Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2695: Repay

Chapter 2695

Chapter 2693

The mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind.

Ding Hao and Tianlun didn't expect that when they were fighting the Lei Di desperately, Lie had already arrived in the tall tower!

Tianlun didn't know Lie, so he raised his hand and prepared to launch a merciless attack!

But Ding Hao quickly grabbed the sky wheel, "Don't do it! This is my teacher, and he will save my life!"

This Lie, it is Ding Hao who just came to the world of Guhong, the first Guhong Pagoda to enter, the master of Guhong Pagoda!

Back then, in the Holy World, Ding Hao suffered severe damage to his mental power in order to save Leng Xiaoyu and almost became a living dead!

Later Lie came to the sacred world and personally took action to rescue Ding Hao.

However, just after Lie rescued Ding Hao, he expelled Ding Hao from the mountain gate. From then on, the love of mentoring and apprenticeship was cut off!

Then Ding Hao took the Protoss to the Guhong World for more than 3,000 years and never went to that Guhong Pagoda again!

Unexpectedly, today, I met this teacher whom I haven't seen for many years!

Ding Hao was shocked when he saw Lie;

But Lie was not very surprised when he saw Ding Hao, and said, "Ding Hao, after the first title Hong appears, it will continue to appear later! Give me the first title Hong! Give me the first title! I have great use!"

Tianlun said anxiously, "This is our desperate snatch, how can we give it to others? Ding Hao, if this title Hong is given to you, then my Tianlun is willing! But if you give it to others, I will not accept it!"

This title was taken by Ding Hao and the Sky Wheel abruptly from the Lei Di, and the Sky Wheel would not be willing to give it to others!

However, Ding Hao's gaze was condensed, he stubbornly grabbed the sky wheel, gritted his teeth and said, "This title Hong! You just give it to me! The next title Hong is for you!"

Although Tianlun still had dissatisfaction, in the end he only grumbled and walked out the door.

Although Ding Hao really wanted to get the title Hong, he was his teacher after all, and he had a life-saving grace for himself!

"Teacher, this title, Hong, is considered to be a life-saving grace back then, you can take it!"

Ding Hao walked out of the tall tower after speaking.

Lie immediately merged the title Hong in the tower. When he merged, a light and shadow shot into the sky from the tower, and Lie's figure appeared over the entire ancient Hong Imperial City! This is telling all the ancient Hong royal families and the title Hong in this world, and that a new title Hong has appeared in this world!

Lie just walked out of the tower, fisted and thanked Ding Hao outside, then turned around, ran fast, and ran towards the center of the ancient Hong Imperial City!

Watching Lie sprinting away, Tianlun sighed and said, "He is hurriedly entering the center of the imperial city, participating in the imperial city pk, and robbing the final Lord of Hong! This matter can't be let people go one step further, and it may be nothing!

Tianlun's worries are quite reasonable. In the imperial city, those super powerhouses who have been awarded the title of Hong, have now begun to fight to seize the dominant position!

If you get the title Hong earlier, you can also rush in and fight for the dominant position!

And if you can’t get the title Hong in time, and the Lord is born again at this time, then the land of ancient Hong will be closed instantly, and Ding Hao will get nothing!

Although Tianlun is very reasonable, Ding Hao has his own beliefs and ways of dealing with people along the way. Others are kind to me, of course I have to repay! What's more, Lie had a life-saving grace for him. If Lie hadn't saved him back then, how could Ding Hao be today?

"Heaven Wheel, don't say anything, the next title, Hong, here you are!"

The title Hong originally belonged to Ding Hao, but now it was given to Lie by Ding Hao, so the next title Hong would be given to the Sky Wheel!

In this way, it is equivalent to saying that Ding Hao missed two!

At this time, Lei Di walked over with a cold face and cursed, "You two stupid pigs, drive me out, and give the title Hong to others! Stupid pig, really stupid pig! Especially Ding Hao, you Wait, I don’t believe when you are not alone!"

After Lei Di said, a man ran to a corner of the imperial city, established a small sphere of influence there, and began to wait and see.

Lie was right. After the first title, Hong, appeared, other titles, Hong, began to appear continuously!

Together, Ding Hao and Tianlun have a very large sphere of influence. Within this sphere of influence, no practitioners are allowed to enter!

Therefore, when the title Hong appeared, the two of them were the first to rush to the place of appearance, and no one would compete with them!

However, if this title Hong appears outside their sphere of influence, it has nothing to do with them!

By the time they arrived in a hurry, the title Hong had already been integrated by others!

Then two more titles appeared, Hong, both of which appeared outside Ding Hao's sphere of influence. When they hurried over, they saw that the other cultivators had integrated and rushed towards the center of the imperial city!

The more Tianlun thought about it, the more depressed, he said and complained, "Originally, you should have obtained the last one, and you must not give it to others. Now our sphere of influence does not appear!"

After being constantly complained by the Sky Wheel, Ding Hao knew that he and the Sky Wheel could not be friends, and everyone had different ideas! At most, it can only be a short-term cooperation!

Ding Hao and Tianlun got together because they wanted to overthrow the Lei Di and grab the Lei Di's greatest sphere of influence!

There is no friendship between the two people, let alone friendship, because Ding Hao gave Lie the title Hong, and Tianlun is even more dissatisfied. He feels that Ding Hao is stupid and he does not want to continue to have deep friendship with Ding Hao !

Therefore, when the fourth title Hong appeared in their sphere of influence, the Tianlun unceremoniously merged this title Hong, and said, "Ding Hao, you are too stupid! I will not accompany you to continue to defend the power. In scope, I'm going to the central part of the imperial city to participate in pk! Maybe I can become the master of Guhong this time!

After speaking, the Sky Wheel left Ding Hao and ran towards the center of the imperial city alone!

In a certain corner of the imperial city, Lei Di was watching this side, and seeing the sky wheel leaving, he immediately walked over with a pair of electric giant axes and said coldly, "Ding Hao, you stupid pig is finally alone! Two titles appeared, Hong, and they were both missed by you, haha, now your sphere of influence is gone!"

Immediately, Lei Di raised the giant axe in his hand and slashed at Ding Hao!


Thousands of electric lights fell from the sky, thunder rumbling, and electric thunderbolts, all the cultivators in the periphery of the imperial city were shocked!

Choosing to stand in a very far away place, seeing all this, I felt very moved.

Although he lamented that Ding Hao missed two opportunities, but he felt that Ding Hao is a really good person and worthy of admiration. If you can make friends with such a person, it is really lucky!

Of course, Ding Hao couldn't beat the Lei Di by himself, and after a while he retreated far, giving up a large sphere of influence to the Lei Di...

(End of this chapter)

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