Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2764: Crack the game

Chapter 2764 Cracking the chess game


"Listen to your arrangement, what are you kidding?" Hengzhen old lady snorted coldly, "Even if you said, we are in a chess game! I can't listen to your arrangement, how much do you cultivate? A weak Newcomer!"

"You must listen to my arrangements!" Ding Hao shouted loudly, "Now this chess game, you are in the most critical position!"

Ding Hao is outside the chess game. It can be said that he is a bystander. At a glance, he can see the position where Hengzhen old lady is standing. It is at this moment, the chess eye, the key position!

He wants to play this game of chess, the most important thing is this senior Hengzhen!

Ding Hao's eyes were electric, sweeping the overall situation, and immediately shouted, "You teammates, you are in the chess game, you can't see the overall situation, the decision is inevitably biased! And I am outside the chess game, I make the decision, the most objective!"

Although he had moved with reason, some of the six people in the chess game still believed and some did not.

Ding Hao said again, "Now listen to my orders, everyone else is standing in the same place against the black statues. No matter how many black statues they come, they will stand up to me! The most important thing now is Senior Hengzhen. You are standing here now. For the position of the eye of the chess game, I suggest that you immediately attack the black statue on your right side. It is best to break it! If you can’t break it, you must also knock it back, and then go straight forward from that route..."

Regarding Ding Hao’s carefully researched route, Master Hengzhen didn’t even listen to him, “A newcomer who has just cultivated and is extremely weak. Why should I listen to you? It’s really funny. Don’t I know where to go?”

Her gaze swept away, and there seemed to be a flash of dim light behind her.

"Maybe there are any treasures over there? I ask for wealth and danger. If I wait for the treasure hunter, how can I get the treasure if I'm afraid of death?"

Thinking of this, Master Hengzhen immediately attacked the rear with all his strength, desperately killed, and beat the black statue in the rear back again and again, so she could just move forward step by step!

Standing outside the chess game, Ding Hao said anxiously, "Master Hengzhen, even if you don’t listen to me, and don’t leave from the right, you can’t leave from this direction! The direction you are heading now is the most dangerous direction, not only It is dangerous to yourself, and it will also bring others into danger!"

"Fuck off! What are you, are you worthy to point me?" Master Heng Zhen snorted too coldly, and continued to make full moves and strode forward.


When she came to a certain position in the chess game, a force of force dispersed from there, and all the more than 100 black statues on the square were shocked at that moment!

In the next second, an endless roaring sound rang, and the black statues rushed frantically from all directions.

"No!" Ho Xixi's face changed suddenly.

There were originally more than a hundred black statues in the entire square, but only a small part of them were shot.

And now, all the more than 100 black statues have taken action, and they have begun to launch a fierce siege. On average, each person has to deal with more than 20 statues. This difficulty has become very difficult in an instant!

"No! Master Hengzhen, you don't want to go!" Even the real Jiu Tuoma who has been stubborn with Master Hengzhen, his face suddenly changed in fright, and he reminded loudly.

At this moment, Master Hengzhen was so gloomy that she had nothing to say, because she knew that she had indeed gone in the wrong direction.

At this time, Xie Qingyou exclaimed, "Ding Hao, what should we do in the current situation? You have an idea!"

Ding Hao frowned, "If you listened to me just now, things would be easy to handle. Now the chess game is in chaos! Don't move, I will think about how to break the game!"

Wu Peng also shouted, "My teammates, the facts have proved that bystanders are clear! Don't move around, stay where you are, and with all your strength, wait for Brother Ding Hao to break the game!"

At this moment, Ding Hao didn't take into account the previous attitudes of Jiuliu Zhenren and Hengzhen Master, and began to carefully consider the chess game.

But the current chess game has been quite messed up by Master Hengzhen too, and it is not so easy to find a way to break the game!

But while Ding Hao was thinking, Master Hengzhen couldn't stand it!

Her position is the most critical and the most stressful!

She was too embarrassed to say anything about the consequences she had caused herself, only gritted her teeth to hold her back, but as the number of black statues became more and more, the attacks on her became more and more crazy, and she became more and more unable to withstand it!

In the end, she could not take care of her face and shouted loudly, "Brother Ding Hao, you can help me find a way! I can't stand it anymore, hurry!"

She now knows that she is afraid, and she regrets it to death! But she has fallen into a heavy siege again, all hope can only be placed on Ding Hao!

But Ding Hao is not a god, he could still think of a solution when the chess game was clear before, but now it is chaotic, and it is difficult for him to solve it!

"No!" Master Hengzhen made a desperate call, and she finally couldn't resist it!

boom! The Tingli gathered by her was smashed with a punch by a black statue!

At this point, she was already unable to resist!

A Tingyu cultivator, when the Tingli gathered by himself disappears, he suddenly becomes extremely weak, unable to attack or defend!

"Help me!" Master Hengzhen screamed too much and was torn into pieces.

"My God!" Ho Xixi and the other players on the court were all pale.

Their hearts sink. If they don't come out in time and leave the chessboard, everyone will end up like Master Hengzhen, and die here!

But just after Master Hengzhen was killed, Ding Hao's eyes lit up.

When this chess piece disappeared from the chess game, many black statues around also temporarily lost their target, but there was a certain gap in the chess game, which gave others a chance to escape!

Ding Hao smiled and hurriedly arranged, "Now the chess game is chaotic, but there is a glimmer of life, everyone listen to my arrangements!"

Hearing what he said, all the remaining five treasure hunters looked ecstatic, and Tian Haitian shouted, "We all listen to you!"

"Okay." Ding Hao said, "He Xixi, you attack the third black statue on the right hand side. After repulsing it, you rush out from his position, facing east; Wu Peng, you have to wait for a while. After Xixi rushes out, you can start to shoot and hit the black statue in the opposite direction..."

Following Ding Hao's arrangement, all the five treasure hunters were very trusting and obeyed his orders.

After a while, Ho Xixi came to the edge of the chess game first. He shouted, "I'm on the edge, but I still can't get out!"

Ding Hao said, "You are in that position, so many enemies will stand up! Waiting for others to arrive, when everyone reaches the edge together, you come out together!"

"Okay." He Xixi now completely believes in Ding Hao, "Brother Ding Hao, thanks to you this time, save the others!"

(End of this chapter)

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