Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2693: Meet the top three

Chapter 2693 Three strong meeting

Chapter 2691 three strong meeting

Although he knows that Lei Di is bullying others, but the strength of others' ranking is placed here, who dares to say more?

What is the real law in this world?

Big fist is the law!

Every word that Lei Di said here is a golden mouth, if you dare not follow it, you will die!

Ding Hao and his team are also unlucky, they finally got three good treasures, but they offended Lei Di's sphere of influence.

Now not only are these three treasures unavailable, but also facing the fate of being beheaded by the Lei Di!

Under the pleading of the Loulan female captain and the choice, Lei Di finally moved a little bit of compassion.

Lei Di immediately said, "Let's do it then! There are eight people in your team. I will save you three lives, and the remaining five will die! You said yourself, who will live and who will die?"

Everyone in the squad wanted to survive, but faced this choice now.

Everyone, you look at me and I look at you, I want to say who is going to die, but I can’t say it;

When everyone was helpless, Ding Hao, who was standing on the side, spoke again, "My teammates, Lei Di is a villain! Do you really think he will save three lives? He just makes fun of you! Waiting for you to make trouble with each other. He will kill you all when you are inextricably linked, or even kill each other!"

"What?" The others in the team were stunned, their faces as earthy.

The thoughts in Lei Di’s heart were guessed by Ding Hao. At the moment, his heart was furious, his eyes violent, and he shouted coldly, "You kid, are you looking for death? Originally I wanted to have a good life in heaven and give it to you. Three lives are left! It now appears that cultivators like you will only be clean if you kill them all!"

When Lei Di said this, other people in the squad hurriedly begged and said, "Lord Lei Di, you spare your life! You give us three lives for three lives. Don't kill them all! The talking Ding Hao, he is just a newcomer. , He doesn't understand anything!"

Choosing goodbye also hurriedly pulled Ding Hao and said, "Are you crazy? Don't hold us if you want to die! You knelt down and apologize to Lord Lei Di!"

However, at this moment, there was a loud laugh from the other direction.

"It's really funny. Let Golden Gun apologize to Lei Di on his knees. Am I right?"

Amidst the laughter, what came out was a powerful cultivator with his feet on a pair of golden wheels!

Seeing this cultivator coming out, the people in the team were even more dumbfounded, "How is it possible? The third strongest Sky Wheel is also here!"

However, the doubt in Chosen's mind is another matter.

"Lord Tianlun, what is he talking about? He said Golden Gun..." Choosing with wide-eyed eyes, looked left and right, "Could it be that the second strongest Golden Gun, who is ranked second in strength, also came here?"

Others in the team, including the female captain of the Loulan tribe, are also looking around, looking for the second strongest.

While they were watching and searching, Ding Hao walked out with a smile, and said, "Sky Wheel, you are late! I have been waiting for you here for a long time!"

Tianlun laughed and said, "I'm not late, you are early?!"

Seeing their question and answer, Chosen and the other players seemed to have the answer in their hearts, but they still couldn't believe it, "How is it possible? Ding Hao is..."

In the team, everyone thought that Ding Hao's strength was not good enough, and he was a newcomer, so he always kept him on the bench.

But who knows that Ding Hao actually asked and answered questions with the third-ranked Tianlun, and seemed to be closely related. Who is Ding Hao?

Lei Di's eyes moved, looked at Ding Hao, and coldly snorted, "I said that this stinky kid is so arrogant, so you are a golden gun! Well, if you don't come to me, I will find you!"

"What? He is a golden gun!" Chosen had already almost lay on the ground.

He still felt unbelievable in his heart just now, but now Lei Di has personally confirmed that Ding Hao is a golden gun!

The other members of the squad were all dumbfounded. No one thought that this young man who was added to their squad halfway, did not seem to be strong, turned out to be the second-ranked golden gun in the periphery of the Guhong Palace!

"Okay, you can withdraw." Ding Hao turned around and said to Chosen. After speaking, he picked up his toes and kicked the three ancient Hong royal-level armor parts.

The Loulan female captain reached out to take these three treasures, and kowtowed her head quickly. The other members of the team, thinking that they had done some contempt for Ding Hao, are now so scared that they knelt down and gave Ding Hao. He took a head and then left.

Choosing to see other people's ways, he feels in a dilemma, should he also learn from others and kowtow?

He and Ding Hao walked this way, everyone sat on an equal footing, why should I kowtow to him?

When he was stunned, the Loulan female captain said quickly, "I don't want to kowtow to thank Lord Golden Gun, don't forget, Lord Golden Gun saved us!"

He had no choice but to kneel down and kowtow, and then hurried away with the others.

After they fled to a distance, they looked back and saw that these three huge figures were already fighting together!

The Thunder Emperor used a pair of great thunder axes, which were the weapons left by the real ancient Hong clan, and this weapon has truly recognized the Thunder Emperor as its main power, smashing the sky and the earth, shocking the world;

The Sky Wheel uses a pair of bizarre ancient wheels. This pair of ancient wheels is not a product of Guhong, but is built with a super evildoer at the level of the ancient Hong family. The power and effect are quite extraordinary;

As for the super spear that Ding Hao released in his hand, this spear was golden all over, this was not a weapon left by Gu Hong! It is the ancient Hong-class weapon created by Ding Hao himself, and more importantly, Ding Hao combines certain characteristics of the sacred world on this weapon, allowing this gun to exert its power to its extreme!

So although this gun is not a weapon of the ancient Hong clan level, its strength can already reach this level!

"Golden gun! It turns out that he really has a golden gun!" It really dawned on everyone that Ding Hao is a golden gun. He can get this name because he has this golden long gun in his hand!

Chosen felt even more emotional in his heart, "I always wanted to see Ding Hao's second ancient Hong magic weapon! But I haven't seen it! I finally saw it today, and this weapon has reached its peak!"

What makes Chosen even more unbelievable is that Ding Hao's current strength has not been seen for many years!

At the beginning, the two of them were almost going hand in hand and their strengths were about the same, but now they have been in the ancient Hong Imperial City for several decades, and Ding Hao has completely grown up, and the strength is comparable to Hong Zhizhechu!

Seeing the battle between these three powerhouses, the buildings in the world of Guhong that could not be destroyed before were now smashed by Ding Hao and the others!

"They are really strong!" The entire team looked envious and emotional!

(End of this chapter)

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