Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2691: Meet old friends

Chapter 2691 Meet Old Friends

Chapter 2689 the old friend meets

As time went on, one after another strong men passed the assessment of 99 steps and entered the ancient Hong Imperial City!

According to the rules of the land of Guhong, the world will remain open until the real Lord of Guhong is determined!

Therefore, a steady stream of strong men are challenging 99 steps, wanting to enter the imperial city, looking for the title Hong!

Although there are a large number of people who are challenged, the ones who can really pass the level are rare!

Those who can enter the ancient Hong imperial city, without exception, are the top figures in the land of ancient Hong!

Among these characters, there is a cultivator with a bare head and pointed ears. His name is Chosen!

Before choosing a goodbye, I formed a team with Ding Hao, but when the news was sent to let them combine freely, they chose to leave the team immediately!

The reason why he made this choice was because of his dissatisfaction with other elders and Ding Hao.

And there is another reason, that is to choose to catch and leave him a very important strange treasure!

That is a teleportation token from the ancient Hong era!

It can be teleported to a certain location outside a certain range in an instant!

Originally, based on the strength of the choice, he could not beat the Jiuqu Guiyi Demon King at all, but he had such an ancient Hong order, which made it much easier for him to pass.

While he was fighting with Jiuqu Guiyi Monster King, he found himself invincible at all!

So he immediately used this teleportation token to teleport to the end of the 99 steps!

In other words, he evaded the last stage of the battle with the evil evil king of Jiuqu Guiyi through opportunistic methods, and finally successfully stepped onto the 100th step and entered the ancient Hong Imperial City.

After entering the imperial city, he did not rush to explore everywhere, but spent a little time cultivating some of the ancient Hong stone steles he had obtained.

The more he practices, the more he regrets it!

On the last nine steps, he stayed too short, and he hit too few Guhong steles; he secretly regretted that if he stayed on the last nine steps and stayed for a long time. , Then you will get an astonishing number of ancient Hong steles!

However, if you miss everything, you will miss it. Now you can't look back. If he looks back, he will never have a chance to return!

After cultivating the stone tablet in his hand, he began to explore.

The ancient Hong Imperial City is huge inside, and the number of various treasures is amazing; however, there are still many evildoers in the Imperial City!

Some of these evildoers were raised by Gu Hong back then, while some were destroyed by some restrictions around the imperial city. The powerful evil evildoers living on the periphery broke through the restrictions and rushed into the imperial city!

When Gu Hong disappeared, these evildoers grew unscrupulously here, and the number was astonishing!

After choosing goodbye, I found out that he was not strong enough. With his personal strength, he could not even think about what precious treasure he had hit!

As for the legendary title Hong, where is it? What is it like again?

He doesn't know anything until now!

After joining a squad with great difficulty, I chose to imagine that one day I would be strong enough to get the title Hong!

As the land of Guhong has been open for longer and longer, the number of powerhouses in it has also increased. Gradually, some earth-shattering powerhouses have been born.

Such as "Lei Di", "Golden Gun", "Sky Wheel" and so on.

These powerhouses are all extraordinary masters in everyone's legend. These people already have the strength of the title Hong, and the only thing lacking is a title! And these top powerhouses do not need to team up, act independently, occupy an area, and wait for the title of Hong to appear!

"Everyone, be careful, don't offend, the territory of these super powers!"

The current captain is a woman of the Loulan tribe, she is also quite tall and strong, but when it comes to strong men such as Lei Di Golden Spear, she still has the color of fear in her eyes.

Another team member said, "One day, a team accidentally rushed into the sphere of influence of the Celestial Wheel powerhouse, angering this super powerhouse! In the end, the team not only got nothing, but was killed by the Celestial Wheel. More than half of the team members!"

Chosen was so frightened that he could hear him, and he secretly guessed in his heart: The strength of these people might not be too far behind his ancestor Hong Zhize!

Someone said, "I heard that the second-ranked Golden Gun in Guhong Palace will challenge the first-ranked Lei Di in the past few days! If Lei Di fails, he will hand over his territory to the Golden Spear. Has the largest sphere of influence and is likely to become the first winner of the title Hong this time!"

"The reverse is also true!" Another team member said, "If the Golden Spear is defeated by the Lei Di! Then the sphere of influence controlled by the Golden Spear will be handed over to the Lei Di, and the Lei Di will become the first title Hong! "

While everyone was talking about it, the captain exhorted, "Which one of them wins or loses has nothing to do with us! Let us all be careful and don't offend these strong people!"

Choosing goodbye to follow everyone forward cautiously, he suddenly thought to himself: With his own strength, it is still a way of opportunism to pass 99 steps! Can you really get the title Hong?

In front of the real strong, he feels that he has become very small!

Just as their team was cautiously advancing and walking, choosing goodbye suddenly saw a very familiar figure standing on the road ahead.

"Ding Hao!"

He chose not to think that he was wrong, he thought that the only one of the nine elders could successfully break through, but he did not expect that after so many years, he would meet Ding Hao in the ancient Hong Imperial City!

Ding Hao also saw him, "Choose goodbye!"

Although everyone had some discord before, Ding Hao couldn't talk about hating choosing good-bye. At this moment, seeing the good-bye, he was happy on his face and walked over.

"Choose goodbye, I didn't expect you to pass, what about the other elders?" Ding Hao asked.

"Never pass the level! It seems that it is me and you!" Choosing goodbye shook his head and sighed, "I never thought that the competition in the ancient Hong Palace would be so big! The title Hong is so difficult to obtain! I knew it was so. If we don't disband our nine-member team, we will pass the level together, and it will be great to work hard here together!"

Ding Hao smiled, "It's all about the past."

During their greetings, the Loulan female captain asked, "Choose goodbye, is this your friend? How is your character? Should you join our team?"

Choosing goodbye quickly asked, "Ding Hao, have you joined the team?"

"No." Ding Hao said, "I have always been alone."

"How can you do that? Then you are looking for death. You are alone here. If you don't have the strength, you are looking for death!" Chosen said again and again, "For the sake of our old relationship, I will make a guarantee. Join our team! Everyone takes turns to obtain treasures. As for the title Hong, don't even think about it!"

Ding Hao smiled awkwardly, "I have something to do here..."

"What's the matter, join the team first, safe." Chosen interrupted pretentiously.

Ding Hao smiled bitterly, "Well then."

(End of this chapter)

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