again formed a huge and terrifying world.

The Eighth Life and Eighth Monster King just walked out of one cycle, but walked into another cycle, and became a baby again; he became very powerful again, tearing through the space; but the next more peculiar cycle is waiting for him ...

The reincarnation of life after life, let him fall into it!

When Ding Hao and the others were constantly constructing the world of reincarnation, their footsteps were also constantly moving. I don't know how long it took until the nine elders had reached the end of the 88 steps.

Everyone's eyes were filled with joy, and they chose to shout in excitement, "Elders, don't wait, hurry up to a higher level!"


With a loud bang, the Eight Lives and Eighth Demonic King finally walked out of the cycle of rebirth.

When he walked out, he found that Ding Hao and the nine elders had already reached the next level!


Everyone walked up to the 89th step, exhaling a long sigh, and then laughed.

"Elder Ding Hao, if you want to say that you passed this time, thanks to your plan! Haha, the Eighth Lives and Eighth Enchanted King was trapped in reincarnation and couldn't get out of it. It is really unexpected!"

After choosing goodbye, everyone praised Ding Hao, and he was secretly unhappy, and the joy of just passing the test was completely diminished.

He said with a gloomy face, "Everyone has come to the final stage, and then we will face the last one, the most powerful monster king! Everyone has a short rest, ready to go!"

(End of this chapter)

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