Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2795: Master of the Lower Ting Domain

Chapter 2795 The Controller of the Lower Ting Domain

Chapter 2793 Master of Lower Ting Domain

Boom boom boom!

The loud noise continued, and in this turbulent area, it exploded frantically.

In the face of Ding Hao's attack, the five giants also launched a blow to the trapped beast, they knew that they would either win or die!


"Brother, let's do our best!"

In the end, the five giants came from Zhongting Region, and their strength was quite good. Although Ding Hao's combat effectiveness was obviously stronger than them, after they launched a mortal blow, this battle also seemed very difficult!

Fortunately, Ding Hao is not only stronger, but also has the help of the Spirit of Ting Yu.

This powerful being trapped in a metal tank for hundreds of millions of years, the hatred in his heart towards these five people has also been vented at this moment!


The huge thunder that is constantly spitting out of the black dragon-like spirit of the Tingyu domain, sweeps everything wherever it goes, and is infinitely powerful. With Ding Hao's attack, the formation of five people on the opposite side is gradually broken up!

When the formation of these five people was taken apart, their lives came to an end!


A giant was hit by the Tingli sword and dragon tactics released by Ding Hao, and suddenly turned over and fell to the ground, seriously injured.

Ding Hao shouted violently, "Seventh Sister, shoot!"

Seventh Sister hesitated, but thought of the ruthless pursuit of these people before, so she gritted her teeth and walked up and said, "Brother, everyone died with grace, sorry!"

After Qimei killed this person, a beam of light formed by the aura of Tingli rose to the sky!

Standing in the sky, Ding Hao opened his mouth and took a breath, sucking all this Tingli into his mouth, quickly refining.

Every one of Qipu is a strong person, and the Tingli aura that refines each of them is very effective for Ding Hao.

After Ding Hao refined this person's Tingli breath, he felt that his strength had increased significantly!

"Sure enough, very strong, very good!"

Ding Hao quickly finished refining, opened his eyes, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

"Devil, it really is a demon!" The remaining four giants were all pale. Seeing Ding Hao refining the Tingli aura of his companions on the spot, they were all startled and terrified.

Standing on the back of Tingyu Dragon Spirit, Ding Hao looked at these four people, and said coldly, "You four made a move to kill tens of thousands of innocents! You are not a demon, but I am Devil, what's the rule?"

The four of them looked at each other, and there was nothing to say. The eldest brother of the four waved again, "Everyone, let's go!"

Just when the other three were about to rise up, the eldest brother turned his head and fled!

Seeing him taking the lead to escape, the other three hurriedly followed behind him and ran away.

Ding Hao looked at the four people who had escaped and said with a cold snort, "Ting Yu is so big now, where are you going to escape? What's more, the spirit of Ting Yu is under my feet, even if you flee to the sky, I I can also find you!"

The role of the Spirit of Tingyu Region is actually very large. This thing grows by absorbing the most elite aura in Tingyu Region, and it is completely knowledgeable about the situation of Tingyu Region.

Ding Hao stepped on its back and pursued them one by one, killing the four people one by one!

The last person was the person called Big Brother. This person has now completely lost the prestige of the day, and the high crown on his head is slanted, kneeling to beg for mercy.

"Ding Hao, we have no grudges in the past, and we have no enmity in recent days! Why do you want to kill me? If you can spare my life, I am willing to be your subordinate like the Seventh Sister and follow your orders!"

Ding Hao coldly snorted, "Just like you, a scumbag who wants to be my subordinate, I don't want it at all! Didn't you say that I am a devil and you keep killing me? Then I will be a devil this time! "

After he said this sentence, he once again released the Tingli Sword and Dragon Art, and directly killed the person in front of him!

After the kill, another dazzling beam of Tingli aura burst out into the sky.

Ding Hao's eyes moved, "Sure enough, this person's Tingli aura is very pure! It is my best tonic!"

At the moment, he took a big mouth, and completely inhaled the Tingli breath in this person's body, refining on the spot!

Soon after, when Ding Hao stood up again, he couldn't help but burst into laughter, "After all, they are the super powers in the Middle Ting Region. The refining of their Ting Li aura is very effective for me!"

Ding Hao has refined all the Tingli aura of these five people for his own use, and his strength has improved a bit!

The voice of Xingyu heard in his ears, "Young Patriarch, your current strength is not only the pinnacle in the Lower Ting Region, even if you are in the Middle Ting Region, how can ordinary people not take you?! You are now fully capable, and you can do that. Ascend, go directly to Zhongting Domain!"

Ding Hao slowly shook his head and said, "The moment when I rise up is the moment when I face all the powerhouses in the entire Middle Ting Domain! Therefore, I still have to be safe and not rush, I just found out from the space of these five people. Few classics in the Middle Ting Domain!"

After making the decision, Ding Hao asked Seven Sisters to protect the law for himself, and then he came to an area where Tingli turbulence was the craziest.

Now his strength doesn't care about Tingli's turbulence at all. These have become his umbrella. He sat cross-legged in a quiet place and began to quietly study and practice, from the classics and runes of the Middle Ting Region!

"These are the advanced runes of Middle Tingyu!"

"Although I have improved my cultivation very quickly, it is precisely because of this rapidity that my foundation is not so solid!"

"So I'm going to use this time to study hard and solidify my foundation, so that I can be fearless and fearless in the face of the truly strong!"

While Ding Hao was working hard to cultivate, many treasure hunters came from far away.

When they came here, they found that the City of Seven Breaks had completely disappeared. When they were at a loss, they encountered some surviving people in twos and threes.

These surviving people are all because of their Tingli breath, they have some special abilities that can make themselves escape in the big bang!

These people told the latecomers what they had seen.

All of these treasure hunters had their faces changed in shock, knowing that this area in front of them was not suitable for treasure hunting for the time being, and everyone returned the same way.

When they returned to the cities where they lived, and talked to their kinsmen and patriarchs, the news was immediately passed on.

"What? The seven players in Xia Ting Yu have all been killed by Ding Hao. Ding Hao's strength is the strongest in Xia Ting Yu!"

"Our golden race once offended Ding Hao. It's really stupid to think about it now. The strong in the tribe immediately followed me, looked for Ding Hao, and apologized to him! Even if he wants to kill us, we can't resist, so we Only because of this can the ethnic group be preserved!"

"Ding Hao has become so strong. He is already the de facto controller of the Lower Tingyu Region. It seems that our major ethnic groups are best to visit him!"

"Yes, all the patriarchs who want to survive will visit him!"

Going to read "New Agent Student" for a book shortage, the Urban Comprehension series, definitely a good book, I regret not reading it!

(End of this chapter)

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