Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2786: Ding Hao's strength

Chapter 2786 Ding Hao's strength

Chapter 2784 Ding Hao's Strength

In an instant, Tian Haitian had already made a decision.

A smile suddenly appeared on his face, "Ding Hao, Hosisi and I have been exploring treasures since you left! Recently, I met two powerful friends, under the leadership of these two powerful friends, We all came to the Gu Ting area to explore the treasures! I didn’t expect to meet you here, it was so happy!"

Ding Hao didn't expect Tian Haitian to deceive himself. He heard that He Xixi and the others were also here, and his face was immediately happy, and he asked, "Where are He Xixi and the others?"

"Then I will go out and call them! You stay here for a while!" Tian Haitian took the opportunity to immediately escape from the valley.

After leaving the valley, he ran away quickly. When he came to the center of the Gu Ting area, he quickly shouted, "Two seniors, I found Ding Hao!"

The two in the Seven Breaks looked for a bit, but did not find Ding Hao, they were on their way back.

Hearing Tian Haitian's shout, the two men ran out quickly. When they walked out, they just saw Ding Hao coming out from another road.

Although Ding Hao was initially deceived by Tian Haitian, he felt puzzled in an instant. He Xixi and the others were not strong enough to enter the Gu Ting area, and it was impossible to come here to explore treasures! Moreover, Hexixi and the others had just obtained a large number of cultivation crystals from them, so they should find a place to practice in retreat. How could they come here to continue exploring the treasure?

Thinking of this, Ding Hao felt puzzled, and then walked out. When he walked out, he just saw the two of them in the Seven Breaks.

"Who are these two people?" Ding Hao's face sank, his eyes turned to Tian Haitian.

Tian Haitian laughed loudly, and said arrogantly, "Ding Hao, your death date has arrived! These two are the two super powers of the Seven Fighters in the City of Seven Breaks, and they have determined that you are a colorless demon! I said that your Tingli is so strange, it turns out that you have this kind of secret! Wouldn't you dominate the Dongfu? Now I see what you can do!"

"It turned out to be you!" Ding Hao's face instantly became gloomy.

When he was in the cave mansion, he was soft-hearted and let He Xixi and others all go, but he did not expect that one of them was a despicable person like Tian Haitian, who not only had a grudge against Ding Hao, but also sold Ding Hao to Qi Bian. Bring these two people to hunt down!

"Tian Haitian, you are dead!" Ding Hao's face was cold.

"Devil, don't be arrogant!" The woman in the Seven Breaks sternly accused, "The cultivator of Xia Tingyu, it is only natural and righteous to expose a demon like you! Now my third brother and I are here exclusively, to Kill you demon! So as not to harm my seven races cultivators in the upper, middle and lower levels of Tingyu!"

Ding Hao retorted, "You keep calling me a demon, what have I done? The people I kill are all people who want to kill me. There is no innocent dead! On the contrary, it is you. You have to go all the way to chase me down! I think you are the maddening demons!"

When Ding Hao said that, the two of them were furious. The man screamed, "Don’t make any rhetoric, the colorless people are all demons! Devour the breath of others and use them for cultivation. If you make you bigger, the whole Cultivators in this world will all become the souls of your cultivation!"

"Nonsense!" Ding Hao sneered, "When the colorless system ruled the upper and lower layers of the Ting Domain, how many colorless powerhouses were cultivating! According to your statement, the powerhouses of other color systems are all reduced to dead souls, it is not enough. Colorless practice!"

"This..." The two people in the Seven Breaks were speechless when asked.

But Tian Haitian jumped out again and shouted, "Ding Hao, you are so arrogant! In short, the existence of a person like you in the world is quite dangerous to the entire Ting Region. You will be wiped out as soon as possible, and hidden dangers will be eliminated invisible. It's king!"

"That's good." said the man in the Seven Breaks. "The seven of us came down from the middle Tingyu and spent some years here. The purpose is to hunt down you colorless demons! Now you are If it appears, then we will not be merciful, and will definitely carry out our mission!"

Having said this, he waved his hand, "Seven sisters, don't talk nonsense with him, let's do it!"

After all, these two are super powerhouses from Zhongting Domain, and seeing the two of them waved their sleeves, they used an astonishing amount of Tingli.

Moreover, these Tingli are different from the Tingli used by the practitioners of the Lower Ting Region. The Tingli they call are quite pure. If they are used in battle, the power does not know how many times they exceed the practitioners of the Lower Ting Region!

"Ding Hao, you're done this time! Two seniors took action, I see how you died!" Tian Haitian gritted his teeth, stood aside, and watched from a distance.

From Tian Haitian's point of view, these two people who descended from Middle Tingyu were all super powers, their strength was unmatched, and Ding Hao was bound to die this time.

However, in the face of such a powerful attack, Ding Hao only smiled.

"If before I came to the Gu Ting area to practice, facing the attacks of the two of you, I was still helpless; then now, I am no longer the Wu Xia Amon, you fight with me, then see who is stronger !"

Ding Hao’s cultivation in the Gu Ting area not only killed a large number of colorful ancient souls to improve himself, but also refined his Ting Li aura to incomparably pure under the guidance of Star Fish. His current strength is not only Reached the middle Ting domain, and belonged to the middle and upper level masters in the middle Ting domain!

And the man and woman in front of him are just middle-lower cultivators of average strength and excluded by others!

Therefore, even if the two people join hands, they are not Ding Hao's opponent at all.


The earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking, and huge lights and shadows continue to explode. If a treasure hunter comes at this moment, I am afraid that he will stand far away from the Gu Ting area, and he will be frightened by the movement here and hurried back!

The more Tian Haitian looked at it, the more ugly his face became. The two powerhouses he had thought he had taken refuge in would be easy to kill Ding Hao.

However, as the battle progressed, he was shocked to find that the two super powers in the Seven Breaks joined forces and couldn't help Ding Hao. Instead, Ding Hao was beaten back step by step, unable to resist!

"My God! How could Ding Hao's strength be so strong?" Tian Haitian was dumbfounded.

We must know that when Ding Hao entered their team and became a member of the team, he was only a new cultivator, and his strength was very limited. Everyone was still wondering whether he could fly in the fog!

But who knows, how long it has been, this time, Ding Hao's strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and even the two of the seven players are not his opponents!

"Not good! Seventh Sister, we don't seem to be his opponent!" The youngest of the sevens had a gloomy expression, and they didn't expect Ding Hao's strength to be so strong!

Shuhuang and other friends can watch "New Agent Student", Xiaoman is rare to push the book, to see if you will not suffer, will not be fooled, hehe!

(End of this chapter)

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