Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2706: The origin of the ancient blood

Chapter 2706 The origin of ancient blood

Chapter 2704 the origin of ancient blood

"Ding Hao was taken by Mei Ba!"

The title Hong in the fifth-level palace was stunned.

Choicao quickly stepped forward to ask for a friendship, and said, "Senior Meiba, Ding Hao is a junior who came out of my palace. He just speaks a little bit incomprehensibly, but I also ask the senior to show his face! Give him a little help! a chance!"

However, Mei Ba didn't eat hard and soft, and said coldly, "This arrogant kid dares to provoke me! Isn't he opposed to the restoration of Gu Hong? I will be the first to make him a flag worshiper! This time The restoration of Gu Hong is imperative. We Gu Hong descendants must rule the world of Gu Hong! Anyone who dares to be like Ding Hao must think about Ding Hao's fate!"

Hearing this, everyone present was in danger and was secretly frightened.

These descendants of ancient Hong are so arrogant and vicious, if they are really allowed to become the master of ancient Hong, then the world of ancient Hong will be overwhelmed, and all the major life races will pay the price of blood!

Although everyone is very dissatisfied with Mei Ba, in this palace, they can't challenge each other. They can only express their dissatisfaction with Mei Ba verbally, but they can't do anything to rescue Ding Hao!

"You slaves, wait!" Mei Ba snorted and went directly to challenge the sixth-tier palace.


In a rune world, a figure lay between the world and the earth, floating in the air.

Around his body, an astonishing number of peculiar Guhong characters formed a huge world.

This world is full of lines, varying in thickness. Looking carefully, these lines are all made up of countless runes!

Ding Hao's body is lying flat in this world. In the next time, his body will be like the enemy of Meiba in the past, breaking down into hundreds of millions of runes here!

This is the ancient rune map!

As long as you fall into this picture, everything will turn into nothingness and become a rune.

Ding Hao's body is no exception!

Therefore, after Mei Ba received Ding Hao, he didn't need to ask any more questions, just wait for the time to turn Ding Hao into a rune, and on the contrary, it can enhance this ancient rune map!

But this time it was different.

At the moment when Ding Hao was waiting to be broken down into runes in this world without the concept of time, there was a voice in his mind.

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!"

This voice is the ancient bloodline in Ding Hao's body. Ding Hao has been able to experience so many worlds, experienced countless dangers, and finally reached the peak.

This bloodline played a vital role in his body. Every time he encountered danger and couldn't get through it, this bloodline would wake up and save his life!

Although Ding Hao has not yet figured out the source of this bloodline, in this dangerous situation, this bloodline has awakened again!

"wake up!"

After calling for many times, this ancient bloodline discovered that Ding Hao could not be awakened by his own calling.

"It seems that I have to use some methods! When I use these methods, I will not be able to wake up for a long time! But this is also good, when I cannot wake up, the Tingyu domain light in Lie's hand will not be able to treat me. Make an impact!"

Thinking of this, this ancient bloodline suddenly began to wander in Ding Hao's body.

When it wandered, you could see the place it passed, and Ding Hao's body was lit up!

Soon after, Ding Hao’s whole body was lit up, and the ancient runes that surrounded Ding Hao were originally used to break Ding Hao’s body into runes; who knew that under certain powers, these runes were instead The income inside Ding Hao's body, and Ding Hao's physical body, have undergone a certain combination and change!

"This ancient rune blended into his body, turning his body into a rune body!" Ancient Bloodline said to himself, "It's just a pity that all these ancient runes are left by Gu Hong! After all, this kid will also have the blood of Gu Hong in his body! Alas, Ting Yu doesn't know if it can be allowed..."

In the rune world where Ding Hao is located, there is no day and night, and no concept of time.

Even if I have lived here for 1080,000 years, it may only be a few minutes or half an hour for people outside!

At this moment, in the sixth-tier palace, Mei Ba is fighting frantically.

Unlike the previous five-level palace, the sixth-level palace does not need to challenge other titles, Hong, but has to fight against the peak monster king here. This peak monster king assumed responsibility when Gu Hong ruled the world. The role of guarding the throne!

Now the ancient Hongdu has been perished for hundreds of millions of years, and the peak evil evil king is still alive.

Its name is Anu!

It is the pet left behind by the masters of ancient Hong. It controls the appearance and disappearance of the land of Guhong, and you control the throne of it!

If all the titles Hong want to challenge the dominance, you must pass through it. Only if it recognizes your strength, you can enter the sixth-level palace and compete with others for the dominance!

At the same time, this peak enchanting king has another function, which is to secretly inspect all the titles of Hong, and select some of them that do not meet the requirements.

Because Gu Hong also has enemies and haters, what Gu Hong fears most is a place called "Tingyu"!

If the Peak Enchanting King senses this title Hong, there may be a little bit of "Tingyu" aura in his body, and he will definitely not let this person enter the sixth-level palace!

Of course, there is no problem with Mei Ba who is currently challenging, this is a very pure descendant with the blood of Gu Hong!

As long as Mei Ba can be recognized by the Peak Monster King, he can pass the level and enter the sixth-level palace!

Boom boom boom!

With constant loud noises, Mei Ba is attacking frantically, hitting the peak of the evil evil king step by step back!

"This junior is good. I hope he can get the dominance in this battle for dominance and control the entire Guhong world!"

The Peak Monster King tested Mei Ba's strength, and he didn't see any flaws from him, so he was ready to let Mei Ba pass the test.

However, at this moment, Mei Ba suddenly stopped attacking and his face changed.

It turned out that Mei Ba suddenly felt that the Primordial Rune Picture he was carrying had some changes in it!

"What's the situation? Isn't this kid dead yet, how can it be?"

Just when Meiba was puzzled, the Peak Monster King got a chance to breathe, and launched a counterattack frantically.

"Don't care about this kid! I don't believe he can turn the sky!" Mei Ba decided in his heart to temporarily put down the things in the ancient rune map, and then raised the weapon in his hand, and launched an attack frantically!

The loud noise continued, and it didn't take long before Meiba finally defeated the Peak Monster King who was in the way.

The Peak Monster King nodded and said, "Hong Zhimei, you are strong enough to enter the sixth-level palace, please come in!"

After speaking, only a bang was heard, and a huge golden gate was opened behind the peak monster King!

(End of this chapter)

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