Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2775: Ding Hao's life experience

Chapter 2775 Ding Hao's life experience

Chapter 2773 Ding Hao's Life Experience

"That's it!"

Ding Hao gradually understood why the colorless Tingli breath powerhouse would be suppressed by the seven colors of the entire Tingyu!

That's because the strong of the colorless system is too powerful, and has the super ability to devour others to cultivate themselves, and they have ruled the entire world!

The other tribes of various colors Tingli felt scared, so they united to suppress the colorless system, which caused the extinction of the entire colorless system!

"If I were a strong Tingli of the other seven colors, I would also suppress the colorless system! Because the ability of the colorless system is too strong, the wood show and the forest wind will destroy it!"

Ding Hao felt fortunate and a little sad for being a colorless tribe!

Fortunately, he has terrible devouring ability, and his cultivation speed in the future will never be slow; sadly, if he can choose, he will never choose the colorless system, because this means that the entire Tingyu world is full of His enemy!

"No matter what, since I am a colorless tribe, I have to grit my teeth to survive! My purpose here is not to rule Tingyu and enslave the entire world! It is to live! I must Become strong!"

Ding Hao thought of this and asked again, "Old guy, I now understand the history of the colorless system, but I still don't know who you are? Can you introduce yourself? After all, we have been together for so many years, you sign up Come!"

The ancient will in his body only then began to speak, "Young Master, I am your loyal servant star fish! In fact, your origin is very noble! You are the son of the colorless upper Tingyu palm! The upper Tingyu of the colorless element was destroyed, and the palm-lord had already expected that there might be a day when our entire ethnic group would be destroyed! Therefore, he used his great magical power to seal your will, and then I will take you Hidden in this world!"

"Later, as expected, the Colorless System retreated steadily. Not only did it lose control of the Upper Ting Region, but it also lost its position in the Middle Ting Region, and finally came to the Lower Ting Region! But the Seven Great Races still couldn't let us go. Constantly send strong people to encircle and suppress our colorless race!"

"Sure enough, in the end, our entire ethnic group was completely wiped out, and your father, Lord Palmer, also died surrounded by enemies!"

"I am the only one who took your will, prepared for it, hidden among the seven clans, and survived!"

"So that's it!" Ding Hao's eyes flickered, he had long expected that he might have some earth-shattering life experience, and now it seems that it is true.

Ding Hao asked again, "In this way, you should be a living cultivator. How come you finally become a will?"

"It's a long story." Xingyu sighed, "After our clansmen were wiped out, I wanted to take you, the young master, back to Shangting Region and gain the power left by Master Palm! Use the power, I want to go to Zhongting Region first!"

"But I didn't expect to be discovered in Tingsheng, deeply shattering my body and soul! In the end, I was furious, and I said, I will come back, and then hurried away with your will!"

"It turned out to be like this!" Ding Hao's expression changed again.

He had heard from Hexixi and the others before that there was once a powerful cultivator who ascended midway and was deliberately suppressed. After the failure, Zhongtingyu even sent a strong man to chase him down!

I didn't expect this person to be this ancient will in his body!

"It turns out that the person Ho Xixi they are talking about is you!" Ding Hao suddenly realized.

"It's me." Xingyu said again, "After eliminating me, the seven major races began to search for my soul again! During the search, our tribe's secret base hidden deep in the thunder and blue sea was also discovered by them! In the end all were wiped out!"

"It turns out..." Ding Hao nodded, "I feel that the abandoned city in the sea has something to do with me!"

Starfish continued, "In order to avoid them, I will take you to a small world inside a very remote small world! That is the earth!"

"But then there was a strong man named Fuxi on the earth! This person got higher and higher and even reached Tingyu, which attracted the attention of many people! So there are also some super strong eyes, and they look to the world where the earth is!"

"I was afraid of being discovered, so I brought you to the mortal world again! At that time, my strength was not enough, so I grabbed a little monster's demon core of the sky-splitting demon. It just so happened that you also had a certain ability to swallow this core. be with you!"

"It turned out to be like this!"

Ding Hao sorted out his life before and after, and it turned out to be true. It turned out that every step of it was ingeniously arranged by Starfish!

At the beginning, the Sky Splitting Demon Venerable was able to obtain the destiny of the immortal world, and finally blew into a few pieces. One of the star-absorbing stones fell in his Ding Hao's hands, and the power of the star fish was involved in this step by step!

"This will make it work!" Ding Hao slowly nodded and asked again, "Then outside this cave, that huge statue is my father, Lord Palmer?"


After understanding this, Ding Hao came outside the palace and worshipped the huge statue.

Xingyu said again, "Young Master, you must not give up! The cultivation and adaptability of our colorless race are very powerful! I believe that in the upper, middle and lower Ting domains, there are still our own people! So! As long as you live, our colorless family can return to Tingyu and become the most powerful race in this world!"

Ding Hao nodded, whether he likes it or not, this is his life experience, he has no choice!

The Qise race is still chasing him down, all he can do is to make himself strong and resist the Qise race!

"Even if I want to reconcile with the Qise ethnic group, people will not pay attention to me at all! I have only one thing to do now, which is to strengthen myself, so that everyone who wants to kill me will taste the taste of death first!"

Ding Hao thought of this, and immediately said, "If those golden-type powerhouses chase here to die, then I will let them die!"

After speaking, he waved his big hand, and suddenly the door of his cave opened suddenly, and a huge door appeared.

The golden type powerhouses who were bombarding this cave mansion saw the cave mansion open. The leader was puzzled and said in surprise, "The protection formation of this cave mansion was broken by us! Everyone went in and killed Ding Hao. Take back our Jinting Crystal!"

These powerful men all rushed into the cave.

When they entered the cave, there were still many treasure hunters standing behind. These treasure hunters from all races were about to enter, and a voice came from the door of the cave, "This is my Ding Hao's cave. Come in if you want to die! "

(End of this chapter)

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