Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2729: Tingyu Seven Colors

Chapter 2729 Seven Colors of Tingyu

Chapter 2727 Seven Colors Of Ting Yu

The ruler of Guhong decided, and the land of Guhong began to retreat.

In the midair, in the dominating palace, Ding Hao and the five others were still in it.

These five people are Ding Hao, Saint Beast, Xuan Yue, Zezhuo and Meng. They are the five strongest people decided this time and the pinnacles of Gu Hong's world.

Hong Zhisheng didn't want to say anything to Ding Haoduo, he said, "Since the ruler has been decided and there is nothing to do with me, then I will leave."

Ding Hao raised his hand and said, "Walk slowly, I have something to tell you!"

Hong Zhisheng felt bad, but still arrogant, coldly snorted, "Ding Hao dominates, although you are very powerful! But if you want to kill me, there is still a little fire left!"

"Really?" Ding Hao smiled.

Lie, who was called by Ding Hao at this moment, was already standing in front of Ding Hao.

Ding Hao said, "Teacher Lie."

Lie waved his hand and said, "Ding Hao, you are no longer my disciple! No need to call me a teacher! I saved your life at the beginning, and because of that title Hong, everyone is absolutely gracious! Later in the challenge, I was even more ruthless to you. Take it, you want to retaliate against me now, please feel free to!"

Knowing that he had completely offended Ding Hao, Lie was simply a bachelor and let Ding Hao deal with it.

But what he didn't expect was that Ding Hao smiled slightly and said, "Teacher Lie, there is a saying in my hometown, "Being a teacher for a day, and a father for life! When you are my teacher, you can't be right." I care, but I also taught me several exercises! The most important thing is that you have saved my life! So I am calling you up this time, not to avenge you!"

"Okay." Lie didn't expect Ding Hao to be so generous. He breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked again, "Then master, you asked me to come up, what happened?"

Ding Hao said, "It's not a big deal, I just want to borrow your light beam to use it!"

In Lie's hands, there was a strange bright beam of light that could suppress the ancient blood in Ding Hao's body; Ding Hao called Lie up this time, asking for this bright beam of light!

Lie heard that this was the case, but he didn't even think about it. He raised his hand and took out a three-diamond spar.

Ding Hao took this spar in his hand and urged it with his own strength, and a sharp light suddenly shot out.

And when this light came out, the sacred beast standing not far away shot panic from its silver eyes, and then in the next second, he quickly fled.

Ding Hao coldly snorted, "This palace is the ruler of the palace, the sacred beast of Hong, if you run away in this palace, what am I to be the ruler?"

After saying this, Ding Hao's big hand pressed down, and suddenly the palace floating in the air was radiant, one after another huge light curtains, rushing out toward the sky, forming layers of weird circles. No one can break through the curtain wall at will!

The sacred beast of Hong who escaped was locked in the two-story curtain wall and could not escape.

Ding Hao flew over with this three-rhombic spar in his hand. He stood on the tomb wall, and shot it down with the light inspired by the spar. Suddenly the sacred beast of Hong, which was originally very sturdy below, Becoming painful, constantly twisting, yelling for mercy.

"It's very easy to use. The light from this spar has the amazing effect of suppressing Tingli!"

Ding Hao knows now, why he is suffering so much under this light, it turns out that it is because of his body that the ancient bloodline also has the most orthodox Tingli inheritance!

Ding Hao opened his mouth and said, "Hong’s holy beast, you are cruel and unkind. You came to Gu Hong’s palace and killed many descendants of Gu Hong, and swallowed them alive! According to the truth, I will kill you to behave like you, but it’s up to you. It's from Outland, give you a chance! If you want to, become my mount, and swear never to betray, I will spare your life!"

He was very curious about the so-called Tingyu, especially the blood in his body, which also came from this legendary area!

So Ding Hao will go to Tingyu to find out sooner or later, if he can conquer the holy beast, he will have a guide who is familiar with the situation!

The sacred beast of Hong was in great pain under the light, and turned over and over, without thinking at all, he shouted, "Master, I am willing to be your mount and swear never to betray!"

When talking, the sacred beast of Hong emits a silver light. In this silver ray, there is an ancient will. This will is willing to submit to Ding Hao. If Ding Hao accepts his will, the sacred beast of Hong will become Ding Hao’s. Permanent servant!

"Accept the will!" After Ding Hao accepted the will, Hong Zhisheng immediately knelt down in front of Ding Hao, and paid a salute.

Ding Hao nodded and asked, "The will you released just now contains ancient aura! I feel that this is not your will, whose will is it?"

Hong Zhisheng said, "Ting Li has seven masters of Tingli who represent different colors, and they are called the Seven Domain Masters! And I belong to the silver domain master, and the ancient aura in my body is the master’s Stay! Everyone living in Tingyu has a different domain master aura in their bodies! Losing this domain master aura will become a killable enemy for everyone in Tingyu!"

"It turned out to be like this." Ding Hao faintly felt that the ancient bloodline in his body was the aura of the domain master in the mouth of the holy beast!

It's just that Ding Hao doesn't know, what color is the ancient blood in his body? !

"From then on, if you become my slave, you have to obediently obey orders. Go back to your residence and write down everything you know about Tingyu, big and small events, various characters, and write them down in detail. Show me!"

After Ding Hao finished speaking, with a big wave of his hand, the curtain of light fell, Hong Zhisheng obediently walked to his residence, going to remember and write.

After doing all this, he came to the dominating palace again, Xuan Yue and others were still here.

"Master, if there is nothing wrong, we will leave first." Xuan Yue and others clasped fists and saluted, preparing to leave.

Ding Hao said, "This time I can become the master. You have done a lot. There are many treasures hidden in this ancient Hong ruler's palace. You can choose in the past! If there is anything you can see, you are welcome, just use it!"

Xuan Yue and the others looked surprised, but still said embarrassedly, "How embarrassed then."

"What's the matter? You take three pieces each!" After Ding Hao finished speaking, let them choose the treasures.

After Ding Hao became the ruler of Gu Hong, he could also use all the items in this palace.

But now for Ding Hao, these items are not important. He called Lie up again and asked, "Mr. Lie, where did you get this light spar? How do you know that it can restrain my body? Tingli in China? Tell me about it!"

(End of this chapter)

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