Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2774: Colorless history

Chapter 2774 Achromatic History

Chapter 2772 Achromatic History

"Hurry up!" He Xixi waved to the three teammates.

Suddenly the four took the opportunity and left in a hurry.

This time they entered the ancient cave to search for treasures, although they stopped because Ding Hao got to the cave in the middle of the way, but this time it was a good income!

If discovered by those treasure hunters outside the cave, they are likely to be looted, and even their lives are threatened!

Ding Hao's voice just came from the cave mansion, stunned all the treasure hunters outside, and He Xixi and the others were able to escape!

After the four of them escaped a long way, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Xie Qingyou touched his heart and said, "I'm scared to death. These treasure hunters who were blocking the door almost attacked us!"

"Thanks to what Ding Hao said in the cave mansion!" Wu Peng said, "Ding Hao, this person is still very good! Although he took a big advantage this time, our gains were also great. Saved us once!"

He Xixi also nodded and said, "Yes! The harvest I got from this treasure hunt is the most treasure I have ever obtained in history, and the best time! I'll go back this time and I want to practice hard!"

However, Xie Qingyou’s Dao Lu Tian Haitian said with an expression on his face, "Anyway, Ding Hao really made a fortune this time! The entire cave is occupied by him, and we have no chance to go in and take a look at the warehouse in the cave. , Maybe there are more treasures! What Ding Hao gave us is probably just a drop in the bucket!"

"Don't be so greedy!" Xie Qingyou persuaded, "We have gained a lot this time, what else are you doing? If you are not convinced, why don't you ask Ding Hao when you are in the cave?"

"Do I dare to ask him? Didn't you see the end of the real Jiu Tuo? The entire cave is occupied by him, and he can kill anyone! Although I didn't say anything at the time, I was not convinced!"

Seeing Tian Haitian's dissatisfaction, He Xixi persuaded, "Okay! Let's forget the things that have passed. Thinking back, Ding Hao is worthy of us without killing us! What else can I say?"

Tian Haitian could only shook his head in annoyance, "There is nothing to say, let's go back."

Originally, the matter was over here, but on their way back, this time they met several strong gold elements.

One of the golden guys also knew Tian Haitian and his wife. This person stopped them and asked, "Tian Haitian, I heard that you are going to explore treasures with Ding Hao this time. Why are you back? What about that boy Ding Hao?"

He Xixi had heard that Ding Hao and the golden people had a feast, and hurriedly said, "Did you hear me wrong? Didn't we go to treasure hunt with Ding Hao?"

"Didn't I go to explore treasures with Ding Hao?" The golden powerhouse said in a puzzled way, "Is it because you got the information wrong?"

"This is because you made a mistake!" Wu Peng said so too.

But at this moment, Tian Haitian was very dissatisfied and said, "Ho Xixi, don't sloppy for Ding Hao, don't you count how he treated us? He is not benevolent, and we are not righteous! Didn't he occupy the cave. We don’t need to keep him secret!"

The golden guy immediately asked, "What's the situation? Tell us about it!"

He Xixi and the others wanted to stop, but they couldn't stop Tian Haitian's mouth at all. Tian Haitian explained all the situation before and after.

"It turns out that this kid has got another adventure! Let's catch up!"

Seeing the golden powers rushing toward the deepest part of the ancestral domain, He Xixi complained, "Tian Haitian, why are you like this? Are you not harming Ding Hao?"

"Who told him to be unkind!" Tian Haitian sneered, "His exclusive Dongfu, I will trouble him! It is justified!"

Wu Peng snorted coldly, "Then you are looking for death! In that case, everyone is not the same, Wu said goodbye!"

Ho Xixi nodded and said, "Then let's go."

Xie Qingyou flew away angrily, "Tian Haitian, you disappointed me so much!"

Tian Haitian saw that his Taoist companion was also so angry. He became nervous and hurried to catch up. He called out, "Qingyou! I was also agitated for a while. Ding Hao's boy is so unreliable! He should open the warehouse and let us all enter the selection process. Yes! Don't go, listen to me..."

In the other direction, the powerhouses of the golden element soon came to the cave mansion hills in the deepest part of the ancestral domain, where there are many treasure hunters.

These gold-based powerhouses asked casually and knew where Ding Hao's cave mansion was.

"Generally, when we explore treasures, we take all the treasures in the cave! As for the ownership of the cave, no one will get it! This guy named Ding Hao has some skills. He has become the master of the cave! He lives here! In the ancient cave mansion!"

The golden powerhouses smiled with joy, "Ding Hao, I finally found you! Don't say anything, everyone, start to attack the cave!"

Boom boom boom!

Loud noises continued, coming from outside the cave. Ding Hao was standing in the warehouse of the cave at the moment.

In this ancient cave house, there are still many treasures and weapons. Tian Haitian is angry because Ding Hao didn't let them enter the warehouse.

In fact, even if Ding Hao let them into the warehouse, they would not get anything.

Because the remaining treasures and weapons can't be used by the other seven color races, especially the weapons and armors here are all colorless cultivators to use! Cultivators of other races cannot use it at all!

Ding Hao chose a black long sword and a set of invisible and colorless armor. These two pieces of equipment are the best items in this warehouse, and they are also very suitable for Ding Hao to use.

"Very well, I haven't gotten Ting Yu's weapon in all these years! I'm overjoyed to get such a good weapon right now!"

Ding Hao came again, in the classics room of this cave mansion, and he began to watch these classics left over from the ancient times! The classics record a large number of cultivation techniques for the colorless type. Although the colorless type uses the Tingli breath of others as its practice method, its cultivation is divided into several types!

"That's it! After swallowing, the refining method is different, and the ability to improve yourself is also different!"

Ding Hao took out some more classics about the historical development of the colorless system. After reading it, it was really shocking!

It turns out that the colorless system has existed since ancient times, and all the upper, middle and lower layers of the Ting Domain have it!

However, because of the different cultivation methods of the Colorless Element, they were suppressed from the upper level of the Ting Domain. In the end, the Colorless Element had no choice but to migrate to the Middle Ting Domain and finally reach the Lower Ting Domain!

But even so, the suppression from the middle and upper levels is still constant, trying to completely extinct the colorless system.

It is still recorded in the classics that the other seven-color elements are so crazy to suppress the colorless system, not entirely because of fear of the colorless system swallowing ability, but because the colorless system was once the ruler of the entire upper, middle and lower Ting domain!

(End of this chapter)

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