Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2694: Siskin behind

Chapter 2694 The oriole is behind

Chapter 2692 the oriole is behind

The current battle between the three powerhouses is not a melee, but Ding Hao and Tianlun jointly attacking Lei Di!

Lei Di's strength is extraordinary!

When the ancient Hong land opened last time, Lei Di had the strength to compete for the title Hong.

It's just that his bad luck, he didn't get the title of Hong last time, so he experienced countless years of cultivation, this time when the door of Gu Hong opened, Lei Di finally saw hope!

Compared with Lei Di, Ding Hao and Tianlun are only very young at all!

So in terms of strength and experience, Ding Hao and Sky Wheel are indeed a little weaker than Lei Di!

Originally, the three powerhouses were in the ancient Hong Imperial City, delineating areas, waiting for their respective titles, Hong to appear, and there was no competition between them.

However, Lei Di, who participated in the opening of Guhong's Land twice, thought he was an old senior, very arrogant, overbearing, and deceiving too much!

Ding Hao and Tianlun adjusted their spheres of influence many times. The Lei Di was still reluctant, thinking that he was the first in strength, and even let out a word. When he got the title Hong, he would kill the golden spear and the Tianlun together!

So Ding Hao and the others were very upset, so they made an appointment with the two people of Tianlun, and together they made a joint effort to kill the Lei Di!

Lei Di didn't care either, he said that I have lived for so many years, and I have experienced two openings by Gu Hong!

How many years have you two little climbers survived, you dare to challenge me, it's like children want to beat adults and dream!

So this battle started!

Boom boom boom!

The fighting level of the three of them is very high, and those ancient Hong buildings that were previously thought to be indestructible have also been broken in the battle of the three!

Looking at one side from afar, smoke billowed everywhere, and the power of various colors and shadows were released madly!

The passing cultivators evaded one after another, and did not dare to approach!

To say that this Lei Di is so arrogant, it does have its own ability, Ding Hao and Tianlun both attacked together, and they were only slightly dominant. It is not so easy to defeat the Lei Di!

In fact, Lei Di's heart was quite shocked, "This golden gun and the sky wheel are so young at such a young age, so they have such strength! Especially this golden gun, the youngest, the strength is extraordinary! If he lives to my age, Isn't it invincible in the world?"

Thinking of this, Lei Di’s eyes shot a spiteful light, “This golden gun Ding Hao has already become vengeful with me, and this kind of aptitude will surpass me sooner or later! I must not make him strong, nor let him survive, otherwise he Find me revenge sooner or later!"

"Golden Gun Ding Hao, die!"

A pair of giant axes with blue thunder and lightning in the Lei Di's hands smashed down at Ding Hao frantically. From a distance, you can see the thunder and lightning rolling in here, the sky thunder is constantly falling, and the light circle formed by the thunder and lightning on the ground is facing in all directions. The rustling discharge!

"My God! This level of battle!"

The choice at this moment has been standing very far away, but he can still see the horror scene caused by the battlefield there. Now he is truly convinced, "Ding Hao is really amazing, and the growth rate is amazing! Back then, he and I With the same strength, he has always been to the 90th floor, and he has the same strength! But in the next few decades, he has grown astonishingly, and now he has become a strong like Lei Di!"

When choosing goodbye, he was very jealous when he saw Ding Hao's strength. He wished that Ding Hao would be beheaded by the Lei Di; but as time passed, his mentality slowly recovered.

He clearly knew that he was no longer at the same level as Ding Hao, and he did not qualify for the title Hong with his strength!

Looking at the battle in the distant direction, his eyes were full of admiration, and he said word by word, "Ding Hao, you have this strength, I admire you! Now I hope you can win, you can get the title Hong!"

The battle between the three powerhouses was protracted. Although Lei Di launched a fierce attack on Ding Hao, he wanted to defeat each one by killing the golden spear first, and then the sky wheel!

However, the cooperation between Ding Hao and the Sky Wheel was a tacit understanding. When the Lei Di attacked Ding Hao, the Sky Wheel would launch a strong attack behind him, and the two huge light wheels that covered the sky would spin down and kill wildly; and the Lei Di attacked the Sky Wheel. At that time, Ding Hao’s golden gun would strike a terrifying attack, making Lei Di even more dangerous!

"What to do? The two of us joined forces to kill him, as if we were not strong enough!"

At this moment, not only the Lei Di couldn't do anything to these two young people, but the two young people also felt a bit hard to get off the ground!

"Regardless of him, first push this old thing out of the Imperial City!" Ding Hao said.

Ding Hao and the Sky Wheel could not kill the Lei Di, but they could have the upper hand, and the Lei Di kept retreating.

Then the best way is to beat Lei Di out of the imperial city, so that he has no chance to get the title Hong!

"Damn! You two nasty little crawlers! You are too despicable, I want to kill you!" Lei Di quickly realized Ding Hao's purpose and his heart was furious.

You must know that Lei Di has participated in the opening of the ancient Hong's place twice. If he does not get the title Hong again this time, he would like to commit suicide!

"You must not drive me out of the imperial city, the title Hong is mine!"

Although Lei Di resisted with all his might, after all, he was only one person under the combined attack of Ding Hao and Tianlun, and he couldn't control his retreat at all!

Finally heard a boom, Lei Di was shot out of the imperial city!

Just when Ding Hao and Tianlun were in a great mood and couldn't help but want to celebrate, they saw a certain part of the imperial city area, shooting a skyward light and shadow!

The color of this light and shadow is extremely holy, and the shocking power permeates from it!

At that moment, all the cultivators in the entire imperial city had their eyes converged naturally!

"The title Hong has appeared!"

It turned out that at this moment, the first title Hong appeared from the opening of the ancient Hong land!

Moreover, the location of this appearance happened to be within Lei Di's original sphere of influence!

"Fuck! Fuck!" Lei Di was furious, if he hadn't fought this battle with Ding Hao, the title Hong belonged to him!

But it doesn't work anymore. He has been beaten out of Guhong Imperial City. Even if he rushes past now, how can Ding Hao and Tianlun be fast?

Ding Hao and Tianlun came to the front of Title Hong almost immediately!

This title Hong appeared on the lower floor of a tall tower, and the huge power released had completely enveloped the tall tower!

Ding Hao and Tianlun rushed into the tall tower almost side by side, but after entering, the eyes of both of them suddenly shook, because in this tall tower, a strong man had already stood!

Tianlun suddenly became furious, "We tried our best to drive Lei Di away. How can someone get the title Hong that we finally got?"

However, Ding Hao's expression changed when he saw this strong man, and he called out, "Teacher, Lie!"

(End of this chapter)

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