Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2712: Battle Nightmare

Chapter 2712 Battle Nightmare

Chapter 2710 Battle Against Nightmare


Amid the ringing of the bell, the nightmare walked into the sixth-level palace.

As long as the sixth-level palace gathers up to seven people, it will be completely closed and no one else can enter!

Nightmare is the sixth person to enter, after him, there is only one chance!

In the five-level palace below, Hong, who has the title of a little idea, got busy, and began to rush through the level crazy!

At this moment, the nightmare was looking at the person in front of him dumbfounded!

"Ding Hao! Why are you here too!"

The powerhouses who entered the sixth-level palace, everyone knows in their hearts, and the nightmare also clearly knows what old friends are in the sixth-level palace!

But the only one he didn't expect was Ding Hao!

Ding Hao had a lot of trouble with him when he was in the fourth-level palace!

In the eyes of the Nightmare, Ding Hao is just a arrogant newcomer, Xiao Climbing. If the descendants of Gu Hong can be called the ruler of Gu Hong, the Nightmare will definitely mobilize his relatives and friends to chase Ding Hao!

In front of him, seeing Ding Hao in the sixth-level palace, the Nightmare was taken aback for a moment, and then a hostile look appeared on his face!

Ding Hao also just walked out of the battlefield space, and was greeting Choizhuo, seeing the nightmare coming in, Ding Hao's expression was also quite unhappy!

As a descendant of Gu Hong, Nightmare is also the most enthusiastic restorer of Gu Hong, not to Ding Hao's delight!

"Nightmare, welcome you to become the sixth person! I don't know who will become the seventh person!" Xuan Yue and the others walked over to say hello.

Nightmare still wanted to show face to the old-timers like Xuan Yue, nodded slightly, and asked, "How did Ding Hao get in, can he pass the test of the Peak Demon King with his strength?"

Mei Ba snorted coldly, "I was taken advantage of by him. Forget it, don't talk about it!"

Nightmare swept his eyes and saw Mei Ba sitting in the last seat and Meng sitting in the second to last place, making him even more puzzled.

"Even if Ding Hao can enter the sixth-tier palace, he should be the last one! Why is Ding Hao still standing here?"

Thinking of this, Nightmare snorted coldly, stepped forward and said, "Ding Hao, why don't we open a battlefield and fight for the fifth place!"

Nightmare is an old man to Ding Hao, but to Xuanyue and Meng, in their prime of life, they are very powerful!

So for the nightmare challenge, Ding Hao put a lot of pressure!

He frowned and said, "Nightmare, we are from the same age! Why don't we come to the battle!"

Nightmare snorted coldly, "Catch, you are really arrogant! You just fought with Meng, do you want to continue fighting with me? I don't have time for you to rest! If you have no objection, then I have nothing Mind!"

Nightmare's face was cold, he knew that Ding Hao had come out of the palace where he chose to catch, and he had a stronger ability to choose to catch in his heart, so he felt it better to defeat it first! Promote your own prestige!

Zezhuo said, "What about the first fight? What's so great about continuous fighting? Then let's come again!"

However, at this moment, Ding Hao still came out.

Choose to catch has just fought, and it is a battle with seniors like Meng, choose to catch should be expensive, if you don't rest and start the second game with Nightmare, it is likely to fail!

And more importantly, Ding Hao just merged the Primordial Rune Diagram with the Gu Hong Xiantian Monument. A brand new weapon is in his hands. He also wants to try this weapon to see how powerful it is! In this battle with Nightmare, you can just try your new weapon, why not do it?

"Choice, since Nightmare challenges me, let me come first for this one!" Ding Hao walked out.

"What?" Zezhuo's face was startled. He originally thought that Ding Hao was not the opponent of Nightmare, so he took the initiative to fight.

However, Ding Hao didn't expect that he would not appreciate it, and he could only nod his head and said, "Well then, you pay attention to safety!"

Ding Hao came out of Zezhuo's palace, Zezhuo always regarded Ding Hao as his junior, and he was quite concerned!

Zezhuo also predicts Ding Hao's strength. Although he is very strong, he is still young. I feel that Ding Hao has lost this game!

With a bang, the battlefield space was opened.

Ding Hao and Nightmare walked into the battlefield, both of them had bad eyesight, and they couldn't see each other!

Outside, the faces and expressions of several spectators were also different.

Mei Ba, who was sitting in the last seat, had a cold face and sneered, "Nightmare, as a strong man among the descendants of my ancient Hong, his strength is not inferior to me! Ding Hao is too arrogant, it seems this One level will definitely be defeated!"

Several other people also nodded secretly. Although Zezhuo was dissatisfied with Mei Ba's tone, he had no objection to Mei Ba's conclusion!

Because Ding Hao is indeed too young, this time he just got the title of Hong; Compared with Ding Hao, Nightmare is in the prime of life, and is strong enough. After experiencing the land of ancient Hong twice, his strength can be called the peak!

Xuan Yue and Meng also nodded and said, "Ding Hao won quite a bit reluctantly in the previous match against Meiba! It seems that Ding Hao is about to break this time!"

In their opinion, in the match between Ding Hao and Meiba, Ding Hao won unclearly, so they couldn't understand it. It should be a barely win, just good luck!

But luck doesn’t follow someone every time. Ding Hao is lucky, it’s impossible to be lucky every time!

Seizure nodded and said, "Actually, Ding Hao can get to this step, it is already his victory! If he can sit on the fifth place, it will have exceeded my expectations! I think he is already pretty good!"

"Yes, yes! It's a glorious defeat!" Meng said in agreement.

The funny thing is that when Meng Lian said that even though it was a glorious defeat, the situation in the battlefield space suddenly changed!

I saw Ding Hao once again released his Primordial Rune Diagram. When this huge world of runes was released, Nightmare would certainly not enter it like Meiba as stupidly! The nightmare then retreated fiercely, shouting loudly, "Nightmare!"

This kind of treasure of Nightmare Seal is extraordinary, it is an ancient Hong prince-level treasure made by Nightmare!

This is a very remarkable thing. The ancient Hong’s treasures that can be refined by the modern title Hong are all ancient Hong’s ordinary treasures. The nightmare made this "Nightmare Seal" at the beginning, which can be said to be shocking. The whole world of Guhong!

This treasure is very powerful, and more importantly, because this treasure was made by the nightmare himself, the functions and combat power of the above are not known to others! Every time you use it, the effect is ever-changing, and it's hard to guard against!

"It's not easy!" Xuan Yue nodded her head in admiration, "Ding Hao can force the Nightmare Demon to take out the Nightmare Seal, it is really terrifying for the younger generation!"

Mei Ba's face was cold, and a sorrowful color flashed in his eyes, "When the Nightmare Demon took out the Nightmare Seal, it was when Ding Hao was defeated! Ding Hao was about to lose!"

(End of this chapter)

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