Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2711: Meng's location

Chapter 2711 Meng's position

Chapter 2709 Meng's Position

"Hong Zhize catch! Congratulations!"

Seeing the fifth strong man entering the top level walk in, Xuan Yue and Meng both hurried up to congratulate!

Mei Ba, who was sitting on the top spot, also walked over and greeted Zezhuo.

Xiezhuo nodded and smiled, "I want to congratulate you. You have to enter the sixth-level palace first, and you have a better chance of reaching the top! And Meiba brother, you have already won the top spot!"

Mei Ba looked embarrassed, and smiled bitterly, "You laughed!"

She glanced at it and found that there were only three people in front of her, she asked curiously, "Who fought with whom in the previous match? Is it Senior Xuanyue or Senior Meng who can defeat Brother Meiba?"

Xuan Yue laughed haha, "It was a newcomer who defeated Mei Ba brother! When he comes out, I will introduce him!"

Only then did Zezhuo notice that there was a battlefield space in the center of the palace that had not yet been closed, but when his mental power was put in, only a dense rune was seen, and no figures were visible!

He sighed with emotion, "I don't know which young genius is so outstanding that he can beat Brother Meiba!"

Meng also smiled and said, "When he comes out, we will help you recommend!"

Mei Ba smiled awkwardly, "Why do you recommend it? This young man came out of the palace where he chose to catch!"

"What? Walked out of my palace?" Choicu was confused.

There was only one young junior who came out of his palace and was awarded the title of Hong at the same time, that is Ding Hao; but Ding Hao Mingming has been included in the Primordial Rune Picture by Mei Ba, and now he does not know his life or death!

So who else?

Xuan Yue and Meng laughed and said, "Choosing you is really ignorant of Jin Xiangyu, Ding Hao, this young man, is really very powerful! If we are against him, we still don't know what the result will be! Mei Ba How did you lose this game? We didn't understand it!"

"What? Ding Hao!" Zezhuo was stunned.

He clearly saw Ding Hao being included in the Primordial Rune Picture by Mei Ba, it is hard to say whether he can come out alive! But who knows, Ding Hao not only entered the sixth-level palace, but also defeated Mei Ba!

"In the end what happened?"

No one answered Zezhuo, Xuan Yue and Meng were really unclear, but Mei Ba was embarrassed to say.

Ding Hao felt in that battlefield space that it took a long time, and people outside could not be idle.

Meng said, "Since Ding Hao hasn't come out yet, then we are opening a battlefield to compete for the sixth place!"

Now the seventh place has been occupied by Mei Ba, and those who continue to fight and lose will become the owner of the sixth place.

Zezhuo nodded and said, "Senior Meng, your strength is extraordinary, but now that I have come here, I must fight with all my strength! If there is anything offended during the battle, please bear with me, Senior Meng!"

Meng smiled and said, "You are welcome, let's start now!"

A new battle space was created, Meng and Zecun were in the space, and a fierce battle took place!

While they were fighting, there were still powerful practitioners climbing up!

"The sixth-level palace will be permanently closed after entering seven people! The people behind don't want to enter again! Now that you have entered five, you must hurry up!" In the fifth-level palace, many people reminded people around me.

When the sixth-level palace is full, there are seven people!

Such a Lord Gu Hong and six of his subordinates, Elder Gu Hong, were all born among these people.

Although other people still have the last chance to challenge the dominance, that chance is quite slim, so it is more reliable to try to enter the sixth-level palace early!

"Old man go up and challenge!" As he spoke, an old white-haired old man walked out of the back door of the fifth-level palace and climbed up the steps!

This old man is the most fanatical nightmare in Gu Hong's restoration. He is step by step and fights steadily. You have reached the fifth-level palace, and now you are at the sixth level!

Seeing the nightmare challenged upwards, many of the other title hongs also became nervous, "If the nightmare gets the sixth place, then there is only one place left! We can't delay any longer!"

Many titles of Hong, who think they have some strength, also follow the steps to challenge the peak monster king!

I don't know how long time has passed. Suddenly, there was a bell ringing in the upper and lower level six palaces. Then a figure named Hong appeared in the upper and lower level six palaces, and at the same time a will came!

"Meng got Gu Hong's sixth place!"

When this news came, many people were shocked again.

"What? An old man like Meng has only got Gu Hong's sixth place. Who will beat him this time?"

"My God! This is really an upset, there are a lot of dark horses in this batch!"

"They can't be regarded as dark horses. Xuanyue and Zezhuo are both powerful men of the older generation. They are very strong and participated in the last selection of the Gu Hong Lord! It is not surprising that they can defeat Meng!"

In the midst of the discussion, Meng and Zezhuo walked out of the battlefield, Meng smiled bitterly, "It seems that I am really old!"

In terms of age, Meng is a real senior. The years he has lived are better than the catch, but this is because his age is too long, his peak period has passed, and now he has begun to go downhill, so I have After the hard fight, Meng chose to admit defeat!

After Meng gave up, he immediately got the sixth place!

But he just hadn’t settled down yet, Mei Ba next to him smiled and said, “Senior Meng, why don’t we fight again! If I win, I’ll exchange seats with you!”

According to the selection regulations governed by Gu Hong, only those with a lower ranking and a higher ranking are allowed, and the challenged cannot be rejected.

In other words, as long as Meiba insists on challenging Meng, then Meng is not allowed to refuse!

Meng smiled bitterly and said, "Meiba, do you really want to grab the top spot with me? Even if you beat me, you will only become the sixth top owner! I think there is still a big gap between your expectations! There are only three opportunities for individuals to challenge upward. Are you sure you want to use one here?"

Meiba suddenly hesitated. Sitting on the throne, each person can have three opportunities to challenge upwards. If it is used on Meng, it will be a waste of one opportunity. It is better to wait for someone to sit down on the top seat before going. Challenge those with higher seats!

When everyone was nervously planning, the synthesis of the two treasures of Ding Hao finally made great progress.

"The Guhong Xiantian Tablet has all been refined in my Primordial Rune Map, and all the innate runes contained in it have entered the Primordial Rune Map overnight! Although my Primordial Rune Map is not much different from the previous one; But if anyone doesn’t look down on my ancient rune map, I will make him pay!"

Ding Hao thought of this, walked out of a piece of rune, waved his hand, collected the ancient rune map, and then walked out of the battlefield space!

(End of this chapter)

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