Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2692: Provoked Lei Di

Chapter 2692 provokes Lei Di

Chapter 2690 provoke Lei Di

Ding Hao followed this team all the way, but encountered some evildoers on the road.

He probably felt that Ding Hao should be inferior to himself, so he chose to take good care of Ding Hao, and said, "You are a newcomer in the team, and your strength is weak. Stand behind!"

"I am weak..." Ding Hao looked embarrassed when he heard this.

The female captain of the Loulan clan also said, "The newcomer just stand behind, wait until you have a few weapons and treasures, and then participate in a large-scale battle!"

Hearing what they said, Ding Hao only smiled bitterly and stood behind everyone.

Going along in this way, everyone can also get some treasures of heaven, material and earth, and treasures of ancient Hong, but in terms of quality, they are not good things.

Ding Hao was also divided into so two kinds, he didn't even look at it, and received it.

Soon after, the team suddenly found a good target.

"In that palace over there, there are a lot of snake-shaped monsters! According to our experience along the way, where there are snake-shaped monsters entrenched, there will generally be pieces of ancient Hong's royal class armor! There are so many snake-shaped monsters here. Many, maybe there will be several pieces of armor pieces!"

Hearing what the captain said, everyone's eyes were filled with greed.

As everyone knows, ancient Hong's royal-class battle armor is very rare, and it is rare to have a set!

Although I got a fiery red ancient Hong armor on the 99th step, it was ordinary ancient Hong armor, and what was produced here was the armor left by the ancient Hong imperial family. It was totally different. Defensive Too much difference in power!

"If we can get a few, then we will be rich! It is said that three pieces of battle armor can be exchanged for a royal-level weapon!"

Everyone was so excited that they immediately released their most powerful weapons and rushed into the palace in front of them.

After they got in, they found that there were quite a few snake-shaped monsters here, and several of them could be called the peak monsters!

"These guys are so strong!"

Choosing to frown, feeling very difficult, but thinking that there is huge wealth behind the snake-shaped evildoer, he can only clenched his teeth!

Boom boom boom!

The loud noise continued, and the evildoers were beheaded by them;

But they still couldn't break into the palace, because some of these snake-shaped monsters were too strong.

The female captain said, "No way, with our squad, it is absolutely impossible to break into it!"

"How to do?"

Just as everyone looked at each other, one of the team members suddenly said, "Look over there!"

I don't know when, Ding Hao has already come to the corner of the palace alone, fighting with a snake-like monster leader.

Ding Hao still held that ancient Hong's huge sword, wearing an ordinary ice crystal battle armor, and even fought the snake-shaped enchanting leader!

"This kid is still adventurous like he did in the past! A man fighting with the enchanting leader, isn't this looking for death?" Chosen said angrily.

He just wanted to call Ding Hao back, but found that Ding Hao’s Gu Hong giant sword suddenly fell in an inexplicable direction. This slash happened to hit the head of the snake-shaped monster, click, the head of the snake-shaped monster. Just roll off!

"What's the situation?" Everyone in the team was dumbfounded.

Everyone knows that these snake-like monster leaders are very powerful, and everyone in the team fights alone with these leaders, and they have no confidence at all.

But who knows, Ding Hao killed one by himself!

You must know that in everyone's mind, Ding Hao is a rookie, and the strength protection is quite lacking, how could he behead a leader?

"Ding Hao, you..." Chosen was dumbfounded before thinking of something, "It must be your luck, isn't it? Your luck has always been good! That enchanting chief just appeared under your sword, which is equivalent to taking the initiative to send his head to You chop! Haha, it must be so! These snake-like monsters are really stupid!"

Ding Hao smiled and didn't say much.

In fact, he had long noticed that among the chiefs of these snake-like monsters, the leader in front of them was the real leader; Ding Hao killed the chief of the snake-like monsters, and the other chiefs suddenly weakened!

"Haha, it turns out that the leader of the snake-shaped monster is not difficult to kill!" Everyone rushed in with all their strength, and beheaded all the remaining snake-shaped monsters and several leaders.

In the apse of this palace, everyone's eyes suddenly lit up.

Sure enough, there are three ancient Hong royal-level defensive armor parts!

"Good things, all good things!"

Everyone got excited, these three armor parts can be exchanged for a weapon of the ancient Hong family!

But before everyone had time to be happy, there was a sudden loud bang, a giant foot stepped in, and a very tall man walked in.

This brawny man wore a royal-level battle armor made of spar, holding a pair of giant axes with blue lightning in his hands, and snorted coldly, "Your team is hunting treasures in my sphere of influence, aren't you looking for death?"

"What?" Everyone in the team was dumbfounded.

The female captain of the Loulan tribe argued, "Master Lei Di, we have not entered your sphere of influence!"

The tall and strong man in front of him, this is the strongest Lei Di here, his face was furious, and he raised his hand and said, "I will let you die to understand that this area was drawn into my sphere of influence three days ago! Don't say I bully you!"

After speaking, he waved his hand, and outside the palace, a light curtain rose.

According to the rune on this light curtain, it was indeed left by Lei Di three days ago!

Suddenly all the people in the squad were pale, they chose to say goodbye and said quickly, "Lei Di, these three treasures we hit, we don’t want it! You just let us go, we really don’t know this is yours. Sphere of influence!"

Everyone knows that Lei Di is a super strong who works here alone, ranking first. Who dares to ask for treasures now?

It would be nice to live!

However, the Lei Di was rude, and said with a gloomy face, "I put this group of snake-like evildoers and these treasures here on purpose to see if I can give birth to the title Hong! It is now ruined by you, you Still want to survive?"

"What?!" All the people in the team suddenly paled.

The heart is over, this time it is really over. If the Lei Di’s good deeds are broken, everyone will die!

But just here, a person came out of the team. He was young, wearing a white robe, and came out easily and freely, and said.

"Lei Di, do you want to intimidate others like this? Is the title Hong born like this? Can it be bred?"

He turned his head and found that it was Ding Hao who was talking. He was so anxious that he hurriedly held Ding Hao with his hand and said, "Say a few words, hurry down and beg Lei Di for his life! We are not his opponents at all, only begging for mercy. To survive!"

The female captain of the Loulan tribe also hurriedly explained, "Master Lei Di, he is just a newcomer, nonsense! Please let him go, let us go!"

(End of this chapter)

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