Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2701: Challenge the bastard

Chapter 2701 Challenging the Demon

Chapter 2699-Challenger

It turned out that when Lie was on Ding Hao's life, he felt the ancient power in Ding Hao's body clearly.

Then, it took a certain amount of time to find a very special mysterious light!

This kind of light is used to restrict Ding Hao's powerful treasure. When Lie released this sharp light, Ding Hao suddenly couldn't control his body, it was violently twisted and was in pain!

Fortunately, Ding Hao's Guhong Prince-class armor was very tough!

Even if Ding Hao's body cannot be controlled, this super powerful defensive armor has already made him invincible!


"Zhan Zhan Zhan!"

No matter how Lie launches an attack, he can't hurt Ding Hao's body at all, and according to the challenge rules here, Lie is not a victory!

Boom boom boom!

Fierce attacks continued to hit Ding Hao, although Ding Hao did not make any resistance at all, Kelie could not succeed either!

"Too shameless!" The major life races outside are already screaming. If Lie attacks Ding Hao like this, he can't win. You should take the initiative to give in!

Lie can't admit defeat. The challenge rules here are limited by time!

After a long battle entanglement, a voice rang above their heads, "It's time to compete! Hong Zhilie was unable to defeat his opponent and was sentenced to defeat! Hong Zhiding Hao won!"


In the next second, Ding Hao was sent out of this battle space, and Lie was sent directly to the next level of palace!


Ding Hao let out a long sigh. Standing in the third-level palace, his black armor mask opened, and he could see that all his face was sweat!

The torture just now was too scary. If it weren't for the defensive power of this armor, he would probably be dead!

"Ding Hao, are you okay?" Those present, Hong, who are from various races, walked up with concern.

Although they were also jealous of Ding Hao's Gu Hong Prince-class treasure, compared to their worries about Gu Hong's restoration, this is nothing!

"It's okay, thank you for your concern!" Ding Hao nodded, but his eyes were on the gloating Hong Zhi Nightmare and others.

"Previous Lie would never be like this!" Ding Hao felt that Lie had changed!

In the past, his teacher Lie, although he valued blood inheritance, he would not be like that! Otherwise, Lie would not save Ding Hao!

"It should be the restoration of Gu Hong!" An elderly titled Hong next to him said, "The restoration of Gu Hong is quite terrifying! All people with the blood of Gu Hong are like going crazy! The hatred of our life races , It’s not what you can imagine! Every time Gu Hong is restored, there will be countless deaths and injuries in the end! If you let them become Gu Hong’s master..."

Having said that, the names of the various life races present here, Hong, all face drastic changes.

The name Hong said again, "Wait for any of you to reach the fourth-level palace, and the higher palace above! Please remind all the various races of the title Hong, so that they must fight desperately! People with the blood of Gu Hong become this time, and Gu Hong is in charge!"

Everyone nodded!

But over there, Hong Zhi Nightmare's subordinate Hong laughed loudly, "It's useless if you want to stop it! We are descendants of Gu Hong, and we have the blood of Gu Hong in our body. We need to practice Gu Hong exercises faster. Better! This time the dominant position is none other than us!"


At the moment, in the third-level palace, many people are climbing up to the fourth-level palace.

At the same time, go to the fourth-level palace and inform the stronger people to be careful of the restoration of Gu Hong!

Ding Hao briefly took a rest, followed these people, climbed up from the apse, and continued to challenge higher palaces!

As he moved forward, he thought to himself.

"Lie, what kind of treasure is this sharp ray of light in my hand? Why can it provoke the mysterious blood in my body?"

This mysterious bloodline in Ding Hao's body has rescued Ding Hao several times. Ding Hao himself is also very puzzled, who actually left this bloodline?

Obviously, Lie has found some clues, otherwise it would be impossible to find a way to restraint!

"When I have time in the future, I must find Lie and ask a clear question!"

Ding Hao really wanted to know where the hidden blood in his body came from?

He wanted to find Lie to ask, but then he thought, how can he win his next battle when he meets Lie?

Lie has found the magic weapon to deal with him, so how will he fight Lie in the future?

In his thinking, he has come to the fourth-level palace.

When he walked into the palace, there was already a lot of discussion here. The title of Hong, who has the blood of ancient Hong, and the title of Hong from various races, were naturally separated from each other. Obviously, the restoration of ancient Hong had spread to this level!

All the titles of Hong here have become two camps, arguing against each other, and fire and water are incompatible!

Ding Hao came here, ignoring to participate in their war of words, his eyes turned, looking for his opponent to challenge in this level!

Just as he was looking for an opponent, there was a flash of light and shadow in the center of the main hall, and a tall older generation named Hong appeared in front of Ding Hao.

After this figure appeared, everyone around him laughed.

Hong, who is also an older generation, said, "Isn't this the master bastard? Who are you successfully challenged? Directly from the fifth-level palace to the fourth-level palace!"

Ding Hao also moved his gaze. This guy named Hong Zhi Mixer was the same strong man as Hong Zhi seized.

In the past, the gangsters were still fighting with the selection and catching gambling, so that Ding Hao's team and the gang's team would compete on the 99 steps!

Hong Zhi's demon also recognized Ding Hao. He moved his gaze and said, "You are not the little subordinate that you chose to catch? You really haven't seen it yet. Are you good at it? You actually got the title Hong, and you are here. This level!"

Ding Hao smiled at the corner of his mouth and said, "Senior Fuzzy Demon, since it is you, then I will challenge you!"

"Then you are kind of looking for death!" The demon was furious.

You must know that he was originally a frequent visitor to the fifth-level palace. This time he was out of luck. He met an outstanding title Hong and beat him from the fifth-level to the fourth-level palace. If he was under Ding Hao, he would also be If defeated, then he will fall into the third level palace again!

Then he would lose face too much!

So this battle is basically a battle of honor, he must go all out!

"Come on then!"

In the space of the battlefield, the two top powerhouses suddenly became one. What shocked Ding Hao was that Hong Zhi's demon also had a set of ancient Hong prince-level battle armor suits; in this way, Ding Hao could not be completely Win with equipment!

"It seems that in this game, you must fight hard to win!"

(End of this chapter)

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