Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2690: Enter the imperial city

Chapter 2690 Entering the Imperial City

Chapter 2688 Entering The Imperial City

The evildoer on the steps here, after being beheaded, will have a certain chance to obtain the Guhong Stele.

These ancient Hong stone steles are not the same as those previously obtained by Ding Hao.

In the past, most of the ancient Hong stone steles that Ding Hao got were the exercise books that Gu Hong had inscribed. As Ding Hao went higher and higher, the stone steles that appeared on the steps became more and more high-end!

Finally one day, Ding Hao hit a special Guhong stele!

The content on this ancient Hong stone stele is not anyone engraving on it, but grows out of the body of the evildoer!

The content recorded on these growing stone tablets is the most fundamental law of the ancient Hong world!

"Good stuff! This is really good stuff!"

The most fundamental laws of the ancient Hong world are projected on these steles to form detailed content!

This is like the world Ding Hao has passed through, the Dao lines in those worlds!

"These ancient Hong stone steles contain the Dao patterns of the ancient Hong land. This is the record of the emergence and development of the ancient Hong world! Among them are the most profound principles of the ancient Hong world!"

Although they chose farewell to the elders, they also got this ancient Hong stone stele.

But they don't have a place to practice. On this step, there are many evildoers and there is no place to stay!

Ding Hao is different, that enchanting cloak has given him a tremendous help!

When he got such an ancient Hong stone stele, he immediately put on the enchanting cloak and began to practice and study on the spot!

"It turns out that the profound meaning of the exercises is like this! The land of ancient Hong is so mysterious, but it is nothing more than that if you understand the profound meaning of the exercises behind it!"

As Ding Hao studied more and more Guhong steles, his vision became higher and higher, and his understanding of the content on the steles became more profound!

"I feel that my strength has improved a lot during this time!"

The 99 steps in front of Guhong Imperial City are not only a place to break through, but also an improvement!

Ding Hao felt that Gu Hong created this complicated step back then to cultivate and enhance the strength of young Gu Hong.

When he understood this, he didn't rush forward at all, he was on the last nine steps, honing back and forth to improve himself!

I don't know how many years have passed, Ding Hao felt that his cultivation over the years was far beyond the thousands of years outside!

"The speed of promotion is too fast!"

In the past, Ding Hao and Chosen were at the same level, although they were considered strong in the Guhong world, they were not the top ones;

At that time Ding Hao's strength was far away from Hong Zhi's selection!

But now it's different!

After so many years, Ding Hao has continued to fight and learn on these last nine steps, and his strength has improved by leaps and bounds!

"If I encounter a choice now, he is not at the same level as me! Even if I choose to catch Shang Hong, I am afraid I will have the power to fight!"

Ding Hao was more confident himself, he raised his foot and continued to climb!

As his strength has greatly improved, for this level, it is also 99 steps, the final boss, the nine songs into one monster king!

He has no fear!

"Jiuqu Guiyi Monster King, you are no longer the stumbling block in front of me, but the touchstone for testing my practice during this time!"

Thinking of this, Ding Hao suddenly stepped out, already standing on the step 99!

"Jiuqu Guiyi Monster King, here I am!"

As Chosen once said, the so-called Jiuqu Guiyi is Jiujiuguiyi, returning to the original.

To put it another way, it is useless to do anything, it is to break through with strength and use strength to crush the opponent!

"Young junior challenger, are you ready?" Jiuqu Guiyi Monster King finally walked out from the end of the wide 99 steps.

This is a very tall and terrifying evildoer king. Unlike the previous evildoer king, he not only wears armor, but also holds a weapon!

The Demon King was originally very powerful, and it was difficult to pass when he was empty-handed. Now it is an armor and a weapon. One can imagine how difficult it is to pass this level?

And not only that, but behind the Jiuqu Guiyi Monster King, there are an astonishing number of little demons. Each of these little demons is extraordinary in strength and has its own attack characteristics. If it is an ordinary person, even these little demons should not be able to beat !

"If I didn't practice this period of time, I won't even think about passing this level!"

Ding Hao secretly rejoiced, he suspected that with the other eight people in his team, who could pass this level?

Fortunately, after these years of training, his strength has been greatly improved, and his strength is now comparable to Hong Zhizhe catch!

What else can't pass?

"Jiuqu Guiyi Monster King, my current strength is comparable to the title Hong! It is absolutely impossible for you to block my way!"

Ding Hao's eyes condensed, and his big hands stretched out. When his giant grasped tightly, a golden spear extended from the palm of his hand!

"Princess spear! Now is the time to test your true power!"

Ding Hao’s ancient Hong Kong exercises cultivated for so many years, coupled with the power of the Prajna spear, suddenly turned his figure into a sky-shattering rainbow, attacking this huge monster king straightly!


When Ding Hao made this blow, the entire 99 steps were broken in all directions, and everything was shattered!

The little demons who followed behind the Jiuqu Guiyi Demon King, all turned into flying ash and vanished in this shocking shot!


Ding Hao's figure jumped out of this huge dust, turned over, and landed on the ground.

At this moment, he was calm and relaxed, with a golden spear in his hand behind him. He didn't even notice the violent explosion behind him, and he took a step forward and climbed the hundredth step!

The explosion sounded behind him for a long time, and the dust settled.

When the dust dissipated, I saw a huge gun hole in the huge body of Jiuqu Guiyi Monster King!

This very arrogant monster king, looking down at the gun hole in his chest in disbelief, muttered, "Pass the level with one shot, and penetrate my body! The strength of this kid has already been awarded the title of Hong’s barrier breaker. Not as good as him! Is it possible that a new generation of Gu Hong Lords will be born?"

At this moment, Ding Hao is already standing on the hundredth step!

In front of him was a very big and unfamiliar world. Ding Hao had seen many ancient Hong palaces, ancient towers, and ancient Hong altars floating in the air in the ancient Hong world! These huge buildings are all floating in the sky of Guhong World!

And now, there are so many such buildings in front of him, not only the buildings he has seen, but also the buildings he has never seen!

The huge palaces are too huge to imagine!

And Ding Hao himself, passing through 99 steps, when he climbed the 100th step, his body was instantly huge!

Because he has passed the examination and has become a person who can enter the ancient Hong Palace, so here, he can enjoy the honor of the ancient Hong royal, and his body has become very huge!

"The ancient Hong imperial city has arrived, where are you named Hong?" Ding Hao moved forward with high spirits.

(End of this chapter)

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