Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2767: fight as a guerrilla

Chapter 2767 Guerrilla

Chapter 2765 Guerrilla

"Okay, we listen to your arrangements!"

As they stayed on the chessboard longer and longer, Hexixi and the others also knew that it was impossible to leave in the short term.

Simply let go of the worries in my heart, and single-mindedly cooperated with Ding Hao to play this game of chess.

As they are in the chess game, the time is getting longer and longer, their understanding of the chess game is getting deeper and deeper, and their role is getting bigger and bigger!

"That's it! These black statues are not terrible!"

Wu Peng released a flash of Tingli knife light, and under the knife light, a black statue fell over.

His figure followed like a shadow, followed closely, and the sword and shadow formed by Tingli in his hand continued to cut down!

Boom boom boom!

Wu Peng tasted the sweetness and attacked more fiercely. In a blink of an eye, several black statues were knocked down.

In the hands of other people, there were even some black statues that were beaten to pieces, completely withdrawing from chess!

As a result, the strengths are declining, and Ding Hao's situation is getting better and better, and the situation is getting better and better.

"If there is no mistake, the break is in sight!"

On the chessboard, Hexixi and the others also shouted in excitement, "There are fewer and fewer black statues. When they are all eliminated, I will see what else is necessary for this chess game?"

Everyone believes that victory is in sight, and the game will soon be broken.

But at this moment, Ding Hao's eyes suddenly shot a shocked look, "What's the matter?"

It turned out that at that instant, the chess game in his mind instantly increased dozens of times, and the opponent's chess pieces instantly increased dozens of times!

"What happened?" Ding Hao was dumbfounded.

The voice of ancient will came in my ears, "I told you just now that the chess game can be expanded! Before your opponent feels that he is about to lose, he can expand the chess game and fight you again!"

"Isn't it? It's too ridiculous!" Ding Hao said, "Every time he wants to fail, he comes to expand the game once, isn't it endless?"

"How can it be endless?" said the ancient will. "The master of the chess game is the owner of this cave mansion! The largest range of the chess game, that is, the range of the entire cave mansion! Your previous small game has already won, so that board range Inside is your territory, and everything inside belongs to you! If you win the big game again, the control of the entire cave will be given to you!"

"That's it!"

Ding Hao faintly understood that the owner of the chess game expanded the game at the cost of surrendering the control of the entire Dongfu. It was like an increase in chips when playing cards! If you can win again this time, you will win all your opponent's chips, and your opponent will lose out!

"I understand." Thinking of this, Ding Hao said suddenly, "Now, don't all the pieces on the chessboard just now belong to me?"

"Not bad," said the ancient will.

After understanding this, Ding Hao quickly shouted, "Hosisi, don't kill anymore! All the black statues around you are now chess pieces on our side!"

"What's the situation?" He Xixi stopped their hands.

They also felt strange. The black statues that had attacked them frantically just now have all stopped their attacks.

"You can come out, come out, I will tell you."

Hosisi and the others cheered, "We won!"

At the moment, all five treasure hunters rushed out of the square and rushed into the palace in front of them. After entering, they all felt shocked by the luxury of the palace in front of them.

"Ding Hao, thanks to you this time!" Everyone ran over excitedly, thanking Ding Hao.

If Ding Hao didn't deal with it calmly and won this game, everyone is in the game, the consequence is likely to be the destruction of the whole army.

Ding Hao smiled bitterly, "Everyone, don't be eager to be happy! Although the small game has won, a big game has been born again!"

"The big chess game is born again?"

Just when everyone didn't know why, from all sides of the palace, there were tall black figures coming together.

These black figures are no longer black statues, but fierce beings with completely different appearances. I don't know whether it is a human or a beast. In short, they look taller and more powerful. These monsters suddenly double when they see the treasure hunter. His eyes were red, and he rushed up and attacked!

"Oh! What the **** is this?" He Xixi and the others were dumbfounded.

Ding Hao said, "If there is nothing wrong, these are the new chess pieces!"

"My God!" Everyone was dumbfounded, and Xie Qingyou said, "This is too much, too strong! We are fighting with the black statues just now, and we have already attacked with all our strength! Now the opponent's strength has improved again. So much! How do we fight?"

Ding Hao's face also sank, and he said to himself, "It seems that this time I have also become a chess piece!"

In the small chess game at the front, Ding Hao is a chess player, fighting with the pawns he manipulates;

But the current chess game is too big for Ding Hao to stay out of the matter. Not only does he have to finish the game, but he also wants to fight like a pawn.

"Boom boom boom!"

Loud noises continued to sound, and the black statues that became Ding Hao's chess pieces were being shattered one by one by the black monsters coming from the impact. Ding Hao had fewer and fewer chess pieces in his hand. In the end, only a few of their treasure hunters were left!

"Teammates, we can't stay in this palace now, otherwise we will definitely die! Everyone, run away!"

Ding Hao couldn't continue to sit in this seat either. He took out his weapon, took Hesisi and the others, "Come, go this way!"

He still has the only advantage now, that is, he saw the complete chessboard just now, that is to say, the map of the entire Dongfu has been read by him, and he has already remembered it in his mind!

He took everyone, and the direction he was heading now was the area with the least opponents in the entire cave.

And in that area, the area is the largest, and there are many hidden places, that is the back mountain area of ​​this cave mansion!

"Follow me to the back mountain. The environment here is very suitable for guerrilla warfare! We will bring these black monsters into the back mountain and destroy them all!"

"Guerrilla?" Ho Xixi and the treasure hunters have never heard of this term.

"It's just walking around while destroying opponents! It's a very effective means of warfare!" Ding Hao didn't bother to explain to everyone, leading everyone out from the apse of the luxurious palace.

"There are a few black monsters in front! You chess pieces, speed up to the top!"

Ding Hao will send out all the remaining black statues following them, to withstand the black monsters oncoming.

Then he waved his hand and took a few of his teammates into the back mountain in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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