Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2796: Same name and last name

Chapter 2796 Same name and last name

Chapter 2794 the same name and last name

The controller of the next Ting domain!

This is a title that only existed many years ago. At that time, there was a strongest person in Xia Ting Yu, who could decide everything in Xia Ting Yu!

But later, with the rise of this strong man, plus the seven players who came down from the upper realm, the lower Tingyu was gone, such a master!

But now, Ding Hao’s strength is the strongest in Xia Tingyu, and no one can match it. The patriarchs of the seven colors can only stay away from it. Therefore, they all gather to find Ding Hao’s retreat and wait outside for Ding Hao. Exit!

Among the seven patriarchs, the most assured is the silver patriarch.

When Ding Hao came to Xia Tingyu, it was helpful to Ding Hao, and Ding Hao should not embarrass him.

And the one who feels the most headache is the patriarch of the golden family. He has offended Ding Hao many times before, and the relationship is like water and fire. Now Ding Hao is strong and powerful. He does not want to beg for forgiveness for himself when he comes here. He just wants Ding Hao to forgive the golden clan. !

"You are not allowed to enter, wait outside!" Qimei, as the protector of Ding Hao, blocked them from a distance and refused to advance.

These people had no choice but to wait quietly outside. This wait was a whole hundred years!

While they were waiting, in the main city of the Black Element, the top of a tall tower of Heavenly Tongtian Sword Tower, the door of the quiet room suddenly opened.

From the quiet room, there was a loud laughter.

A tall man with long hair and shawl walked out of the quiet room and laughed loudly, "Brother Ye Kong, I didn't expect you to walk all the way from the earth to this place, and you actually came to find me! And for so many years, Still in the quiet room with me, figuring out a powerful technique, there is nothing happier than this!"

Following this tall man with long hair and shawl, he came out with a handsome face but slightly raised brows, showing a trace of rebelliousness. This person is the strong Ye Kong who came out of the earth!

Before Ye Kong and Ding Hao had parted, they came to Tingyu, looking for news of Senior Fuxi!

After coming here, after searching in many ways, he finally found out about Fuxi. What he didn't expect was that Fuxi was not imprisoned, but lived in Tingyu!

After many inquiries, Ye Kong finally found Fuxi's training place.

Fuxi heard that Ye Kong was also a descendant of the earth, and he was immediately ecstatic. It just happened that a certain exercise method he was practicing was at a critical moment. This exercise method borrowed from the exercise method outside Tingyu and used the exercise method within Tingyu. The fusion of the two exercises is at a critical moment.

Ye Kong came, Fuxi and Ye Kong said, so the two of them retreat and practice together.

Today they finally left the customs because the set of exercises they practiced has finally been completely perfected, and it is called a peculiar exercise that has never been seen before!

The two walked out of the Tongtian Sword Tower, Fuxi smiled and said, "Ye Kong, you came to our black-type main city, and I forgot to introduce our patriarch to you! Come, I will show you these black-type friends first! The friends of the department are strong and hospitable to their friends, but very decisive to the disgusting ones!"

Ye Kong also nodded and smiled, "Yeah! I just found you this time, so I was busy retreating with you to create my own exercises! Many things have forgotten to talk to you! I want to tell you a happy event, I am in ancient times. When I was in Hong Shijie, I also met a friend named Ding Hao! He also came from the earth, and that was a very interesting young man!"

"Really?!" Fuxi nodded and said, "Then he should be your junior! The earth is really talented, and you have a chance to go back to the world of Gu Hong when you look back, remember to give him a hand and bring him to Ting Yu for cultivation! "

"I also thought about it, wait until I have time!"

When the two spoke, they came to the patriarch's palace in the main black city.

When they came here, they didn't see the patriarch, and in the palace, a strong black guy received them.

"The patriarch left? How long did he leave?" Fuxi asked.

"It has been a hundred years since the patriarch left!"

Fuxi said in surprise, "It has been a hundred years since he left. Where has he gone?"

The black powerhouse smiled bitterly, "Fuxi, you have been in retreat for more than a hundred years! You don't know, just after you retreat, a top powerhouse appeared! The strength of this top powerhouse Extraordinary! The patriarch of the seven colors is not his opponent at all, and even the seven who descended from the Middle Ting Region were all killed by him! Now this person has become the master of the Lower Ting Region! The patriarch and the other six colors The patriarch of, all went to the ancestral domain to worship this person!"

"My God!" Fu Xi said dumbfounded, "A character like this appeared!"

Ye Kong thought for a while and said, "Brother Fuxi, in fact, according to this set of exercises created by the two of us, you and I are already extraordinary in strength. The patriarchs of the seven major ethnic groups are probably not our opponents! The controller of Ting Yu, don't know how strong it is?"

It turned out that after Ye Kong came to Tingyu, he created this set of exercises together with Fuxi, which is very impressive!

Ting Yu's technique mainly uses Ting Li, and his interior is very empty; and Ye Kong's original cultivation technique cannot use Ting Li, but he himself is very powerful! !

In fact, for so many years, Fu Xi has been studying a practice that combines internal and external practice!

After the arrival of the witty Ye Kong, he mastered the most critical point of this cultivation technique, so this set of cultivation technique suddenly became a technique that could be used for cultivation!

The principle of this set of exercises is to use Tingli to refine oneself!

This is quite good, no matter where it is, enough Tingli can be released!

With this, Fuxi and Ye Kong are already invincible in this world!

Therefore, when they heard that there is now a master of the Lower Tingyu Region, they were all not convinced!

"Dare to ask this master of Xia Tingyu, which ethnic group is the cultivator, and who is his name?" Fuxi asked again.

The black powerhouse smiled bitterly, "You want to challenge him, I am afraid it is impossible! This person is really very strong, and his Tingli aura is different from ours, he is a colorless aura, belonging to the demon class! "

"This person is so powerful!" Ye Kong and Fuxi were both dumbfounded.

Fuxi asked again, "Who is this person's last name or first name? Why have I never heard of this person?"

The black master said, "This person also came to Tingyu more than a hundred years ago, and his cultivation speed is very fast, very terrifying! His name is Ding Hao. It is said that he was a newcomer who knew nothing more than 100 years ago. Soon they rose rapidly and became the master of the Xia Tingyu!"

"Ding Hao!" Ye Kong was stunned for three seconds, and then said, "Is it the same name and the same surname?"

(End of this chapter)

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