Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2704: Conflicts

Chapter 2704 Intensification of contradictions

Chapter 2702

If it is the title Hong, who is generally from the major life races, Ding Hao only needs to defeat his opponent, and he will be given half face.

But this opponent is a descendant of Gu Hong, and he is very enthusiastic about the restoration of Gu Hong!

This kind of person is simply a malignant tumor of the ancient Hong world. To allow them to exist in the world is a crime against all life races!

The most important thing is that these people have torn apart Ding Hao! They are not polite to Ding Hao!

Therefore, Ding Hao is not polite!

"The Universe Leverages Strength!"

Even when Ding Hao clearly had the advantage, he still borrowed a large amount of power from the battle armor into the Gu Hong sword!

In this way, the black giant knife in his hand suddenly had twice the power before!


This knife pulled out a terrifying black light curtain and slammed it down!

Chang always couldn't hide at all, his face was terrified, he blurted out and shouted, "I admit defeat! Hurry up and send me to the next level of palace!"

Poor is always here, just entering the fourth-level palace, he hasn't stood firm; he was challenged by Ding Hao, and after failing, he was sent back to the third-level palace!

And this time, he was seriously injured!

Although he had already yelled "Admit defeat" in time, Ding Hao's cut was very fast, and his purpose was to kill his opponent!

Of course, Ding Hao's goal was not achieved. He just smashed the usual armor and suffered heavy losses without killing the opponent!


Often overturned in the third-level palace, blood constantly seeps out, and his face is full of pain.

"Always be here, how could you get so badly injured?" The other descendants of Gu Hong swarmed up.

I often take the pill, simply adjust it, and when my condition is a little better, he scolds, "Ding Hao, this kid, he actually wants to kill me!"

The challenge of the sixth-level palace here, as long as you leave the fighting space in time, you will not be injured.

So there are very few injuries here, and there are often such severe injuries, even less!

"What a Ding Hao!" The descendants of Gu Hong present, especially the old man named Nightmare, gritted their teeth, "In the future, if we descendants of Gu Hong meet Ding Hao in battle again, don't leave anyone! All let go and kill them, in return for today’s revenge!"

Listening to Nightmare's command, Lie's face darkened, but soon became extremely determined, "Ding Hao, don't let me meet you next time!"

In fact, there are many descendants of the same angry ancient Hong in the fourth-level palace.

When Ding Hao won, all these people surrounded him, accusing Ding Hao loudly, and said: "Ding Hao, Chang Zai is clearly a defeated move just now! Why do you use killer moves? Everyone comes here to fight for Gu Hong's dominance, and they usually give Keep your opponent three points thin! Like you, you are too much!"

Ding Hao coldly snorted, "I just want to pour a pot of cold water on you who are fanatics of the ancient Hong restoration! You know, your number is a small number after all! If you really dare to risk the world, do it again. The restoration of ancient Hong, everyone of all races and races in the world will be punishable!"

This sentence of him has been praised by many people.

The major life races are also very afraid of the restoration of Guhong. If these people are really allowed to become the masters of Guhong, it will be a catastrophe!

However, smiles appeared on the faces of those descendants of Gu Hong, "It's useless! You can't stop Gu Hong from restoring if you want to stop! This is the power that Gu Hong left in our body, when this flame was Activate, we are the rebirth of Gu Hong, we will rule this world, you slaves, prepare to tremble!"

With Ding Hao's battle, the hostility between the descendants of Gu Hong and other life races was immediately aroused!

In the battle behind, the two camps often challenged each other, and the shots were also merciless!

Because everyone knows that if the restoration of Gu Hong is successful, all the lives of all races in this world will be in bad luck!

Ding Hao didn't rest at all in the fourth-level palace. He just said a few words and rushed to the fifth-level palace immediately!

"What? He is going to challenge the fifth-tier palace again?" All the titles present, Hong, were stunned.

All the palaces here have six levels, and the fifth level palaces are already quite high!

Among the fourth-tier palaces, there are some newcomers who have just received the title of Hong in this issue. In the fifth-tier palace, all of them are old seniors who have been given the title of Hong a long time ago!


When Ding Hao stepped into the fifth-level palace, the old titles Hong before him were all dumbfounded!

"Who is this young man? Haven't seen it before?"

"Could it be this group of newcomers who have just received the title Hong?"

"How is it possible, how can a newcomer get to this point without long-term experience?"

In the fifth-level palace, all of them are the top powerhouses in the ancient Hong world. They had already received the title Hong several billion years ago!

Then after so many years of cultivation and precipitation, the strength in his hands is extraordinary!

Just like a gangster, everyone here has some unique skills of their own, which are not so easy to deal with. Being able to stand in the fifth-level palace is already an honor!

Because, Hong, who can enter the fifth-tier palace, has the opportunity to touch the sixth-tier palace at the top!

Take a look at it with your own eyes, the so-called throne dominated by Gu Hong!

Seeing Ding Hao walk in, only two people were not surprised.

The **** has almost lost one game under Ding Hao, but fortunately he has returned to the fifth-tier palace; after the **** returned to the fifth-tier palace, he immediately caught the following matter with Hong Zhize. Hong Zhi Zezhuo was also very surprised!

Although Zezhuo had been very optimistic about Ding Hao a long time ago, he did not expect Ding Hao's growth rate to be so terrifying!

Not only has he won the title Hong, but his strength has reached the same level as himself!

You know, Ding Hao was only the 20th elder among all his ancient Hong palaces, and his strength was the weakest one!

However, it is still possible to catch this person's mind. He was not too jealous, but walked up with a smile and said with a smile, "This is Hong Zhi Ding Hao, a strong man who came out of my ancient Hong palace! I congratulate him! You are making great progress! Come on, let me introduce you to these seniors!"

Ding Hao greeted these seniors one by one under the introduction of Zezhuo.

After saying hello, everyone laughed, and the **** smiled bitterly, "Ding Hao, should you challenge me again when you reach this level of palace?"

He was really scared, if Ding Hao really challenged him, he would not even have a chance to win!

But this time Ding Hao shook his head and asked, "I want to challenge the descendants of Gu Hong who have the blood of Gu Hong! If he is very supportive of Gu Hong's restoration, then he happens to be my opponent!"

Hearing this, everyone's complexion changed spontaneously, and soon a passage was opened, and a strong man with his back to this side appeared in front of Ding Hao!

(End of this chapter)

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