Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2705: Ding Hao was accepted

Chapter 2705 Ding Hao is accepted

Chapter 2703 Ding Hao Is Taken

At the fifth-level palace, there were only 20 titles of Hong in it.

And among them, the descendants of Gu Hong who have the blood of Gu Hong, and are very supportive of the restoration of Gu Hong, then there is only one right now!

It is this strong man with his back facing Ding Hao, Hong Zhimei!

This person is very strong, and he is second to none in this level of palaces. Even choosing to catch the title of the old generation, Hong, can't be avoided!

But this time, Ding Hao chose such a strong man, it was simply looking for death!

When Mei Ba heard that Ding Hao chose him, he slowly turned around, Ding Hao could see that this was a guy who looked very uncomfortable!

Meiba's appearance is rough, the power of the whole body seems to explode outside, the appearance is similar to human beings, and the skin is as hard as iron, but even so, there is an ancient prince class armor outside;

His eyes are small and energetic, and all his tiny eyes are fierce!

"Ding Hao? I heard you want to challenge me?" Mei Ba walked over coldly.

Ding Hao also felt that this guy was not easy to mess with, but since he had already said something, he couldn't hold back!

"Senior Meiba, if I want to stay in this level, I must challenge someone! And I don't have a good impression of Gu Hong descendants and Gu Hong restoration, so I can only choose you!"

Meiba laughed loudly, "Originally I was going to challenge the sixth-level palace, but I didn't expect to meet your challenge! Well, I will defeat you first, and then I will challenge the sixth-level palace!"

Everyone understood that, no wonder Mei Ba used his back to face everyone just now. It turned out that he was going to climb from the back door to the sixth-level palace!

"Ding Hao, you this time...oh!" Zezhuo sighed, not optimistic about Ding Hao.

He also knows that Ding Hao's current strength is stronger than that of the evil demon, but Meiba's strength is too strong, and he dare not challenge this person if he chooses to catch him!

Mei Ba is absolutely qualified to rush to the sixth-tier palace and touch the dominating throne!

And Ding Hao is just a rookie who has just won the title of Hong, challenging Mei Ba is really looking for death!

But the matter is over, it's too late to say anything!

With a bang, the fighting space opened up, and the figures of Ding Hao and Mei Ba stood in the fighting space!

"Ding Hao, attack quickly! After defeating you, I can go to the sixth-tier palace!" Mei Ba said contemptuously.


Ding Hao's gaze condensed, and he released his Gu Hong sword.

When a black giant knife was released, Mei Ba's eyes finally moved, and he nodded and said, "Have a Prince Gu Hong-level armor suit and Prince Gu Hong-level combat weapons! You kid, very equipped Luxurious!"

"Then look at Senior Meiba's weapons!"

Mei Ba coldly snorted, "My weapon is the same as you, and it is of the Gu Hong level! However, you want me to show you the weapon, you are not qualified enough?!"

Arrogant! As an old senior, what Mei Ba said was quite arrogant!

"It seems senior, is going to let me go!"

Since Meiba is not willing to take out weapons, Ding Hao doesn't mind at all, you have a kind of never taking out weapons from beginning to end! You want to let me, then I can't thank you enough!

Thinking of this, a huge black knife in Ding Hao's hand suddenly pulled out the sky of black knife light!

These knives are like waterfalls, sweeping back and forth, cutting up and down, the black light curtain is actually covered with sharp blades, wherever they go, everything is cut!

However, this Meiba was truly extraordinary. Under Ding Hao's full attack, he had just moved and dodged, and after a few light movements, he avoided all Ding Hao's attacks!

"This..." Ding Hao's gaze changed, and finally he felt the difficulty of Mei Ba!

Meiba is not only outstanding in strength, but also has an unparalleled vision. His experience and understanding of combat has also reached a peak!

Therefore, in the face of Ding Hao's full attack, every sword light, every back move, every weakness revealed when the direction changes, Mei Ba can clearly see that this is the confidence shown by a super powerful title Hong!

Ding Hao attacked several more moves, but Mei Ba was still under Ding Hao's attack, cleverly dodging!

As time went by, the battle was nearly halfway, and Mei Ba had not launched a real attack.

All were Ding Hao attacking again, but in the end, nothing was achieved!

"This old thing is really powerful!" Although Ding Hao didn't have the upper hand, he had a natural advantage. He said, "Senior Meiba, if you can't defeat me within the prescribed time, then you still lose. !"

In Gu Hong’s palace challenge, the challenger is the one who has the advantage. Whoever challenges is whoever is challenged. Unbeaten challenge is victory!

As long as Ding Hao continues to persist, until the time is up, Mei Ba will naturally lose!

Obviously, however, Mei Ba had his own preparations. Just as time kept advancing, when Ding Hao was about to persevere to the end, Mei Ba's face suddenly became cold and he said, "If you want you to fail, it is now!"

After Mei Ba said this, his arms and sleeves suddenly opened, and he shouted violently, "Prime Rune Picture!"

Just as the evil demon said before, everyone who can enter the fifth-level palace has their own unique fighting skills!

The special ability in Meiba's hand is this "prime ancient rune map". After he released this skill, he saw an astonishing number of large and small runes, suddenly appearing around his body. These white runes are large and small, and the composition is very complicated. Formation!

"This kind of formation..." Ding Hao's eyes moved!

When he passed the 99 steps, he once entered a world with a structure of frost and snow. There were nine pyramids in this world. When Ding Hao walked into a certain pyramid and accepted the ancient inheritance!

In the midair of the pyramid, there is a formation formed by the lines of these billions of runes!

Although the formation in Meiba's hand is not the same as the formation in the pyramid, in a sense, it is at least the same type of formation!


When Meiba released the Primordial Rune Picture, this huge formation that looked like a picture and text immediately trapped Ding Hao!

With a violent wave of his big hand, Mei Ba saw that the ancient rune map suddenly shrank, directly shrinking Ding Hao's body in an instant, and finally included it in this map!

"What?" In the fifth-level palace, all the others who were watching the battle were dumbfounded.

Mei Ba's strength was far beyond their imagination. He didn't use any weapons at all, and he took Ding Hao directly with a huge array of runes!

After receiving Ding Hao, Mei Ba waved his big hand and put the huge pattern in front of him into his palm. At this time, the huge pattern had turned into a very complicated rune. He raised his hand and threw the rune into his sleeve.

It was in the air, and a voice rang above his head, "The challenger is missing. Hong Zhimei wins and can stay in this level of palace."

After speaking with a boom, the fighting space disappeared, and Mei Ba stood in the center of the fifth-level palace again!

(End of this chapter)

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