Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2699: Ancient Hong Restoration

Chapter 2699 Ancient Hong Restoration

Chapter 2697 Gu Hong Restoration

Tianlun just saw a man in black armor rushing into the first-level palace from outside.

At that time, he had doubted whether this was Ding Hao, but he quickly ruled out Ding Hao because he felt that Ding Hao was so stupid, so don't want to get the title Hong this time!

But he didn't expect that the person who rushed in was Ding Hao!

"How is it possible? How did you get the title Hong?" Tianlun was dumbfounded and said in disbelief, "If you get the title Hong, there will be a heaven and earth vision, and your head face will be projected on the sky! But I pay attention I did not see your appearance at all!"

Ding Hao sneered at the corner of his mouth and said, "Sky Wheel, although I didn't consider you a friend, I never thought you were so insane! If I got the title Hong first, I would definitely help you guard your sphere of influence! But What did you do? After you got the title Hong, you left me behind and let the Lei Di grab my sphere of influence..."

Tianlun shook his head and said, "Then you gave your first title Hong to Lie, why didn't you let him guard your sphere of influence?"

Ding Hao said, "Everyone has different opinions, and don't seek each other. Needless to say!"

Although the two have worked together, it seems that they have no chance to make friends.

But the Sky Wheel still asked without giving up, "Did you really get the title Hong? Why didn't I see your vision of heaven and earth?"

"Don't I get a fake title?" Ding Hao sneered, "I got my title like this, you have the opportunity to ask the Lei Di!"

"Yes!" Tianlun's expression changed suddenly.

Because he clearly saw that not long ago, the face of Lei Di appeared above the sky, and he was clearly awarded the title Hong!

"Could it be that..." Tianlun looked shocked.

The current situation is very clear. Ding Hao won the title Hong, not from the periphery of the palace; instead, Ding Hao killed the Lei Di and forcibly deprived him of it!

"How is it possible?" The Sky Wheel was even more shocked.

Because before that, he and Ding Hao didn't even bother to kill Lei Di, let alone Lei Di later got the title Hong?

Only then did he notice the black armor that Ding Hao was wearing, "My God, this is the Prince Gu Hong-level suit armor. How did you get it?"

In fact, in their conversation, all the titles Hong Du greedily looked at the armor on Ding Hao in the entire second-level palace hall!

With this armor, I am afraid that it is not a problem to go directly to the fifth level of the pk palace with its strong defense capabilities!

Ding Hao looked at the greed on the faces of Tianlun and the people around him, he sneered, "You don't treat me as a friend, but someone treats me as a friend! This was given to me by my friend!"

"Shhh!" All the people present shook their heads and smiled bitterly. There are even this kind of friends who can send out this level of armor!

"No, no, no!" Tianlun suddenly changed his face and said with a smile, "Who said I don't want to treat you as a friend? I am worried about you, Ding Hao, you don't know that I was worried when you didn't get the title Hong died!"

"Hahaha." Ding Hao laughed. This sky wheel is really shameless. He pointed to the sky wheel and said, "Then challenge the opponent in this level, I will choose you! As long as you can defeat me, this black piece I’ll give it to you!"

"Give it to me!" Tianlun's face was suddenly ecstatic.

But when he changed his mind, he shook his head and smiled bitterly. Even if Ding Hao was standing there, no matter how he attacked...With his current strength and the weapons in his hand, don't even want to break the defense of this black armor!


When Ding Hao determined the challenge object, the two figures quickly entered an independent space.

The scene here still seems to be a second-level palace, but all the other people around have disappeared without a trace!

"Sky Wheel, come and attack me!"

Ding Hao didn't even take out the black long knife, but waited for the attack of the Sky Wheel with his bare hands!

The Sky Wheel was still not reconciled, and he really took out his weapon to kill Ding Hao twice, but the result was obviously that there was no effect!

Tianlun finally decided to give up. He did not make Ding Hao as a friend, and he was already very misguided; if he really angered Ding Hao and became Ding Hao's enemy, then he would add losses to the losses!

Thinking of this, he clasped his fist and said, "Hong Zhi Ding Hao, you are too strong and I am too strong, I can't beat you, I give up! I wish you higher and higher, and finally ascend the throne!"

After he surrendered, a majestic voice suddenly came from the sky above his head, "Hong Zhi Tian Chau was defeated! Hong Zhi Ding Hao can stay in the second-level palace, Hong Zhi Tian Cha will be sent directly to the first level as the loser. Palace! If you want to challenge the second-level palace again, you must wait for half an hour!"

While speaking, Hong Zhi Tian Wheel was directly sent to the first-level palace.

The light and shadow in front of him moved again, Ding Hao was already standing in the palace.

Entering the second-level palace, Ding Hao continued to move forward, and he ran directly to the third-level palace!

His task this time is to delay the time of imperial city pk, so he must, the higher he goes, the higher he goes, the longer he can delay!

If he can stand in front of the Domination Throne, then he can block everyone below and prevent the Lord of Hong from producing for a long time!

Soon after, Ding Hao stood in the third-level palace.

In this level of palace, Ding Hao met his former teacher Lie!

But Ding Hao didn't challenge Lie. He didn't have any resentment towards Lie. Although Lie had robbed him of the title Hong, he still had the friendship between mentor and apprentice, and he also saved his life!

"Teacher." Ding Hao walked over and saluted Lie.

Although Lie had been expelled from the teacher's school, and everyone had said that the grievances and grievances were cleared up, Ding Hao was more loyal, so he walked over and called the teacher.

However, Ding Hao's call caused a little trouble.

An old-looking Hong who walked out of Lie's side, he said displeasedly, "Lie, why would you accept a descendant of a slave as a disciple? This is a shame to the descendants of our ancient Hong! The descendants of these slaves , One by one is not greedy enough to swallow the elephant! We are not grateful for the exercises and treasures of our ancestors Gu Hong, all of them came to try to **** Gu Hong's dominance. It's really grateful and shameless!"

After being said by this name Hong Yi, many of the titles Hong Du walked out with an angry expression, "What slave? Hong's Nightmare, please speak clearly!"

The old man named Hong’s Nightmare said proudly, “When our ancestor Gu Hong was still ruling the world of Gu Hong, all of your life races were slaves! What metal race, machine race, plant race, and **** race , Demon Race, Soul Race, etc... all of them are slave races! Only we are the descendants of Gu Hong, who are superior! So this great ruler of Gu Hong should be given to us descendants with the blood of Gu Hong, And you are only worthy to be slaves!"

(End of this chapter)

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