Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2773: My cave

Chapter 2773 My Cave Mansion

Chapter 2771 My Cave Mansion

"Ding Hao, what the **** is going on?" He Xixi and the others walked in following the real Jiu Tu, also at a loss.

To say that Ding Hao secretly came out to search for treasures alone, He Xixi and the others didn't quite believe it.

Walking along the way, Ding Hao has always been thinking about everyone, even if he entered the cave, Ding Hao has never thought about himself selfishly.

But the current situation seems to be true again.

He Xixi also stepped up and asked, "What the **** is going on?"

"What's the matter? Do you still need to say it?" said the real Jiu-liu, "the truth is right in front of him, he secretly ran here to open this palace! He just wants to swallow the treasures here alone!"

The treasure hunters walked into this palace, looked around, and found that there was golden light everywhere, and the treasures were dazzling, they all looked at Ding Hao with suspicion.

The real Jiu Tuo roared, "We killed him and grabbed the treasure in his hands!"

Facing the scene before him, Ding Hao didn't know how to explain it.

He said in a deep voice, "Ho Xixi, and your teammates! I came here with someone from Ding and everyone, naturally, I have my purpose! From the bottom of my heart, I am worthy of all of you. I just took advantage of the fact that no one wanted to kill me! I have no grievances with you, but this real Jiu Tuo must die!"

The real Jiu Tuo laughed, "Do you think you can kill all of us here with an evil crystal in your hand? Don't dream anymore. Five of us will hit you one by one, and you are dead!"

"Really?" Ding Hao snorted coldly.

As he spoke, he raised his hand and picked up the evil crystal on the altar in front of him, and then placed the huge evil crystal that belonged to him on the altar.

When he replaced this evil crystal, there was a halo from the altar, swaying in all directions!

This aperture instantly shook the entire cave, covering all the area and creatures in it!

"What did he do?" The face of Jiu Tuo and the others changed drastically.

Ding Hao said with a cold snort, "Although Hexixi you brought me here! But if you didn't have me, you would have died here! And this cave is my chance, including the palace in front of me! Without me, you Don't even want to come in! This is my chance, no one can take it away, you want to kill me, now is your death date!"

After Ding Hao finished speaking, he waved his big hand, and suddenly from outside the door, an astonishing number of black monsters poured in!

These black monsters were originally everyone's enemies, but in a blink of an eye Ding Hao has become the master of the entire cave, and these monsters have also become chess pieces that Ding Hao can command!

The real Jiu Tuo suddenly became angry, "Do you think you can kill us with these black monsters?"

"Of course!" Ding Hao stood on the high platform, raised his hand down and said, "Isolate the space!"

When he gave an order, the small space where the real Jiu Liao was located was immediately locked by a light shield. He was trapped in a small square of light shield, unable to escape!

"No!" He panicked. He looked at the surging black monsters, and said with a shocked expression, "Hosisi, help me! Help!"

Originally, he still had the ability to suppress the bottom of the box, and that was the nine sarcomas on his back.

But now, these nine sarcomas have completely exploded, and he has nowhere to escape, trapped in a small space, he can only die!

But at this moment, He Xixi and the others are not stupid. Now Ding Hao completely takes the initiative. They are also a dead end for the sake of Jiu Tuo real person!

"Ding Hao, or..." He Xixi still wanted to plead.

Ding Hao waved his hand and said, "No need to say more, I will kill anyone who wants to kill me!"

He also warned Ho Xixi and the others, which is equivalent to saying that you did not want to kill me, so I will not kill you; if you want to kill me, the ending will be the same as the real Jiu Tu!

"No!" In the horrified roar of the nine tumors, he was torn to pieces by the black monsters and died on the spot!

"This..." He Xixi and the others changed their faces in surprise, looking at Ding Hao in surprise.

Ding Hao said, "My teammates, you brought me here to help me get this cave house! Now this place belongs to me and my home! I welcome you!"

He Xixi turned around and looked at each other with the remaining three teammates. He didn't expect this treasure hunt to be like this.

Now this Dongfu has become Ding Hao's home. You can't explore treasures in other people's homes, right?

The four of them were helpless at the moment, they all had to bow their fists to Ding Hao, "Brother Ding Hao, we are really sorry to disturb you when we came to your house! Now we have no need to stay here anymore, you might as well let us leave. ."

Everyone stayed here, and I was afraid that Ding Hao would attack them, and now I just want to leave.

Ding Hao nodded and said, "Everyone, teammates, I won't let you guys come in vain! I just watched the warehouse in the cave house. You can divide the items if you take out some of them!"

After he finished speaking, he waved his big hand, and suddenly there were a large number of crystals of various colors, as well as a variety of natural treasures produced in the ancient Tingyu period, all of which are of extraordinary value.

Hosisi and the others saw so many treasures, their eyes all lit up.

"Not bad!" Wu Peng clasped his fists and thanked him, "Brother Ding Hao, you are a kind person! Although I don't know what happened in this? But I still believe you, not deliberately yin us! Don't say anything else, just say you took it out These treasures are much richer than our previous treasure hunts!"

He Xixi and the others had complaints, but now they have nothing to say. The amount of treasure in front of them has far exceeded their psychological expectations. Now there is only happiness, but how can there be a little bit of dissatisfaction?

In a blink of an eye, a large number of precious treasures released by Ding Hao were all allocated by these people.

Ding Hao said, "My teammates, I still have something to do here, so I will send everyone out of the house! If there is a chance in the future, let's get together again!"

After he said this, he opened his hand.

Suddenly, an invisible force of Tingli gathered and completely locked the area where each of them was standing. Then the whole space took the four of them and moved rapidly outwards, but in the blink of an eye, the four had already arrived. At the gate of Dongfu!

With only a bang, all four of them were sent out of the gate of the cave and they were already standing outside the gate of the cave!

There were also many treasure hunters standing outside the gate of the cave. These people looked at Ho Xixi and others who came out, and they all rushed up.

Some of these people want to ask about Hosisi’s gains, but some of them have bad intentions and even want to do something to kill people and win treasures!

But at this moment, Ding Hao's cold snort came from the cave, "From now on, this cave belongs to my Ding. No one is allowed to harass at will, outside the door of the cave, fighting is forbidden! Those who violate the order die!"

(End of this chapter)

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