Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2700: Mysterious light

Chapter 2700 Mysterious Light

Chapter 2698 Mysterious Light

When this old man named Hong's Nightmare said these things, he was surrounded by many titles Hong!

These people are all descendants of Gu Hong's blood, and Hong Zhilie is one of them!

When Hong Zhilie talked about the glory of the ancestors, the faces of Hong Zhilie and others were all filled with excitement!

"In short, this time our descendants of Gu Hong must grab the dominant position of Gu Hong! You slaves will always be worthy of being slaves of our descendants of Gu Hong!" Hong Zhi Nightmare condensed his eyes and concluded.

After he finished speaking, the other descendants of Gu Hong all raised their fists and shouted, "Long live Gu Hong! The Gu Hong master must belong to us this time!"

"God! You are going to do another ancient Hong restoration!" The other titles Hong in this palace were all shocked.

The restoration of Guhong has appeared in history. It was a group of powerful practitioners who claimed to be descendants of Guhong, who launched an unprovoked attack on other life races in the world of Guhong! They think they are all descendants of Gu Hong, and the world of Gu Hong should belong to them. All alien life races are enemies!

At that time, many alien life races suffered huge losses, which can be called a huge catastrophe!

Unexpectedly, after so many years, the terrible thing of Gu Hong's restoration would happen again!

"The Nightmare of Hong, you people are crazy! The world of ancient Hong is no longer what it used to be! The world of ancient Hong now belongs to all races, machine race, metal race, plant race, protoss, and monster race are all free here. If you want to bring about the restoration of Gu Hong again, it’s just looking for death!"

Many of the titles Hong from the major life races stepped forward to criticize!

However, these descendants of Gu Hong didn't take it seriously, and said coldly, "This time the Lord Gu Hong must belong to us!"

"That's it!"

Ding Hao suddenly realized now, no wonder his teacher Lie was going to expel himself from the mountain gate, because he was already preparing to participate in the restoration of Guhong!

Only the descendants of Gu Hong can become his disciples, and a descendant of a foreign race like himself will be discriminated against by their descendants of Gu Hong!

"Teacher, you are wrong!" Ding Hao said, "This era is no longer what it was! Gu Hong has all died long ago. Although you have the blood of Gu Hong in your body, it is completely different! Being superior, wanting to enslave other races, and in the end, they will all kill themselves!"

Lie didn't listen to him at all, and his face frantically said, "Ding Hao, I saved your life! Don't think that you can give me the title Hong and you can teach me! We are cut off from grace now, you have a kind This level challenges me! I want to break you into the next palace!"

Ding Hao looked angry and nodded, "Teacher, since you are obsessed, then I will wake you up! I will challenge you at this level! See who was beaten back to the next palace!

"it is good!"

After Ding Hao determined the battle target, the two figures were quickly brought into the battle space, and the battle began immediately.

"Don't think that if you put on a Prince Guhong-level armor, you have nothing to do! Don't forget that at the beginning, your strength was only worthy of being my disciple!"

Many years ago, Ding Hao had just entered the world of Guhong, came to a certain unknown Guhong Pagoda, and met Lie there!

At that time, Lie’s strength shocked Ding Hao, and Ding Hao worshipped Lie’s school as his disciple!

At that time, the gap between Ding Hao and Lie was indeed very big. It can be said that Lie could easily shoot Ding Hao to death as long as he shot!

However, after thousands of years, Ding Hao has grown up, and has grown strong enough!

"Teacher, let's play this one!"

As Ding Hao spoke, he waved his hand and took out a black giant knife in the void!

"My God! This is another Prince Guhong weapon!"

All the people who watched the battle outside looked into the fighting space. When they saw Ding Hao take out this ancient Hong sword, the people in the audience were shocked and envious. Ding Hao, the young man who was just promoted to the title Hong , Actually owns two ancient Hong prince class treasures!

However, there are also many titles Hong said, "Although Ding Hao is a newcomer, his strength and treasures are extraordinary! This time, the restoration of Gu Hong is fierce, and we hope Ding Hao can win!"

On the other side, the descendants of Gu Hong shouted, "Lie, defeat him! Take all the armor and swords in his hand! At that time, our descendants of Gu Hong will only have more power! It’s even easier to get the throne dominated by Gu Hong!"


In the battlefield, the two have collided together!

After thousands of years of absence, Lie is obviously more powerful than before. He is no longer the strength of an ancient Hongta master, and should have the strength close to the ancient Hong Palace master! In other words, it's not far from Hong Zhi's selection!

However, Ding Hao's improvement was even greater. From the bottom cultivator who had just entered the world of Guhong, he has now reached the pinnacle!

His strength is not inferior to Lie, and the black sword in his hand cut out a huge black light curtain!

Boom boom boom!

In the light of Ding Hao's sword, Lie was quickly at a disadvantage and stepped back.

However, Lie also has his own assassin. Just when he was hit to the corner by Ding Hao's merciless attack, he suddenly released a sharp light!

Many people couldn't recognize what it was, and Ding Hao couldn't recognize this bright light.

But after this bright light appeared, Ding Hao felt that his body was suddenly completely suppressed!

Ding Hao's body has always had a powerful force from remote ancient times. This ancient force will be activated when he encounters the most dangerous moment!

But this time, the power in Ding Hao's body had a counterproductive effect!

The bright light that Lie released could actually manipulate the mysterious power in Ding Hao's body. Under his control, Ding Hao's body was completely out of his control. He suddenly twisted during the battle and was in pain!

"What's the situation?" Hong All, who was watching the battle outside, looked shocked.

It was obvious that Ding Hao had the advantage just now, but in a blink of an eye, I didn't know what kind of attack Ding Hao had received, and the situation was reversed instantly!

"Haha!" Lie said and laughed, "It seems that for so many years, I have been searching for nothing in vain! I know that one day, you are likely to become my enemy, all these years I have been searching and finding restraint in your body This bloodline method! There is nothing wrong with the search for me, Ding Hao, you give up now and I will spare your life!"

However, in the midst of this pain, Ding Hao's face condensed, and he gritted his teeth and shouted, "Gu Hong's battle armor, open a full defense!"

(End of this chapter)

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