Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2785: Choose a position

Chapter 2785 Choose a position

Chapter 2783

The Gu Ting area is a relatively safe area, and there is no turbulence in Tingli.

Tian Haitian and the two powerhouses dispersed, walked into different canyons around, looking for Ding Hao.

However, near the Guting area, the number of canyons of various sizes is very systematic, like a maze.

Just as they were searching, Ding Hao had just opened his eyes from practicing.


Ding Hao let out a long sigh, feeling very refreshed, "The colored ancient soul is really much stronger than the black ancient soul, and the improvement it brought me was amazing! During this period of cultivation, my The cultivation base and strength have been greatly improved!"

He heard the old voice of Starfish in his ears, and he said, "With your strength, in the current Lower Ting Region, there is no opponent at all and can sweep everything! But you must remember that the strong in the Middle Ting Region are not that. It's easy to deal with! In addition to defeating the seven missing giants in Qizhucheng, you also have to rise to the middle region! You will face many challenges by then!"

Ding Hao nodded, his current practice not only has to deal with the enemies of Lower Tingyu, but also prepares to attack Middle Tingyu.

Xingyu said again, "The biggest difference between the middle Ting region and the lower Ting region is that Tingli is more pure! The number of Tingli you call now is very large, but the purity is not enough, you have to increase the purity!"

Ding Hao said puzzledly, "Tingli exists in the air, and the purity is not controlled by me, but the surrounding environment."

"Wrong." Xingyu said loudly, "The change of internal factors can bring about the consequences of external factors. The purity of the Tingli you call is not enough, not because the surrounding air is not pure, but because your Tingli breath is not enough. Pure! You need to use Tingli to refine your breath!"

Ding Hao suddenly realized that he nodded and said, "Xingyu, then you should teach me how to refine my breath! In this way, after my breath becomes pure, the Tingli that I call will also become incomparably pure! Anything will be emitted at that time. Attack, the power will be doubled!"

Xingyu said again, "I will teach you the way to refine Tingli breath."

The refining of Tingli's breath is an extraordinary refining process, and the cultivators in the lower Tingyu region have no way of knowing the essentials.

But fortunately, Xingyu is an old man who has experienced the upper, middle and lower levels of Tingyu. He has certain special methods. He said, "There are two main methods for condensing Tingli breath. The first method is washing. Refining method! Call an astonishing amount of Tingli to wash away your Tingli breath; the second method is to use foreign objects! There is a treasure called the spirit of Tingyu, after refining it into an elixir, it is for Tingli The purification of the breath is of great help!"

"That's the case." Although Ding Hao also wanted to use the second method of using foreign objects, but he didn't have the treasure of Tingyu Spirit in his hands. He smiled bitterly and said, "Then what I can use now is the method of refining!"

"That's right. You now call in an astonishing amount of Tingli, and I will teach you how to refine it!"


Tian Haitian searched in the canyon, and encountered many black ancient souls, and even saw colored ancient souls.

He paled with fright, and hurried away, his heart secretly said that the Gu Ting area was indeed dangerous.

Just as he was looking carefully, he saw an astonishing amount of Ting Power in a valley far away in front of him, and filled the valley with white mist, soaring into the sky. The sight is majestic!

"What happened there? Could it be that some treasure is about to be born?" Tian Haitian didn't expect that someone was practicing there.

From his perspective, it is impossible for anyone to cultivate an amazing sight in front of him!

"People say that although the ancient Ting area is dangerous, there are many treasures produced! Among the oldest ruins in Tingyu, there are often some extraordinary treasures that have stayed underground for a long time, actively rising from the ground! This It is the scene of the birth of the treasure known as Gu Ting offering treasure!"

Tian Haitian was overjoyed. Although "Gu Ting Xianbao" has been legendary for a long time, it is rare to encounter it!

"Should I tell those two seniors..."

Thinking of this, Tian Haitian's face suddenly became gloomy, "The two seniors, they insist on taking me with me in such a dangerous place! They just want to use me as cannon fodder at some point to explore the way! Fortunately, this way. , I did not encounter these conditions before I came here alive! They were unkind to me, I would be unrighteous to them, and quietly received this ancient Ting offering treasure, and I will become extremely powerful in the future!"

Thinking of this, Tian Haitian was very happy, and hurriedly ran towards the white valley in front of him.

When he came to the valley, the sight made him feel even more shocked. The sky and the ground were all in the white mist. I don't know how many terrifying breaths of Tingli were called!

"My God, there is really a big treasure going to appear here!"

Tian Haitian continued to rush toward the light and shadow, getting closer and closer to the center of the valley.

Just when he came to the middle of the valley with ecstasy, he saw the figure of a young man sitting there cross-legged, and the soaring white mist radiated from his body. At that moment, it was like his whole body. The body has been filled with Tingli, and the whole person emits a bright white light!

Looking at this person's figure, Tian Haitian almost sat on the ground in shock.

"Ding Hao!" Tian Haitian was stunned. He didn't expect that it was not Gu Ting offering treasures that caused the earth-shaking scene in front of him, but Ding Hao practicing here.

"My God! How much strength does Ding Hao possess? Cultivation can cause such a terrifying movement. I am afraid that even the two super powers who came with me cannot achieve this effect!" Tian Haitian was shocked, thinking Go back.

But at this time, Ding Hao had already spotted him.

Ding Hao suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes looked like two white beams of light, but immediately, Ding Hao dissipated the Tingli he had called, and immediately calmed down in the valley and Ding Hao's face returned to normal.

Ding Hao didn't know that Tian Haitian had grievances against him, because when Tian Haitian and He Xixi left, Tian Haitian was very good at covering up.

"Tian Haitian, why did you come here?" Ding Hao asked curiously.

Tian Haitian hesitated for a moment, and thought to himself, whether or not to tell Ding Hao that the two powerful men are here to chase him down!

"If I say this, I betrayed the two strong men, but Ding Hao will be grateful to me! Now is a very important time to choose a position!" Tian Haitian is not stupid, he sees that Ding Hao is indeed Very strong, choosing a camp will affect his life and death.

However, he hesitated for a moment, and his heart gradually became firm, "Ding Hao is just a greedy newcomer in the Lower Tingyu Region, how can I betray Qipu for him? How powerful is Qipu, Ding Hao is not an opponent at all!"

(End of this chapter)

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