Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2766: Kester Game

Chapter 2766 Kester chess game

Chapter 2764 Kester's Game


The door of the luxurious palace in front of Ding Hao suddenly opened. It was a very deep palace.

It may be because it hasn't been opened for too long. When it was opened, a moist and corrupt breath came upon his face.

"Help us!" He Xixi and the others are on the chessboard, the situation is very critical.

Ding Hao ignored the corruption, and quickly walked into the palace.

When he walked in, suddenly there was a light on the wall in the palace.

At first, it was just the lights near his body, and then the lights farther and farther were lit!

Ding Hao looked up, and saw one after another palaces, leading to the distance, as if he had come to the golden palace of the ancient emperor, the golden and brilliant inside, very far-reaching!

"There is nothing here?" Ding Hao looked around, using his own mind to communicate with the ancient will in his body, "How can we expand the chess game?"

However, the ancient will that was still talking to him just now fell into silence again.

Ding Hao had to observe left and right while advancing towards the depths of the palace.

He was advancing very fast, and soon he came to the end of the palace, where there is an ancient throne, in the very center of the end of the palace.

This throne is very peculiar. Like the black statue on the outside, it is also made of black.

"Could it be that this throne is a complete set with the chess pieces outside?"

Ding Hao ignored his thoughts, rushed up the steps and sat on the black throne.

When he sat up, there was a sudden bang in his head, as if a lot of things poured in like tide.

Soon, a huge chessboard appeared in front of him. The black statues on the chessboard were chess pieces, and on the opposite side of the chess pieces, there were many small chess pieces piled up!

Those smaller chess pieces were in a mess, all piled up in a pile.

"What's the matter? This position should be Hosisi and the treasure hunters, how can they become a bunch of smaller chess pieces?"

Ding Hao observed the chess game, he was puzzled at first, but soon he woke up.

"I see! These little chess pieces are the little black statues Hoses and the others picked up in the previous pond!"

After Ding Hao understood all this, he immediately shouted, "Ho Xixi, hurry up and take out the small statues you found in the pond before!"

His voice spread very far, passing through the palace to the chessboard outside the palace.

He Xixi and the others were at a critical juncture. After hearing Ding Hao's words, they quickly took out all the statues they had obtained and threw them on the ground.

When all these statues were thrown on the ground, Ding Hao's heart moved, and he actually gained the power to control these dropped statues!

"This means...Are these little statues my chess pieces?" Ding Hao didn't dare to neglect when thinking of this, and immediately took over the control of these statues.

Suddenly, there was a constant rumbling. After Ding Hao took over the control, these small black statues with large palms began to expand, and their size became exactly the same as those black statues!

He Xixi and the others immediately exclaimed, "Ding Hao, there are so many more black statues, we simply can't stand it!"

"It's okay, these melanin are like my chess pieces!" Although the black statues on both sides look the same, Ding Hao is very clear about which pieces belong to him and which pieces belong to the opponent?

"So that's it, this is really a chess game, but I don't know what the rules of this game are?"

Ding Hao didn't care about this game. The point is that he didn't know the rules. If he made the wrong piece, would he be punished?

When he was puzzled, the ancient will came in his ears. It said, "This game is very simple. It is the Kest game that the ancient Ting people like most! The rules of this game are very complicated, but the result is It's very simple, that is one side defeats the other!"

"The rules are very complicated, so will I foul?" Ding Hao asked again.

"The offender died! Just like those of your friends who entered the game in violation of the rules, they have already fouled! It is logical that they must die! But fortunately, you have a part of the chess pieces missing. You can let your friends play the chess pieces! Let them You will not be executed. If you win, you can leave the board with other chess pieces!"

"So that's the case." Ding Hao suddenly realized, and shouted to the outside of the palace, "Hosisi, this is the Kester game! If this game fails, everyone will die! But if the game wins, you can also leave the board! The key is that you now have to obey my orders and become my pawn!"

"Damn it, those of us who have been practicing for many years have become this kid's pawn?" Although the real Jiu Liu is dissatisfied, at this moment, under the circumstances, he can only control his emotions and become Ding Hao's peace of mind. piece.

Ding Hao said to the ancient will in his body again, "Quickly tell me how complicated the rules of this game are."

But the ancient will just said lightly, "The rules are very complicated, and I can't tell you that! Only you can understand from it and play this game well!"

Ding Hao almost fainted, "You let me play chess well without telling me the rules. How can I play this? Also, what did you just say to expand the chessboard, how do you expand the chessboard now?"

The ancient will replied, "Now is not the time to expand the chessboard, you will naturally know that then!"

Ding Hao had no choice but to try to play this game.

Fortunately, the chess pieces in front of him are very obedient. As long as his mind moves, the chess pieces immediately follow.

"Your uncle!" After a while, Ding Hao scolded.

It turned out that because he didn't understand the rules, several black chess pieces were judged invalid and died instantly.

Every time a chess piece dies, his chances of winning are smaller, but he also gradually understands the rules of the game!

"It turned out to be like this! The rules are like this!" The more rules Ding Hao understands, the more he feels that the chess game in front of him is difficult to win.

The opposite party originally had the advantage, because Master Hengzhen died too early, and his side lost more than 20 pieces. In addition, he did not understand the rules before and wasted dozens of pieces. Now he is at a very big disadvantage.

Moreover, according to the rules of Kester's game, it is very difficult to make a comeback!

"But fortunately, I still have five live chess players from Hosisi! These five are alive and their strength is completely variable. As long as the five of them are manipulated, there is hope of a comeback! "

Thinking of this, Ding Hao increased his confidence and immediately said, "Ho Xixi, you listen to my arrangements, this time I will definitely rescue you all!"

(End of this chapter)

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