Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2787: Tingli Sword and Dragon Technique

Chapter 2787 Tingli Sword and Dragon Technique

Chapter 2785 Tingli Sword Dragon Technique

"It's really not his opponent!" The woman among the two also frowned.

However, these two people are both super strong from Zhongting domain, facing a newcomer like Ding Hao, they are ashamed to say the word "escape".

The two had to gritted their teeth and insisted. They are the strongest in the middle Tingyu region. When they make a full shot, the Tingli they call is very pure, and the resulting battle scene is also very shocking!

Boom boom boom!

Loud noises continued to sound, and the entire central area of ​​Gu Ting was all in the shadow of the sword.

Tingli's explosion shattered all the fossils on the ground that had been deposited for hundreds of millions of years!

In such a battle, Tian Haitian, who had been hiding not far to watch, was shocked at this moment, and also terrified.

He originally thought that Ding Hao was just a weak and unknown pawn, and when two strong men came, Ding Hao was dead!

But only now did I know that Ding Hao's strength was so extraordinary that he was one against two, and he didn't lose the wind.

Now the power of fighting has spread to his side, and he has to reconsider the situation!

"It now appears that the two giants are likely to be defeated! I will be finished by then!"

Tian Haitian was terrified. He knew that although Ding Hao was polite on the surface, he was absolutely unrelenting if he faced the enemy; he had betrayed Ding Hao face to face, and if Ding Hao defeated these two powerhouses, he would definitely kill him!

"Want to escape!" Tian Haitian wanted to escape at this time, but it was too late.

At this location, if you want to go back to the Ancestral Domain Hill, with his strength, you can't return at all!

"It's over, I will definitely die this time!"

However, it was a coincidence that when he kept backing away and exiting the Gu Ting central area, a treasure hunting team passed by outside.

Although the ancient Ting area is very dangerous, there are still experienced treasure hunting teams. Come here!

Although these treasure hunting teams can't fight the violent Tingli turbulence, the captains of these treasure hunting squads are very experienced and have a map of their own for the area where Tingli turbulence is active!

With this map, they can often enter and exit the Guting area safely to find treasures.

The team Tian Haitian encountered was exactly the situation in front of him.

"Treasure hunters, are you going back to the Ancestral Domain Hill?" Tian Haitian hurriedly followed up and asked.

"Not bad!" these treasure hunters said, "We were exploring treasures near the ancient Ting area, but we don't know if someone was fighting or what happened? Tingli explosions are happening everywhere, it's very dangerous! We decided to temporarily first go back!"

"No! There are two giants fighting a demon inside!"

Tian Haitian's words made the treasure hunters present even more shocked.

Everyone was going to leave, and now I heard that there is such a level of battle here, so I am ready to set off immediately.

Tian Haitian said again, "Everyone, can you take me away! I have some ancient crystals here, the highest level ancient crystals!"

These ancient crystals were all given to them by Ding Hao when they were exploring treasures in the cave, but Tian Haitian took them out to buy a chance to escape!

"So many ancient crystals!" The treasure hunters present were quite satisfied. They risked their lives to come to the ancient Ting area, and the treasures they obtained were not as many as the ancient crystals!

"In that case, you should join our team?! But I want to remind you that even if we are very familiar with the Tingli turbulence here, the risks are beginning to be very high! You must be mentally prepared!"

Tian Haitian smiled bitterly, "If the risk is high, I must go. I will definitely die if I stay here! That evil demon is stronger than the two giants! I have to go back and notify the remaining five giants!"

Hearing what he said, the treasure hunters present also said anxiously, "Then let's go quickly!"

After Tian Haitian fled, Ding Hao and the two giants were still fighting fiercely.

The battle between the three of them has fully reached the battle standard of the middle-level battle in the Middle Ting Realm, so the impact is very large. The ancient ruins that have turned into fossils on the ground have been crushed by them one by one!

In these ruins, there are many caves left by ancient cultivators. These caves have self-destructing devices. When the battle spreads to these caves, the caves exploded again from the inside. For a while, the entire ancient Ting area was full of explosions. !

However, the chaotic battle can't change the situation on the battlefield. The third and seventh among the seven, these two were still beaten back by Ding Hao!

What made them feel helpless most was that Ding Hao was still devouring the ancient soul and improving his strength during the battle!

It turned out that in their violent battle, many ancient souls were affected, and a large number of black and colorful ancient souls were blown to pieces, becoming silky lines floating in the sky!

The body fragments of these ancient souls were completely useless to ordinary cultivators.

But for a colorless cultivator, this is the best tonic. Ding Hao fought and swallowed it. Not only did his strength not weaken, but as time went on, it became stronger!

"No! We can't go on like this, we can't beat him!" Seven Sister finally said the word, "Third Brother, let's run away!"

Before, they couldn't say this word at all, because they felt that they were a super powerhouse from Zhongting Region. How could Ding Hao, a newcomer in the Lower Ting Region, be defeated and escaped?

But now, the strength is here, they are constantly retreating, their strength is constantly weakening, but Ding Hao is getting stronger and stronger!

"Seven sisters, it seems that this is the only thing!" The third brother who was self-righteous at the beginning, now finally softened, his eyes were cold and said, "We ran back quickly, Qizhu City should have already tempered the spirit of the Ting Yu It is made into a pill! When we take this pill, our cultivation base will be greatly increased. Then we will kill the demon again!"

"Want to escape?" Ding Hao immediately felt the purpose of the two in front of him.

He immediately asked with his heart, "Starfish, what powerful combat skills do you have! Can you kill these two people?"

Xingyu said, "I have a lot of combat skills here, and there are many that are suitable for you! But even though these two people are defeated, they have strength! You want to kill these two people, it may be a little difficult!"

"Then teach me combat skills first, I always have to try it, and I can't just watch them run away!"

Xing Yu said, "There is a combat skill here, created by your ancestor, the patriarch of the colorless family! It is named Tingli Sword and Dragon Technique!"

"Tingli Sword Dragon Art! Very good!"

The learning of combat skills is much faster than other techniques. While Ding Hao was attacking, a sword aura formed by Tingli faintly formed a dragon shape and attacked suddenly...

(End of this chapter)

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