Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2728: Become the master

Chapter 2728 becomes the master

Chapter 2726-Becoming Dominant


With a loud noise, the silver light cut out from the complete rune world like a knife light!

In order to escape, Hong's Saint Beast can be regarded as fighting, he used the same way of fighting to kill Ding Hao's rune world map to cut a gap!

In the light of this huge silver knife, Hong Zhisheng spouted a mouthful of blood, and fled hurriedly.

After returning to the fighting space, he quickly yelled towards the sky, "Give up, I give up!"

"Hong Zhi Ding Hao won and won Gu Hong the throne!"

Hong Zhisheng escaped in a hurry, and escaped, but he was already seriously injured!

Standing in the center of the rune world map, Ding Hao did not rush out.

"The Tingli used by Hong's Saint Beast can actually make the ancient blood in my body feel a little bit!" Ding Hao's face was shaken.

In Ding Hao's body bloodline, this ancient bloodline saved him countless times, and this time, it fell into a long-term silence!

But just now, when Hong Zhisheng finally released Tingli with all its strength, the silent ancient bloodline in Ding Hao's body seemed to have been awakened again!

"Could it be that this ancient bloodline in my body is..."

When Ding Hao thought of this, his face was shocked. He had always wondered what this ancient bloodline in his body was. Now it seems that there is a certain connection with the mysterious Ting Yu!

"This matter is very important, I must confirm it!" Ding Hao did not rush to leave the rune world map, but searched for it.

Sure enough, he found a small piece of Hong's Saint Beast that was released, the Tingli that had not been completely volatilized!

This Tingli is very small, and Ding Hao is not sure if it is useful.

But when Ding Hao held this Tingli in his palm, he clearly felt that the ancient blood in his body was moving again!

"That's right!" With this confirmation, Ding Hao was completely certain that this ancient bloodline in his body came from the mysterious Tingyu!

"No wonder I have gone through hardships and dangers on this journey, and finally got to such a high level. It turns out that there is still this secret! Which one of the strong in Tingyu left this ancient bloodline? I will solve this secret one day. !"

Thinking of this, Ding Hao put away the rune world map, a momentary shadow flashed, and his figure stood in the battle space.

When he walked out of the fighting space, Xuanyue and Zezhumeng outside burst into applause.

"Ding Hao, congratulations on becoming the newest Lord Gu Hong!"

"you succeeded!"


Although there is still a period of silence for half an hour, Ding Hao is now the real master of Gu Hong. No one can challenge him anymore. His strength has reached the pinnacle of Gu Hong's world, and his life race Protoss has also become The pinnacle race!

"Thank you!" Ding Hao said sincerely to Xuan Yue and the three of them, "If it weren't for you to delay time for me, I wouldn't be able to become the real master of Gu Hong! Ding Hao will have a good return to you in the future!"

Everyone laughed and opened up.

But when he stood by, Hong Zhisheng's expression was not good. A pair of silver eyes looked at Ding Hao gloomily, but when Ding Hao glanced over, he lowered his head again.

Ding Hao secretly said in his heart that after he became the master of Gu Hong, he must deal with this guy again, and he should not be allowed to wander around the world of Gu Hong!

The silence period of half an hour passed quickly.

In the upper and lower six-level palaces, the bells and drums rang in unison, and the entire ancient Hong Palace was also filled with fairy music, and a huge figure in the sky showed its majesty!

"It's Ding Hao!" Walking out of the Guhong Palace, many people looked up at the sky, their eyes shocked.

Especially those who used to be with Ding Hao’s team, they were all surprised and sighed. I thought they were about the same strength as Ding Hao. I didn’t expect that after this exploratory action, everyone’s strength opened a huge gap. The status of Hong Shijie is also very different!

And in a certain ancient Hong Palace, some of the descendants of ancient Hong who wanted to restore were heartbroken.

Originally, this time they wanted to seize the position of Gu Hong as the ruler, and come to a real Gu Hong restoration.

But who knows that all the descendants of Gu Hong who entered the highest level were all dead, not to mention the ruler of Gu Hong, not even the descendants of Gu Hong in the top seven.

Lie, the former teacher of Ding Hao, also had a sad expression.

He had a good relationship with Ding Hao, but for the sake of Gu Hong's restoration, Ding Hao was driven out of the mountain gate. Later, in the battle, Ding Hao was injured again!

Now his relationship with Ding Hao has become very embarrassing!

"I really didn't expect that this time the land of Gu Hong opened, and the final Gu Hong master selected turned out to be Ding Hao!"

In all kinds of psychology, everyone walked out of the palace, only to see a huge palace in the sky.

Ding Hao and the five of them, representing the strong Gu Hong decided this time, walked into the giant palace in the sky, where there are many treasures that can be used, which are rewards for them, and Ding Hao is the new generation of Gu Hong Domination has the right to manage and judge this entire ancient Hong world!

At this moment, not only in the ancient Hong Palace, but also in the entire ancient Hong land, such a scene appeared. All the tens of thousands of people from the entire ancient Hong world were all kneeling to the ground, and seeing the latest generation of ancient Hong masters!

"Everyone, get up!"

Ding Hao stood in the center of the sky palace, outside of his body, there was a halo blooming.

The halo of this circle is not a decorative effect, but Ding Hao's induction of the basic power of the entire ancient Hong world.

After he became the master, the biggest reward for him was not the various treasures in the ancient Hong palace, but his mobilization of the power of the entire ancient Hong world. At this moment, he is here, and he is truly invincible!

Ding Hao glanced at the hundreds of millions of cultivators below, and said, "The most important feature of the ancient Hong world is tolerance. Whether it is a descendant of the ancient Hong bloodline or a life group without blood, it is now all the major ethnic groups in the ancient Hong world. No one can drive you out of the world of Guhong, except that you must maintain respect for the pinnacle race, you are free to live in the world of Guhong!"


There was a burst of cheers from below, Ding Hao's words completely made those who want to restore Guhong despair.

After the decision of the ruler of Gu Hong, the land of Gu Hong became Ding Hao's private property, and everyone began to leave the field and leave this world!

But when everyone left, Ding Hao lowered his head and said, "Mr. Lie, don't rush to go, come up!"

Lie suddenly paled, and said that he was finished.

In a previous battle with Ding Hao, he used a special light in his hand to make Ding Hao miserable. Now Ding Hao is going to retaliate against him!

Although he was worried, Lie could only gritted his teeth and flew into the air.

(End of this chapter)

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