Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2765: catastrophe

Chapter 2765 Breaks the Game

Chapter 2763

"Wu Peng, you follow my command!"

"Okay, I totally believe in you!" Wu Peng, who is tall, is also quite refreshing and has always trusted Ding Hao.

Now in a crisis, I fully trust Ding Hao and follow Ding Hao's arrangements.

"You immediately knock back the black statue in the opposite direction, then move forward ten steps, and then attack to the right!"

Although Ding Hao’s command was completely opposite to the situation on the scene, Wu Peng still followed his plan, especially when he moved forward ten steps, the right side was already full of enemies, but Ding Hao asked him to attack to the right, which seemed to be Send to death!

But Wu Peng still killed him firmly. After he killed him, he suddenly felt clear.

It turned out that Ding Hao helped him step on the rhythm. All these black statues passed by him, and he immediately stood in a safer place!

Seeing He Xixi had reached the periphery of the chess game, the pressure on Wu Peng was relatively weakened. Tian Haitian and Xie Qingyou both shouted at the same time, "Brother Ding Hao, don't forget us! Hurry up and give us pointers!"

Ding Hao quickly said, "Don't worry, there are many black statues around you now. If they move around, then I can't solve it! Only a moment, wait for Wu Peng's chess game to change!"

In Ding Hao's eyes, Wu Peng seemed to be a chess piece at this moment, beheading a large number of black chess pieces back and forth, changing the chess game!

Not long after, Ding Hao finally showed a glimmer of life before his eyes, and said, "Tian Haitian and Xie Qingyou, two seniors, now you are moving towards each other and starting to attack. Don't come together when you get closer! Instead, you have to suddenly change directions. , Flee quickly in different directions!"

Hearing what Ding Hao said, Tian Haitian said in surprise, "Fleeing in different directions, will one person fall into crisis? If so, my strength is stronger, let me go to the dangerous side!"

His Taoist companion Xie Qingyou was immediately moved and said, "No, no, I am willing to go to the more dangerous side!"

Seeing the dispute between the two, Ding Hao said, "Don't worry! Just listen to my orders, and you will never die here alone! Although this game is difficult, it is not completely dead! There is a lot of life left in the game. Bystanders are clear, as long as there are outsiders standing outside the chess game, it should allow everyone to escape!"

The two of them breathed a sigh of relief and continued to break the game in accordance with Ding Hao's command.

Soon after, the two men came to the chess game once again.

As a result, four of the remaining five people have reached the periphery of the chess game.

At this moment, the real jiu-liu who had been ridiculing Ding Hao had to trust Ding Hao a lot. After all, everyone else was under Ding Hao’s command and reached a safe place. He also shouted, "Brother Ding Hao , I have offended a lot before, please help me and show me a clear way!"

Ding Hao said, "Since everyone came out to explore treasures together, of course I will help you!"

It is not that he is too stupid for his willingness to help Jiu-liu, but because of this treasure hunting trip, although Jiu-liu often says nothing, but it did not hurt Ding Hao! Otherwise, Ding Hao will definitely not save him!

"You now follow my command!"

"Okay!" The real Jiu Tuo was worried in his heart. He said a lot of mocking Ding Hao along the way. Will Ding Hao harm him?

Therefore, under Ding Hao's command, he hesitated for a while, and finally finally decided to act according to Ding Hao's command. After experiencing some battle, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and came to the periphery of the chess game!

By this time, all five treasure hunters had reached the edge of the chess game, but the chess game had not yet opened, and the five still could not leave.

"Don't worry, let me think about it." Ding Hao frowned, and said in his heart, "From the chess game, I have broken a way! But why the chess game is still not opened, why can't the chess pieces leave the board?"

When Ding Hao understood this, his face suddenly changed.

"If the owner of the chess game really regards Hosisi and the others as chess pieces, then the chess pieces will never leave the board!"

Thinking of this, his face suddenly became pale, and the chess piece could never leave the board!

Although he was able to direct Hesisi and the others to fight back and forth on the board and change the game, he couldn't let these pieces leave the board!

"Ding Hao, how is it? We can't stand it anymore!"

Five people are standing on the edge of the chess game. Now the chess path has changed, and more black statues rushed at them frantically. If they do not change their positions, they will be trapped to death!

"What to do?" Just when Ding Hao felt that there was nothing he could do, he suddenly thought of a voice, "Of course it is to break the chess game, and the chess pieces can be free!"

Ding Hao was shocked, and it was the ancient will in his body that was speaking.

This will has always been hidden in his body, when he encountered danger, this will once came out to save him and in danger.

But this will has never spoken, nor had a dialogue with him, unexpectedly, today, he would take the initiative to speak.

But now the situation is tense and Ding Hao has no time to greet this ancient will. He hurriedly asked, "Break the chess game? With my current strength, it is impossible to break the chess game! If I rush in, then I will also become a chess piece. , Then everyone is dead!"

The old will said, "Since you can't break the chess game, then make a bigger chess game! The chess game becomes bigger, and the scope of your friends' activities is also larger!"

"A bigger chess game?" Ding Hao raised his brows, and couldn't see the possibility of the space in front of him getting bigger.

"Then go to the palace in front of the square and take a look!"

"So!" Ding Hao's face moved.

Hosisi and the others were trapped in this square, with a luxurious palace in front of them.

According to the rules of treasure hunting, it is to explore all the way and hunt all the way. If the treasures are not allocated before you, you will not move forward!

Therefore, they were busy digging the ancient crystals on the square before, and none of them entered the palace in front to see what was inside. Now, reminded by the ancient will, Ding Hao hurriedly ran around the square in front of the palace. .

"Hosisi, try not to move as much as possible, but stand still! I enter the palace and see if there is any way!"

Seeing Ding Hao rushing towards the palace, Hexixi and the others who were caught in the siege had no choice but to gritted their teeth and continued to stand where they were, struggling to support.

Ding Hao came to the gate of the luxurious palace in front of him at his fastest speed. The gate of this palace was like a high mountain, exquisite and huge. When Ding Hao stood in front of the door, he heard a bang, and the gate opened naturally...

(End of this chapter)

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