Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2710: Two treasures in one

Chapter 2710 Two Treasures In One

Chapter 2708 Two Treasures In One

Although the Primordial Rune Diagram has included Mei Ba, Xuan Yue and Meng are still more optimistic about Mei Ba outside of the battle space.

Xuan Yue said, "Mei Ba is the title of the older generation, Hong, and his strength should not be underestimated! Since he can be included in the rune map by Ding Hao, it shows that he has enough strength, and the art master is bold!"

"Exactly!" Meng Ye said solemnly, "I'm now considering whether Meiba's move is to go deep into the tiger's den. Not only does he want to defeat Ding Hao, he even wants to take back this ancient rune map!"

"That's very possible!" Xuan Yue smiled, "Wait until Ding Hao is defeated, Mei Ba will become the winner of this match! Then we have to consider whether you are going to fight him or me. ?"

"Haha, wait until he comes out!"

Just when the two people were very optimistic about Mei Ba, they saw a sudden explosion in the fighting space. Among the large number of runes released by Ding Hao, the ancient rune map staggered out of a awkward figure!

This figure is Meiba!

Mei Ba knew that when Ding Hao had collected it in the ancient rune map, he was likely to die.

Therefore, at the last moment, he simply lost his car to protect his commander, gave up his Gu Hong Xiantian monument, and escaped by himself!

After Mei Ba escaped, his face suddenly became pale. He and Ding Hao fought and lost all his two good treasures!

And more importantly, without the Prince Gu Hong weapon, he is not Ding Hao's opponent at all!

"Admit defeat!" Mei Ba dared not stop a step, and immediately surrendered after coming out.

"What?" Xuan Yue and Meng were stunned. Just a moment ago, they were quite convinced that Mei Ba would win.

Who knows, in a blink of an eye, Mei Ba escaped in a hurry and gave in!

"What happened in those runes?" Xuanyue and Meng looked at each other, their eyes couldn't believe it!

After Mei Ba gave up, he was immediately sent out of the fighting space.

When he walked out, the edge of the seven thrones in front of him flashed brightly, and the name of Mei Ba was placed on the back of the chair!

At the same time, all bells rang in the entire upper and lower six-level palaces, and Meiba's face appeared in the air...

"Mei Ba got Gu Hong's seventh place!"

"Master Mei Ba got the top spot!" In the sixth-level palace, many titles containing the blood of Gu Hong shouted in excitement.

However, after they finished shouting, they discovered that the faces of those aging titles Hong did not look good.

"Idiot! As long as he can enter the sixth-tier palace, he will get the top spot! If Mei Ba gets the seventh top spot, it means that he has failed and got the most garbage!"

"What?" Those young titles Hong, who were still cheering in excitement just now, are now dejected.

Originally, they thought that how high a strong man like Mei Ba would go, who knew it would get the most **** top spot!

However, there is also the title Hong said, "This is not the final decision. Master Meiba still has a chance to challenge! There is also a chance to reach the top, theoretically, there is a chance to become the master of Gu Hong! So don't be discouraged, this may be Mei. Master Ba deliberately showed weakness to others, let the opponent underestimate the enemy, and then soar into the sky, shaking the earth!"

Although these people have very good ideas, more people feel that Mei Ba probably has no chance this time to become the ruler of Gu Hong!

However, some people are also concerned, who is this strong man who defeated Meiba? !

Everyone heard the bells four times, indicating that there are four top-ranked Hong in the sixth-tier palace!

"I remember Xuanyue and Meng who entered the sixth-level palace, plus Meiba who entered last, there should be three people inside!" The demon frowned.

Zezhuo said, "I also remember that there should be three people inside! And when Mei Ba entered, the bells rang twice in a row, this is too weird!"

In the fifth-level palace, everyone is talking about it. Some people say there are four people, some people say there are only three people, and no one can tell how many people are!

Zezhuo said, "Just leave them alone, I'm about to take care of them too! And hit the sixth level palace!"

With that said, Zezhuo went out from the back door of the fifth-level palace and went up to the last-level palace.

At this moment, in the sixth level palace.

Although Mei Ba left the combat space, the combat space was not closed, and Ding Hao still did not come out inside.

Xuan Yue and Meng both looked at Mei Ba and asked, "How did you lose? Ding Hao is just a rookie, how could it be so powerful?"

Mei Ba sat on the seventh seat, looking awkward, and did not speak.

Meng asked again, "What is Ding Hao doing now? Why is he still not coming out? He should come out and compete with us for the sixth place!"

Mei Ba knew in his heart that Ding Hao should digest and absorb his ancient Hong Xiantian monument in the ancient rune map!

But for this kind of embarrassment, Mei Ba was too embarrassed to speak, letting others know that he lost the Primordial Rune Picture, and then the Gu Hong Xiantian Tablet. Wouldn't it be laughed to death?

Seeing Mei Ba not speaking, Xuan Yue and Meng could only wait inexplicably!


Runes constitute countless lines, and these lines then form the world.

Ding Hao's body was sitting cross-legged. The large amount of runes released from his body are now being recycled into his body, and the ancient runes he released are also shrinking backward.

In fact, the ancient rune map has been used up, he can already put it away and walk out of this world.

But he did not.

Because he was refining the Gu Hong Xiantian monument that Meiba dropped, it was a good thing that exceeded the ancient rune map!

Compared with the two, the biggest advantage of the congenital monument is that the rune on it is better than the ancient rune, which is the congenital rune!

Ding Hao's body is the body of runes, and now Ding Hao is using innate runes to wash the ancient runes in his body!

Runes are constantly coming in and out, constantly digesting and sensing, in the ancient rune map, the tall stone monument is also slowly dissipating!

The ancient Hong Xiantian monument is constantly collapsing, continuously decomposing, and constantly dissipating in the ancient rune map!

This is what Ding Hao would like to see!

Ding Hao hopes to merge these two treasures together to form a more powerful treasure. This treasure has the characteristics of the ancient rune map, but the innate runes flow in it. Combining the two, the power will be even more terrifying. , And Ding Hao's body will be further strengthened!

Of course, this is not a job that can be completed in a short period of time. Ding Hao does not care about the external situation, he refining with peace of mind on his own!

While he was refining, the sixth-level palace outside once again rang the crisp bell.

"The fifth strong man has entered the sixth level palace!"

(End of this chapter)

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